Chapter 2097

It can be said that the two families have been torn apart.

I didn't take advantage of it, and even caused a commotion.

Old Han was very angry.

Naturally, He Yuru was extremely annoyed.

But he hated He Xiner even more.

"It's good for Jie to take care of his sister, but he thinks too much..."

He Jiajie rolled his eyes.

It's all like this and I'm still pretending.

"The children in the country have never seen the world, so their vision is a bit narrow. Seeing that girl Xin spends a lot of money, and seeing her behaving intimately with outside men, I misunderstood."


There is nothing wrong with beating He Yuru madly.

But facing the elders, no matter how generous He Jiajie is, he can't go too far.

After all, the other party's age and seniority are there.

In any case, he is also a well-educated scholar, isn't he?

Mrs. Han was very satisfied with his sense of wit, slightly complacent, and said in a brisk tone, "Xin girl is also a good girl. She values ​​love, righteousness and ability. She started her own restaurant business and made money. She doesn't forget to pull Ye's family back. , and also supplying the Ye family boy to study, which is really rare."

This is interesting to say.

He Qingquan glanced lightly at his old wife, quite relieved.

Old Dong and He Xiuxiu looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of schadenfreude in each other's eyes.

But He Yuru jumped up like chicken blood, "He Xiner uses money to support people with foreign surnames, just eating inside and outside!"

He Xiner...

What a psycho.

"Don't worry about it."

"Look, she admitted it!"

Feeling that he finally caught He Xiner's handle, He Yuru screamed excitedly, "You clearly know that I am the patriarch's granddaughter, yet you dare to be so rude to me, it shows that you don't take the He clan seriously!
You eat, drink, and wear the He family, and earn money from Ding Fuju, but you only think about Ye.It can be seen that he is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf! "

He Xiner had a half-smile, "Miss He is so filled with righteous indignation, it seems like I ate and drank yours."

"You take advantage of He's family, but turn to outsiders, what is it if you are not a white-eyed wolf?"

"About you?"

"Naturally, my surname is He!"


Old Han managed to grab He Xiner's sore foot, and hoped to win the game with this argument, how could he let He Yuru continue to entangle.

"Girl Xin, you are still young, you don't understand the sinister human heart..."

The old Han said a lot, meaning that the Ye family had no good intentions, and they were just chasing her for the benefit.

She also said that she is now part of the He family, so she should put her heart on the He family.

In short, it is all kinds of eye drops.

Sow discord.

Even if he can't do anything to her, at least it will make her life in this house difficult in the future.

Do things that hurt others and benefit yourself, and do it very hard.

He didn't even bother to blame He Yuru for causing trouble, but instead focused on dealing with He Xiner.

Also no one.

He Xin'er said lightly, "The Ye family has nothing to do with you, but you don't have to worry about it."

You're really welcome.

He Jiajie secretly smiled.

Old Han's face was ugly.

Seeing this, the old Dong quickly jumped out and pretended to be a good person, "Xin girl, how can you talk to your elders like that?"

"Sister-in-law is also doing it for your own good. You are still young, and you are always careless and emotional, and you don't have elders to remind you. It is very easy to be coaxed."

She glanced at Dabai quietly, and seeing it snuggled up obediently at He Xiner's feet, she tentatively took a small step forward, and then moved again.

"Girl, the Ye family is so eager for you, but it's all for your money! You have to know what to do."

"You think a lot."

He Xiner was speechless.

"I don't think too much, the fact is right in front of my eyes! Why can the Ye family boy go to the big academy in the county to study? Didn't you help me with money? Tell me..."

(End of this chapter)

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