The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2092 There is no place to reason

Chapter 2092 There is no place to reason
The patriarch's old face turned into a liver color.

Old Han's face is also extremely ugly.

"Fourth sister, don't be angry..."

He Xiuxiu, who was originally watching the excitement, saw that the commotion was getting worse, and the people from He's residence began to chase people away again. She quickly stood up and walked to He Xiner's side, and was about to hold her hand, but He Xiner avoided her.

Her impeccable smile suddenly froze on her face.

"It turns out that the fourth sister has always disliked us..."

She looked timid, as if she had been greatly wronged, her eyes were slightly red, but she said sensiblely, "It's all our sisters' fault, fourth sister should be angry..."

He Xiner's cold eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts, and He Xiuxiu felt uncomfortable, and said reluctantly, "How about I apologize to Fourth Sister on Yuru's behalf?"

"No way."

"Isn't it..., huh?"

He Xiuxiu was taken aback.

I didn't expect her to refuse so directly.

In front of the patriarch's grandfather, she didn't even show any affection.

He Jiajie scoffed coldly, "When everyone else is stupid, you are the only one who is smart!"

The unceremonious sarcasm made He Xiuxiu feel so ashamed that she wanted to crawl into the ground.

This would be really red-eyed.

The old Dong immediately quit, wanting to support his granddaughter without saying a word, when he heard the patriarch say something again, urging He Yuru to apologize.

She thought about the serious thing she was planning, and it was better not to have any ill relations with the second room, so she gave up.

As for the old Han family, He Yuru was going to be so pissed off that he wished he could kick her home and replace her with the daughter of the second room.

For nothing else.

It turned out that He Yuru was desperate for face, and refused to apologize no matter what.

What she thought was that she was also the young lady of this mansion, and her status was no lower than He Xiner's. If she bowed her head to her in front of the servants, how would she be able to stand up in the future.

"Forget it, my niece has a temper, so don't yell at her..."

He Hongjin spoke slowly and methodically, and He Qingquan immediately felt bad. He gave Old Han a cold look, and the other party slapped He Yuru vigorously, "Apologize!"

This blow was so powerful that He Yuru's body swayed and almost fell to the ground.

He Yuru was so wronged that he was dying.

She stared at He Xiner bitterly, "I'm sorry!"


Time has stopped~
All eyes fell on He Xiner.

Her eyes were cold, indifferent and distant.

After a moment of silence, Fang said, "I remember that I have no grievances with Miss He, but from the day I saw you, I was either scolded or beaten, and there is no place to reason."

"Fourth sister, you mean she dared to do anything to you?"

He Jiajie howled with anger, He Jiaheng, He Jiayu, and He Jiaxuan also changed their faces.

But He Qingquan and Lao Han were extremely angry, they didn't expect her to come out like this.

"Wei Yu, tell me."


"Miss met Miss He for the first time on the street..."

Wei Yu's words are brief and concise, only the key points.

Rao is so, it is also eye-opening.

"It really makes no sense!"

He Xiner...

It was the second master who spoke.

What a surprise.

He Jiajie rolled up his sleeves and was about to step forward to beat someone up, "Run to my He's house to bully people, why don't you just pretend that no one is going to take care of you?"

The old Han blocked it with a dark face, He Qingquan yelled at He Yuru, the old Dong repeatedly said that it was a misunderstanding, and He Xiuxiu hurried to explain.

He Jiayu disliked beating a woman as ugly, so he loudly persuaded He Jiajie, but in fact he secretly squeezed He Yuru.

All of them have loud voices.

The entire flower hall was in chaos.

The old lady remained silent.

The second wife watched excitedly.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Originally, He Yuru was flustered by the sudden situation, and she was afraid that He Jiajie's fist would land on her body, so she hid behind Old Han, not even daring to show her head.

It wasn't until He Jiayu stopped He Jiajie that she was completely relieved.

"Just say I'm not, but she, He Xiner, is a goose and twists people, why don't you say it?"

She was absolutely wronged.


He Jiajie swears directly.

Wei Yu said in a cold voice, "Miss He is about to beat someone, so why don't you tell my young lady to wait for the beating obediently?"

The third young lady's face was full of disbelief, "How did Miss He's brain grow? She actually treats the fourth younger sister like a soft persimmon, so she's not afraid of being shot away by Dabai?"

The Second Young Mistress who was about to agree with her heart tightened, and she didn't say anything.

The second lady giggled, "How did she know that Dabai is so good..."

Suddenly thinking of the time when Dabai fainted from shock, he lost interest in an instant.

On the contrary, He Chuer and He Qier lightly scratched He Yuru a few words, and she was so angry that she almost exploded on the spot.

"You all know to talk about me, why don't you talk about He Xiner?"

He Yuru was in a frenzy, and roared at the top of his voice, which made people's ears hurt.

He Hongjin, who had been watching coldly, suddenly said loudly, "My eldest niece has such deep resentment, it's really inappropriate to forcefully live in the house. Uncle will come back tomorrow morning, and don't bring her here again."

(End of this chapter)

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