The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2096 What's the plan

Chapter 2096 What's the plan

Everyone in the He residence was surprised, but not surprised.

Dabai Protector is not talking about it.

However, the patriarch and others are different.

When had they seen such a scene?
He Xiuxiu's scalp felt numb.

She followed He Yuru and made trouble for He Xiner a lot.

The big dog was not there in those few times.

The patriarch He Qingquan felt the coldness on the soles of his feet, and the coolness quickly spread in his body, reaching the top of the sky.

Old Han was frightened, and his mind was running fast.

"Xin girl, what are you doing? Are you going to kill people in public just because we saw something we shouldn't see?"

"The old lady doesn't need to exaggerate. I haven't done anything shameful. There is no need to kill people to silence them, let alone kill people in public."

He Xiner's gaze was cold, as if she could penetrate people's hearts.

"Your old man sent He Yuru and He Xiuxiu to stop me in front of the Chuihua Gate. We all know what your plan is."

"And the identity of that man, you have already guessed it, haven't you?"

Her pretty face was as cold as ice, her eyes were as sharp as a sword, and she looked straight at Old Han with an aura like a rainbow.

Old Han was secretly surprised.

So she already knew...

"What does fourth sister mean?"

He Jiajie's face sank like water, and he gave Old Han a cold look, with a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes.

Old Han felt that his old face was lost.

He Xin'er's tone was light, "Dining out with my hall brother at noon, and being caught by people with ulterior motives, it counts."

She has a mirror in her heart, yes.

From the very beginning, He Yuru had her in mind.

She can guess what is pictured.

Just don't take her to heart.

As a result, the man intensified and repeatedly challenged her patience.

It's nothing more than a few trivial things, she doesn't bother to care about them.

But He Yuru touched her bottom line, so she won't let it go easily.

He Jiajie's eyes widened, "Despicable and shameless!"

He glanced around with contempt, the greedy faces of these people are really ugly.

Old Han blushed with embarrassment and his neck was thick.

In most of my life, I have never been so ashamed as today.

Old Dong and He Xiuxiu backed away quietly, wishing they could turn into dust and disappear before everyone's eyes.

He Qingquan and He Qingzhong had a headache.

Bunch of idiots!
No one is worried.

I don't even look at whether this girl is good or not, so I just provoke her at will.

Don't say what kind of temper she is, just look at the big dog she raises, you should know that this is not a simple person.

He Yuru, who almost broke his bones, finally got up from the ground with a whimper.

She was distraught.

More resentment.

"If you haven't done anything shameful, why don't you dare to see my grandma?"

He Xiner...


He Jiajie sneered, "You are the fourth younger sister and you are as stupid as a pig?"


He Yuru gritted her teeth in hatred.

But he dared not take a step forward.

Dabai stared at her like a tiger, how could she rush to die.

The old Han suddenly said in a deep voice, "Ru girl, you still haven't apologized to Xin girl!"

However, she didn't wait for He Yuru to speak, and continued almost without a pause, "It turns out we've got a different idea. It's because I'm afraid that girl Xin will be deceived by others, so I have the heart to remind you..."

"It seems that we are thinking too much."

He Xiner's gaze was cold and unwavering.

She is indeed the wife of the patriarch.

It's okay to stop here.

"However, girl Xin's reaction was a little too aggressive. It's just that we have misunderstood something. Let's talk about it. How can we ask Dabai to beat someone?"

He Jiajie sneered, "He Yuru swears and beats people, you never see?"

Old Han choked.

The third young lady said, "She also insulted the fourth sister's disorderly behavior and maliciously smeared the fourth sister's reputation."

How important is a woman's reputation!
Destroying people's names is not a law of heaven.

He Yuru stared at He Xiner resentfully, "What do you mean by big brother?"


He Jiajie swears again.

"Is it necessary to explain to you? Which green onion are you counting? Do you really think that you can handle the fourth sister just by putting on a hat?"

"What's more, the eldest brother of the fourth sister is my classmate and a student of Qingyun Academy. I don't know better than you?"

"I've said so much, but I just want to take advantage of the fourth sister and take advantage of her, and pretend that others don't know! Bah! Shameless!"

He Yuru, who has always been forceful and unreasonable, was at a loss for words.

(End of this chapter)

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