The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2093 I'm Not Going Anywhere

Chapter 2093 I'm Not Going Anywhere
The yelling and uproar stopped abruptly.

The patriarch He Jiaquan's face was no longer the color of a pig's liver, but directly blackened into the bottom of the pot.

Old Han's face was gloomy.

He Qingzhong and old Dong's expressions were also not good-looking.

He Yuru was annoyed.

It doesn't matter if she killed herself, but she killed their granddaughter.

After all, with such a mess, they are ashamed to mention raising their granddaughter in the He Mansion.

However, He Yuru didn't think so.

She was only stunned for a moment, and when she heard her grandfather's deep voice, she immediately jumped up, "I'm not going, I'm not going anywhere!"

These words are simply speechless.

Next, it is even more powerless to complain.

"Grandfather, didn't you say you wanted to keep me in this mansion? From now on, I will also be a serious young lady in this mansion, just like He Chuer and the others."

"Hmph, I also want my own yard, and...well..."

Old Han covered her mouth.


Eerily quiet.

The air seemed to freeze into ice.

Everyone in the He residence was shocked.

Even the well-informed He Hongjin was confused.

And the patriarch He Qingquan, who had lived most of his life and had been awe-inspiring for decades, felt his old face drop to the ground.

This idiot!

He screwed up all his calculations.

Being disturbed by a dead girl, how could he have the face to raise any money.

And when he came to the county this time, he always felt that He Hongjin's attitude was rather cold.

In the past years, he always took the initiative to ask about the affairs of the clan, especially the situation of ethnology.

He was full of enthusiasm then.

Now it is silent.

He vaguely guessed.

Worried that He Hongjin would become more and more indifferent, he agreed when Mrs. Han and Mrs. Dong proposed to raise their granddaughter in He's residence.

But he couldn't meet He Hongjin's people, so he delayed.

In fact, if he could, he would not mention anything in front of everyone.

The bad thing was that He Hongjin didn't give him a chance to be alone.

But today, they didn't plan to mention that in front of the female family members, they just wanted to sell some peppers to Ding Fuju.

Who knows what to say...

Everything is out of control.

"This child is spoiled by her mother, and she doesn't think carefully about things. Her grandma and I always feel that she is still young, and sometimes she is ignorant, so I didn't strictly discipline her..."

He Yuru, who was about to roar, was firmly suppressed by Mrs. Han, and He Qingquan, who was about to growl, had a look of pain on his face, chattering endlessly about the difficulties of raising children and grandchildren.

Some people become soft-hearted when they get old, and some girls are from a family. After they get married, they will have to work hard all their lives. They only have a few years of comfortable and good life in front of their parents and elders. They are inevitably spoiled...

He Xiner thought to herself, she really deserves to be the head of the clan.

Look at this set of fallacies, it sounds quite touching.

Everyone is not stupid, they know that he is shameless, and he is asking for a step down.

Anyway, they're leaving tomorrow morning, so there's no need to make it too ugly, everyone just agrees with one sentence, and the matter is over.

Even He Jiajie didn't like him, and didn't chase after him.

In any case, he is also the head of the clan.

But He Yuru didn't do it!

"It's also a coincidence that I was about to tell you that we have already entered the gate of the twelfth lunar month, and we should go back. It's just that you are always busy and don't have time to talk about yourself. It's a pity."

He Qingquan bid farewell to He Hongjin graciously, knowing that he had many things to do at the end of the year, so he didn't have to see him off tomorrow.

He was talking beautifully on this side, while the old Han on the other side was eyeing anxiously, trying to remind his wife to ask for money, but she couldn't care less about He Yuru. She took the opportunity to break free and roared angrily, "I won't go! I won't go!" !"

He Qingquan was furious in an instant, and slammed the table, "Shut up!"

"I don't, I don't!"

The so-called higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

He Yuru had long regarded herself as the rightful master of the He family, so she would never go back to that poor family again.

She was almost hysterical, and the old Han couldn't hold it back.

"Master! You clearly agreed, let me stay in the county and be the eldest lady of this mansion!"

He Qingquan trembled with anger.

"Drag her out quickly and go home early tomorrow morning!"

(End of this chapter)

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