The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2095 I Don't Believe

Chapter 2095 I Don't Believe
The third young lady suddenly said, "Miss Ru is deaf, isn't she? Didn't you hear that the spicy base of Dingfuju is supplied by the fourth sister?

The fourth younger sister is very capable of earning money.

Otherwise, do you think you can afford a fox fur coat with the monthly bills from the public school?Can you afford Dabai? "

She just found out about this, but she really admired He Xiner.

Didn't expect her to have such abilities.

No wonder it cost so much.

He Yuru was dumbfounded.

Old Dong's eyes flickered, and he wrinkled his face and smiled, "It turns out that girl Xin is so powerful..."

"No! I don't believe it! What can a country bumpkin know?"

On this end, Old Dong was about to get close, but was interrupted by He Yuru's sharp voice, so angry that she wanted to slap her.

"You don't need to doubt Fourth Younger Sister's ability. But you are a country girl, it's really rude to scold your own people."

"I am the eldest lady of the patriarch's family!"

"Tut, tsk, from this tone, you think you are a princess?"

"She said that the patriarch is the god of the He clan, so she is naturally the princess of the He clan."

"Hey? Let me say, it's great for you, a high-ranking princess, to play a big role in the village. Why do you want to stay in our house?"

"Of course I want to take advantage."

"Hey, the princess wants to play the autumn wind?"

"The princess from the countryside heard that the fourth sister's fox fur coat is worth 500 taels of silver, so she wants to lose the princess throne that she envied."

He Yuru brazenly asked for a dowry, which offended all the women in the He family.

Needless to say, the second wife, the three young mistresses also shared the same hatred and resentment.

Anyway, she, He Yuru, was already shameless, so why should they worry about it.

Hehe, do you really think the patriarch is the emperor?
Just an old country guy.

"You, you are all helping He Xiner to speak! She is a lowly girl who was thrown away by her mother, why should she use those good things? She deserves it too?"



He Jiajie suddenly stepped forward and slapped her.

"You can't scold fourth sister!"

He Yuru went mad with anger, "She's a cheap girl, not only cheap but also flirtatious, hooking up with wild men on the street..."



Before she could finish cursing, she was slapped firmly by He Xiner.

This slap was so hard that it almost used He Xiner's full strength.

It was another heavy blow based on He Jiajie's previous fight, and it took only a few breaths of effort before and after.

He Yuru's left face became red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She wailed in pain.

Everyone was stunned!

"You, you dare to hit me!"

He Yuru's eyes shot fire, and he hated He Xiner angrily.

Like a wolf, it can tear people apart at any time.

She was already insane, but now she has a ferocious face, and her ruthless and ferocious appearance is really scary.

There is still a little girl in the blooming season,

Simply a murderer.

However, He Xiner was not affected by her aura.

Her clear eyes were cold and desolate.

"I said, no matter how dirty your mouth is, don't blame me for being rude."

"Bah! You have the guts to do it, but you don't have the guts to let people talk about it!"

He Yuru yelled wildly.

She had already gone mad with jealousy, but now that she had torn her face off, she had no scruples.

Especially when I saw He Xiner's brand new Ying Luo top ring, I felt even more heartbroken.

"You went to Fenghe Building with that man, we all saw it, you can't be blamed!"

I didn't dare to scold wild men anymore.

"Hmph, after a lap of waves, there is a brand new wreath ring, don't you think we can't see it?"

She skipped and scolded, but she stretched out her claws to pull Yingluo on He Xiner's chest.

The dazzling and magnificent wreath circle is close at hand...

Dabai, who had always been obedient and docile and silently cuddled up to He Xiner, suddenly changed his face.

No one saw clearly how it moved, but felt that his eyes blurred, and He Yuru flew out.



Like a kite with a broken string, she drew a strange arc, and then fell solidly in the middle of the hall.

"Ouch, it hurts to death."

He Yuru hummed and chirped.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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