The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2098 You should be kicked out of the He family

Chapter 2098 You should be kicked out of the He family
He Jiajie coldly interrupted her long speech, "I don't even know who the other party is, so I jump to conclusions and try to smear, I really don't know what it means."

"Boy Jie, it's a good thing to love your sister, but you can't blindly take sides. Being an elder is for her own good..."

"Hehe, I'm really not afraid of the wind flashing my tongue."

Shame on your face for something that is old and disrespectful.

Up to now, wanting to step on the fourth younger sister is really embarrassing to the root of the city wall.

He Jiajie doesn't care about whether he is an elder or not, he just hates what he should.

"What are you talking about for the fourth sister? Do you think we are all fools?"

Once his temper came up, the ruffian air all over his body couldn't be suppressed.

He stretched out his slender fingers and pointed at Lao Han, Lao Dong, He Yuru, and He Xiuxiu, none of them were left behind.

"You, you, what kind of idea you guys have, we all know it well."

"One or two times, he used the fourth sister to talk about things, all kinds of slander and oppression, didn't he just see that she had just returned to the house and had no foundation, so he wanted to hold her in order to fight the autumn wind?"

In fact, these words have already been made clear, but a few people have thick skins, pretend to be stupid and don't respond, and keep pestering He Xiner in an attempt to confuse the public.

But now He Jiajie roared out loudly, as if suddenly exposing the dark thoughts in their hearts to the sun.

Old Han's and old Dong's faces were hot.

He Xiuxiu lowered her head and pretended to be a quail.

Only He Yuru, the unbeatable Xiaoqiang, still yelled frantically, "We are the direct line of the He family! We are the line of the patriarch for generations! Even if you use some of your family's money, it should be!"

"You're a fucking bandit? Why don't you go grab it on the street?"

"The He family's money should be used to support the He family. It's better than her, He Xin'er, who uses the He family's money to support people with foreign surnames!"

There is no such a righteous robber theory.


He Jiajie laughed angrily, at first it was just a cold low laugh, somehow the louder the laugh, the louder it was, and finally he almost looked up to the sky and laughed, wild and unrestrained laughter immediately filled every corner of the flower hall, shaking people's hearts God restless.

Old Han frowned tightly.

He Yuru screamed angrily, "What are you laughing at?"

"Laugh at your villainous heart!"

After finally suppressing the unrestrained laughter, He Jiajie swept around contemptuously, "Laugh at you for being villains!"

He said coldly, "When everyone agrees with you, what if you only think about other people's things?"

He Yuru was mad with anger, "You really can't tell the difference! He Xiner will empty out your house sooner or later, and give all the subsidies to the Ye family."

He Xiner said flatly, "Even if I empty out the He family, what does it have to do with you?"

"Look, she admitted it! If it wasn't for her, how could the kid surnamed Ye have been able to study in a college in the county town!"

He Yuru screamed at the top of his voice, his eyes were as excited as a few clusters of flames were beating.

He Xiner was speechless.

I don't know why she was so excited.

He Jiajie laughed with a sarcasm on his face, "The boy from the Ye family you mentioned is called Ye Xusheng, he is a student from Class A of Qingyun Academy, and he is a great talent that the dean and his masters look up to.

Two years ago, when I was still studying in a private school in the village, I passed the boy's test. "

He glanced at the patriarch lightly, "There are not many 15-year-old Tongsheng in Lin'an County."

Both He Qingquan and He Qingzhong were shocked.

Old Han and old Dong blushed with embarrassment.

Tongsheng hey~
People have been studying for many years.

Only He Yuru said stubbornly, "It's no big deal to have studied for a few years. Which of the men in our He family doesn't study? How much does it cost to study in a private school in the country? How can it compare with the academies in the county?

It wasn't He Xiner's subsidy, so he could enter the county academy to study? "

Seeing her goofing off like this, the third young master, He Jiaxuan, who never meddles in other people's business, couldn't stand it anymore.

"Our family has established an ethnology for the clan, and we don't accept Shuxiu from the clan's children. Naturally, it doesn't cost much for your males to study."

He Yuru said angrily, "Shouldn't it be right to spend money for the clansmen? It's better to use money to subsidize outsiders!"

The third young lady said, "It seems that you know everything. Besides, it's not your turn to take care of how the fourth sister will do things."

"I will take care of it!"

He Yuru, who had been irritated by the money and lost control, screamed loudly, "She, He Xiner, used the money from the He family to support outsiders, just eating inside and out! She should be kicked out of the He family!"

He Qingquan's old eyes flickered.

Old Han's eyes were also wide open, and he quickly figured out what would be the most beneficial.

Obviously, the two of them were quite satisfied with the fact that He Yuru was holding on to He Xiner.

I don't believe he can't kill her this time.

People who eat inside and out should be expelled from the house.

And what kind of spicy base recipe...

(End of this chapter)

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