Chapter 2090 This is nothing

He Qingquan's face turned red.

This is to drive them away!

He was ashamed and angry.

Little bastard who disrespects ancestors and elders!

After all, he is the head of the clan, no matter how he feels in his heart, he doesn't show it on the surface, and he gently thanked He Jiajie for his kindness and praised him for his heart.

It was just that when others were not paying attention, he quietly gave the room manager He Qingzhong a look.

The other party understands.

He smiled and said, "In our countryside, almost every vegetable garden grows peppers. I only know that this stuff is spicy and can be eaten with food, but it is not so exquisite."

He Hongjin nodded but did not answer the question.

The second master, He Hongzhang, didn't think much about it. He chuckled and said, "It's nothing. Dingfuju's spicy hot pot is wonderful. I don't know how many peppers are used. The red hot pot of spicy soup is so delicious. Look at the liver trembling..."

"Who would have thought that after the spicy soup was boiled, the spicy and delicious smell would float out, making people swallow..."

He praised the deliciousness of the spicy hot pot with eloquence, saying that Dingfuju's spicy hot pot is a must in the county, and there are restaurants that follow suit, but the taste can't improve, they can't attract customers, etc., it's really good.

Speaking of joy, he also promised to invite them to Dingfuju to have a good meal.

So warm and generous.

Elder Master He Hongjin gave him a flat look.


The patriarch He Qingquan smiled.

"Dingfuju is indeed the number one restaurant in the county."

He Qingzhong nodded, boasted a few words with great interest, and then asked naturally, "Dingfuju's business is so good, must there be a lot of chili peppers used every day?"

As the manager of the restaurant, He Jiaheng, he would naturally return when asked by his elders. He said flatly, "The hot pot base is bought from outside, not made by our restaurant, so we don't use chili."

He Qingquan's eyes flickered slightly.

I don't quite believe it.

A long time ago, he wanted to do Dingfuju's business.

They couldn't make drinks or high-end ingredients, and it would be nice if they could provide some fresh vegetables, but He Hongjin refused because they were too far away from the county town and it was inconvenient to transport them.

Afterwards, he found out that the He Mansion has its own farm that specializes in growing vegetables, and there is no need to buy them from outside.

He can only give up.

But the thought of doing Dingfuju business has never stopped.

Who told Ding Fuju to be famous in the county?

It wasn't that he changed his mind after inquiring about the hotpot business in Dingfuju.

He pretended to be surprised and said, "There are so many chefs in Dingfuju, what sauce can't be made? Do you still have to buy it from outside?"

He Jiaheng only said that he couldn't learn the secret recipe, so he didn't want to continue this topic, and got up to watch Dabai eat.

He Jiaquan was so angry that he gritted his teeth secretly.

He Qingzhong glanced secretly at He Hongzhang, then sighed and said, "It's not easy to make money in the countryside. Seeing that the people in the clan are struggling, the patriarch and I are worried. We thought we could supply some peppers to Dingfuju." , let the big guy get more interest..., oh~"

As the elder of the clan, He Qingzhong can be said to be dedicated and selfless.

So, He Hongzhang was moved.

He yelled at He Jiaheng carelessly, "Nephew, you heard what your uncle said, and told me to say that buying things from someone else is not buying. Of course, if you have business, you should take care of your own people first, don't you think so?
Then, without waiting for the other party's response, he said again, "If our restaurant collects the bottom line, let the folks in the clan plant all the peppers in the new year, it's better than planting some vegetables to earn more income."

The voice fell, and there was silence.

Needle drop could be heard in the house.

Everyone's gazes were all in unison.

The old lady was expressionless.

Both old Han's and old Dong's eyes were burning.

The others were silent.

He Xiner...

Calm down and drink tea.

He Qingquan glanced at He Jiaheng faintly.

The elders have already talked about this, but there is no need to shirk it.

Unexpectedly, He Jiaheng did not go as he wanted.

"I've already said that our restaurant doesn't use chili peppers. Why does Second Uncle say that?"

He has always been calm, advances and retreats in a certain way, and has something to say, and if he says so now, it must not be false.

Call He Hongzhang to be embarrassed.

But I feel that I can't hold back my face.

He coughed lightly and said, "What is the purpose of keeping so many cooks in the restaurant? Can't figure out what they have been using for so long? Tell them to work out the recipe by themselves. It is no better than buying someone else's recipe. The stuff at home is strong? It can save a lot of money~"

He Qingzhong said repeatedly, "That's not the case. There are so many great chefs. As long as you work hard and try a few times, you can always make it."

With people supporting him, He Hongzhang became even more energetic, "Tell me that there is something more convenient, just buy that prescription for ten or eight taels..."

He Xiner put down the teacup, turned her head and looked over.

The other end is still talking lively, "Jiaheng, those who do big things don't care about small things..."

Then, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, smug, he said a whole lot, in conclusion, the meaning is, whichever prescription he wants, grab it if you want, and if you grab it, it's your own.

He also had to say terribly, "After all, I'm still a little tender, the methods are not ruthless enough, it's just a waste of money."

(End of this chapter)

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