The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2099 Don't Fool People

Chapter 2099 Don't Fool People

He Jiaheng stood up and said in a deep voice, "I'll see who dares to touch Fourth Sister!"

Afterwards, He Jiayu and He Jiaxuan also stood up, "Which onion are you counting on? How dare you threaten to expel people, and you are the one in this mansion?"

Even the second master couldn't stand it anymore.

He had secretly glanced at He Hongjin several times, wondering why the boss could still hold his breath and not turn his back on him.

He didn't think he was a good father, but if someone dared to bully his daughter, he would have already rolled up his sleeves and beat them up.

"Four girls can use the money they earn by themselves, whoever wants to use it. What's the matter with you, girl?"

He Xiner turned her head to look at him in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the most unreliable second master would stand up for her.

Even He Qingquan, Lao Han and others did not expect He Hongzhang to speak.

He Yuru was about to barge with his neck stuck, but the old Han grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard.

Hey, this would not be the time to want to kick her away.

He Qingquan couldn't open his mouth.

He Qingzhong stood up and said, "Ru girl is young, her temperament is not stable, and she is a little anxious to speak and do things, but we can't write two congratulations in one stroke, she is also kind, afraid that girl Xin will be deceived... "

He Jiajie crossed his arms and interrupted him in a cold voice, "Good intentions? You old man is joking! We all remember what she, He Yuru, did to the fourth sister."

He Qingzhong was extremely displeased to be slapped in the face by a junior.

But what He Jiajie said was the truth, it was hard to refute.

Old Dong's eyes were wide open, trying to bring the topic straight, "Oh, these are trivial matters. Let's talk about the Ye family first..."

He Xiner said coldly, "How about the Ye family, I don't need you to worry about it."

"Hey, that's not what they said. They didn't mention what the Ye family did back then, and now they are relying on raising you for a while, so they just cling to it and talk about things with that little affection , take advantage of you, get benefits, this is not going to work, sooner or later the He family will be emptied."

He Xiner stared closely at her eyes, "Your old man knows quite a lot."

"It's just a guess!"

Old Dong was very proud.

He Jiajie sneered, "You're letting yourself save others!"

Old Dong didn't understand, so he looked at He Qingzhong with a blank face.

The latter turned dark, "What does Boy Jie mean by saying that?"

"It means, whoever you are, treat others like that."

"You! Is this how you talk to your elders?"

He Qingzhong was so angry that his heart beat wildly, but he couldn't hold back his face.

He Hongzhang frowned, but didn't make a sound.

He Jiajiesi chuckled without any pressure, "You always ask me, and I answer, my attitude is very good!"

He Qingzhong fell backward in anger.

And the old Mrs. Dong, who finally understood what it meant to save others by himself, was panting heavily.

"We are of the same family, can we still harm your family?"

He Yuru jumped out again and yelled, "I think you don't cry when you see the coffin, do you have to wait until the Ye family empties your family's money before you regret it?"

The second young master, He Jiayu, has long been tired of her jumping up and down.

Seeing her deliberately alarmist, he was very disgusted, he said in a deep voice, "I don't need you to worry about our family's affairs."

The third young master He Jiaxuan also said, "What is the eldest girl's repeated instigation, what are you thinking, don't you think we don't know?"

"The fact that He Xiner helped Ye's family is right in front of me, do you still need to provoke her?"

The eldest young master He Jiaheng said in a deep voice, "Don't talk nonsense if you don't know the eldest girl. The Ye family runs a workshop, which makes a lot of money, and there is no need for help."

He Yuru exploded on the spot, "Impossible!"

He Jiajie said coldly, "Why is this impossible? Not to mention the business of the Ye family's workshop, even Ye Xusheng is a master who is very good at making money. He is very rich, much richer than our brothers. How can we use the fourth sister?" Subsidy? Instead, thinking of the brother-sister relationship, they have been subsidizing the fourth sister.

The fourth sister's fox fur coat was custom-made by him from the Qianjin Pavilion in Fucheng. The top-quality white fox is more than 500 taels of silver. "

He Qingquan, Lao Han and others couldn't believe it, even the female family members in the mansion were also very surprised.

He Hongjin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What money can a scholar make? Don't fool people!"

He Yuru screamed.

Old Dong also agreed, "Yes, a scholar can't lift his shoulders or his hands, what can he do?"

(End of this chapter)

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