The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2100 What You Said Seriously

Chapter 2100 What You Said Seriously
He Jiajie said loudly, "Ye Xusheng is not only good at reading, but also good at martial arts. It can be said that he is both civil and military. He is not a weak scholar who has no strength to restrain a chicken."

Speaking of Ye Xusheng, he suddenly smiled brightly, and asked He Jiayu loudly, "Second Brother, isn't it always surprising who the author of your favorite martial arts novel is?"

He Jiayu was taken aback.

Then his eyes widened, "What do you mean?"

"It was written by Ye Xusheng and his four younger sisters together, and the Condor Heroes was also co-authored by their brothers and sisters, and "Sword Gate" was completed by Ye Xusheng and his friends."

He Hongjin's sharp eyes fell on He Jiaheng's face.

The latter droops their eyelids slightly.

Everyone else was stunned.

But He Jiayu and He Jiaxuan were boiling.

"Fourth, are you serious?"


"The Ye family boy is so powerful!"

"It's really both civil and military! The moves in the book can't be written without real materials."

"So, does Fourth Sister also know Kung Fu?"

"Fourth sister, tell us, how did you come up with those fighting scenes? Do you have to have a real fight to get inspiration?"

"Those fighting processes are described very delicately, making people feel like they are on the scene, and it is hearty to watch."

"So, fourth sister's kung fu is also very high?"

Both brothers are fans of Ye Xusheng's books.

This meeting suddenly learned the author's information, so they were naturally excited. They talked loudly and laughed happily, which was a bit of the boldness of the Jianghu people.

Look at the excitement on their faces.

He Xiner secretly laughed.

Does every man have a hero dream in his heart?

The old lady's heart shook violently, she thought of the brocade box, and subconsciously went to see her eldest son.

He Hongjin also thought of the brocade box.

He knew that Ye Xusheng knew kung fu, but because Qingyun Academy was far away from the He family, he didn't contact him about what happened in the mansion.

Recalling that early morning, when he stood in the courtyard of Qingxin's secluded residence, he once felt a strong murderous aura.

At that time, he thought about it, but he didn't understand it.

Now there is nothing to understand.

What an arrogant kid, how dare he run to the He Mansion to play wild!

A ruthlessness flashed in He Hongjin's eyes.

It's just that he knows some boxing skills, so he doesn't take him seriously in the He family.

good very good.

Just when the old lady and He Hongjin were going off track, He Yuru started shouting again in a high-pitched voice.

It's just the same thing, that is, I don't believe that Ye Xusheng can write books and make money.

The He family brothers didn't bother to talk to her, they were still chatting happily about the world of martial arts that they longed for.

"Fourth sister, when will your hall brother release a new book?"

He Jiayu's eyes were surprisingly bright, with an expression of worship on his face.

He Xiner chuckled, "Brother Hall is going to take the exam, I'm afraid he doesn't have time to write a book."

"Oh, what a pity!"


Both He Jiayu and He Jiaxuan said that with Ye Xusheng's talent, the scientific examination would definitely be no problem, and they all said that he would be the youngest candidate in Lin'an County.

He Xiner smiled.

She doesn't want to be humble for the eldest brother.

He was already excellent.

"Ah, I can't wait to get to know Brother Ye!"

He Jiaxuan rubbed his hands excitedly, "How did he come up with the names of the kung fu you mentioned? It really makes people's blood boil."

"It was fine if I didn't know who the author was, but now that I know, I must ask for advice."

"That's why I have to ask my fourth sister to introduce us to my buddies."

"Yes, yes, when Brother Ye is taking a rest, I will invite a table in Fenghe Building as the host, and the fourth younger sister must invite people there."

He Xiner replied with a smile, "Okay, no problem."

The brothers and sisters chatted enthusiastically, while the others were a little silly and a little dazed.

Especially He Qingquan and the old Han family didn't know what it was like.

"Writing a book is not to say that it is for the sake of becoming famous, it is almost the same, why did you come to Brother Ye and refuse to reveal your identity?
Fourth sister, you don't know how many people outside want to know who the mysterious author is, and they have caused many disputes because of guessing which literati and tycoon it is. "

He Xiner's brows and eyes were soft and her eyes were bright. She smiled lightly and said, "Big Brother still has to study and take the imperial examination, so I don't want to be disturbed..."

He Yuru, who had been completely ignored by the He family brothers and sisters, started jumping and shouting again, "I don't believe that a country boy can become a great talent! He must be pretending to be someone else!"

(End of this chapter)

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