The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2091 The recipe is not for sale

Chapter 2091 The recipe is not for sale
He Jiaheng's face had already turned black.

But He Hongjin subconsciously went to see He Xiner.

Seeing her clear eyes, as calm as water, she looked calm and breezy, as if she had nothing to do with this matter.

I thought that a pot of hot pot base was as expensive as ten taels of silver.

He Hongjin's deep eyes flickered lightly.

What the second child said is not completely unreasonable.

If it were someone else, the prescription would have already arrived.

"Second uncle, don't be joking."

In order to prevent He Hongzhang from saying anything more, He Jiaheng hurriedly interrupted him, so as not to say anything without closing the door.

He Hongzhang, who was forcibly interrupted, felt that he had lost his place in front of the patriarch, so he raised his voice in a blink of an eye, "Young people don't make decisions, and the elders teach you, but you still don't listen with humility!"

Originally, he didn't really think about the people in the clan, but he just wanted to show off in front of the clan leader.

In the end, He Jiaheng repeatedly refuted his words without any regard for his face, and simply ignored him, so what's the matter?

The so-called lack of ability and temper is referring to people like He Hongzhang.

It’s not that two sentences will blow up if you don’t speculate, and you just drank it, “You are tender-skinned, it’s okay if you don’t want to be a villain, give me the information about that person!”

After being poured a few glasses of spirits by He Qingzhong, he was already a little drunk, and he was deliberately guided by the other party. This meeting has already indulged his nature, "Isn't it just a small recipe? I can get it with just a few fingers. !"

"Hey, let me tell you, in Lin'an County, there is nothing that Erye He can't do..."

Suddenly a clear and sweet voice interrupted him, "How is Second Master He planning to take other people's prescription?"

"It's easy to say, if you know how to flatter, you will give a few taels of silver, if you don't know how to flatter..."

"so what?"

He Xiner's eyes were cold, she looked at him indifferently, her pretty face showed no expression.

The old lady frowned secretly.

She never cared about business matters.

But seeing He Xiner's sudden opening, she felt a little overwhelmed.

Could it be her?

Her eyes were complicated and she glanced at He Xiner, whose face was as heavy as water, and her heart sank slightly.

The other female relatives were a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

He Hongzhang, who came back to his senses, was in a daze. He turned his head to look at the source of the sound, and when he found that it was He Xin'er, his smug expression froze on his face.

"Hey, you don't have to worry about those things, little girl..."

Pulling the corners of his mouth, he forced a smile. He felt that he was extremely gentle, but He Xiner didn't buy into him at all. She said coldly, "Master He, do you know how much money is needed for a pot of spicy ingredients?"

On the other side, He Jiaheng and He Jiajie looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of schadenfreude in each other's eyes.

As his own son, He Jiajie didn't care, but He Jiaheng turned his eyes away instantly to avoid embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter how much money it costs, if we are willing to buy his prescription, we are flattering him..."

"Oh, I'm afraid that Second Master He will be disappointed, Fang Zi is not for sale."

"What, what?"

He Hongzhang was stunned.

But He Jiaquan and He Jiazhong were shocked.

He Jiayu and He Jiaxuan subconsciously went to see He Jiaheng.

Except for the old lady, all the female relatives were dumbfounded.

Then, a sharp cry broke the eerie silence.

He Yuru shouted emotionally, "What's the matter with you bitch? Leave it to you!"

"To shut up!"

"shut up!"

The patriarch and the old Han family rebuked at the same time, but it was too late.

Eldest Master He Hongjin said deeply, "I don't know how my little girl offended my eldest niece, she insulted her like this in front of our whole family?"

He Yuru was at a loss for words.

His face was flushed red, and he couldn't tell why.

Old Han gritted his teeth angrily.

He Qingquan's eyes were dim, and he glanced at He Yuru gloomyly, "Why don't you apologize to girl Xin soon!?

He Yuru looked at the patriarch in disbelief, eyes full of unwillingness.

"I'm just dissatisfied with her making trouble, and only speak when I'm in a hurry."

He Jiajie at the other end couldn't listen anymore, he patted Dabai who had stopped eating, and signaled it to eat as soon as it should, then he stood up and walked towards He Xiner.

Roll up your sleeves as you walk.

Dabai raised his chin, and Xiao Yu wiped it with a wet towel.

Then it rattled to He Xiner's side.

The corner of He Jiaheng's mouth hooked slightly.

On the other end, He Jiajie has already started to act like a stalker, "Which onion you are, dare to scold my fourth sister in the He family, apologize quickly!"


How could He Yuru bow his head.

She can't afford to lose that person.

"It's just that she's wrong..."

"Fuck your mother's fart!"

He Jiajie doesn't understand what it means to be sympathetic to the fragrance and cherish the jade.

He snorted coldly, with an extremely tough attitude, "It's fine if you don't apologize, just get the hell out of He's house now!"

(End of this chapter)

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