The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2101 Are you from the city

Chapter 2101 Are you from the city

The smiling He Xiner instantly turned cold.

"He Yuru! How much do you look down on country people? You are either a country girl or a country fool. Are you from the city?"

Before He Xiner could speak, He Jiajie was already ahead of her.

And He Jiaxuan didn't flinch, "According to you, country students can't become talents, so what is your brother still studying?"

He Jiayu curled his lips in disdain, "Jumping clown!"

These four light words made He Yuru go crazy on the spot, "You are the clown! Your whole family are clowns!"

The second wife, the three young wives, He Chuer and He Qier who were included immediately quit.

Even the old lady turned black.

Aren't they He Jiayu's family members?

The third young lady who cared the most about her face was the first to attack, "When a big girl wants to scold others, first look in the mirror to see what kind of virtue she is."

Her contemptuous gaze twirled around her rumpled pickle skirt, and then jumped away as if fearing that it would be stained with dirt.

He Yuru ground her teeth in anger.

However this is only the beginning.

"Oh, the third young lady's words are wrong. Miss Ru's is the earth princess of our He clan, how can she dislike her?"

"Oh, Princess Earth~"

The eldest young mistress Jiang glanced up and down He Yuru's body quickly with her eyeballs dripping, curling her lips in disdain, "It's not good enough!"

"Country girls have to go to work in the fields, wash clothes and cook food. They are too squeamish."

The second young lady, Yin Shi, was serious, "Miss Ru is thick and strong, and she looks like a good body capable of working. As for the face, the country people don't pay much attention to it. It doesn't matter if it is rough."

He Yuru is going crazy!
"You're the one who looks rough!"

Mrs. Yin touched her face in surprise, and turned to ask the third young lady, "Sisters, see if my face is rough? I use pearl ointment for a bottle of ten taels of silver every morning and evening. If it's still rough, I'll buy that one." Try a bottle of 20 taels of silver."

The Third Young Mistress Chai touched her hand, "It's soft and smooth, not rough at all."

"As expected of something produced by Ninglufang, the effect is good, and the money is really not in vain."

"Speaking of spending money, none of us can compare to Fourth Sister."

"Fourth younger sister wipes her hands with the best pearl ointment."

"When it comes to taking care of the skin, the fourth sister is the best. It's really like the first snow, white and flawless."

"Four sisters take care of both internal and external, so naturally they will get twice the result with half the effort."

He Xiner...

Hey, these guys strayed away after a few quarrels. They talked about skin care and skin care, and the chat was full of enthusiasm. The enthusiasm was a bit more enthusiastic than the general He Jiayu and He Jiaxuan.

"Fourth sister, can you also teach us how to take care of our skin?"

"Yes, besides the rose tea, what other good things are there for beauty?"

He Xiner...

This style of painting changed really fast.

She smiled lightly and said, "I don't really understand either."

After a short pause, he continued, "However, the almond tea I drink on weekdays is quite effective in nourishing yin and nourishing the skin, and moisturizing the skin."

The third young lady rubbed her hands excitedly and stood up, "I wonder why the fourth sister's little face is getting tenderer and tenderer instead of being dry and rough in this cold weather."

"Yes, Fourth Sister's complexion is more translucent than in autumn."

"I'll start drinking almond tea tomorrow..."

When it comes to beauty and beauty, there are endless topics among women, and the more they talk, the more interesting they are.

So the atmosphere here exploded.

He Yuru was so angry that he was about to smoke.

Even He Xiuxiu was jealous and jealous.

On the other end, He Jiayu, He Jiaxuan and He Jiajie were still discussing their martial arts world with great interest.

It made He Yuru unable to look for opportunities to make trouble.

It wasn't until the old lady said that she was tired and wanted to go back that He Yuru became anxious.

"Granduncle, Yuru will help you."

As she spoke, she couldn't wait to step forward, and stretched out her hands to help him.

With her distressed appearance, the old lady would have hot eyes at a glance, how could she let her get close.

(End of this chapter)

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