Chapter 2105
He Hongjin seldom went to Dingfuju, and he only needed to look at the accounts on weekdays, so there was no need for him to go to battle in person.

Today I deliberately came here before the start of lunch, one is to see the situation of the guests with my own eyes, and the other is to have a hot pot meal with my son, and talk by the way.

He had already guessed that the brocade box was made by Ye Xusheng, and decided to teach him a lesson out of anger.

The stinky boy dared to tease his He family and threaten his mother just because he knew how to play a three-legged cat.

Originally, he wanted to destroy the Ye family, but what he didn't expect was that an ordinary farmer's family would be so difficult to deal with, so he had to be cautious.

Therefore, he has another purpose today.

"Golden Treasurer."

The treasurer Jin, who was sitting at the counter to calculate yesterday's accounts, suddenly heard the voice of his boss, and hurriedly stood up and bowed his hands, "My boss is here."


He Hongjin is a serious person, with a pair of eyes that stare at eagles, which makes people dare not despise him. Moreover, he has a deep mind and a deep city, and no one under him, such as shopkeepers and stewards, dare to make small moves under his nose. They are all conscientious and serious. doing things.

However, although his rule is strict, it's not that he likes to play awe-inspiring and lose his temper. It's just that he has a strong aura, and no one dares to be too casual in front of him.

Looking around, the boys are not there, they are probably helping in the back kitchen.

The tables and chairs in the hall were clean and tidy, and the floor was as bright as a mirror. He was satisfied and spoke softly.

"Is Jiaheng here?"

Shopkeeper Jin's eyes flickered, and he hurriedly said, "Shaodong's house is talking with friends on the third floor."

He Hongjin nodded, not paying much attention, and casually pointed to the account book on the table, "Is this from yesterday?"


"I'll see."

"Master, go to the study in the backyard and have a look. I'll ask someone to bring the brazier over."

"It's okay, it's fine here."

"Then come in and sit down."

Seeing that he insisted on staying here, shopkeeper Jin hurriedly invited him to sit at the counter, and went to the backyard to hold the brazier by himself.

He Hongjin was a born businessman. He liked abacus since he was a child, and he was even more interested in reading account books and checking accounts. Looking at the numbers on the account books was like seeing white money, which gave him a sense of accomplishment.


Just as he was concentrating on his calculations, staring at the ever-increasing numbers above, and slightly curling the corners of his lips in pleasure, he heard a familiar voice.

The crisp girlish voice, full of surprise and natural intimacy, is a joy from the bottom of my heart.

"Father! Father!"


A man's voice full of surprises sounded almost at the same time.

"Father, why are you standing at the door? How cold is the wind here!"

"Xin'er! Tell dad to see if he's lost weight."

"Haha, I'm not thin, I've gained weight after eating."

"Yeah, your complexion is very good, and you have grown taller."

Ye Laiyin beamed with joy.

He Jiaheng enthusiastically invited the group of them to have tea in the private room on the third floor, but he was so anxious to see his daughter that he couldn't sit still.

So he found an excuse and went downstairs, and stood outside the door waiting for He Xiner.

Seeing her father whom she had missed for a long time, He Xiner couldn't help but put her mouth behind her ears, and looked Ye Laiyin up and down with bright eyes, "Father looks good, but he lost some weight."

"Father is fine, Xin'er don't worry."

Ye Laiyin listened to her daughter's concern, her eye sockets were a little sour, but the corners of her mouth were raised high, and the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were beaming with joy.

Fearing that He Xiner would notice that his eyes were red, she hurriedly lowered her head with a smile, "Dabai has become more energetic, and look at this head, it has also become stronger, as strong as a calf."

Fortunately, there is a capable Dabai by his daughter's side, otherwise he would never be at ease.

Dabai rubbed Ye Laiyin's big hand affectionately, well-behaved and docile, like a spoiled child.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Laiyin laughed loudly, cheerfully.

"Father, did you come back from Fucheng? Who else is with you? Ah, Brother Datang is in the academy today, so I can't come over to see you."

"Is my mother okay? My father is not at home, is Aunt Cao accompanying me? My mother is getting old, and she cannot leave her side."

"Cousin hasn't gone back yet? I have a present to bring to her."

He Xiner was excited and excited, holding Ye Laiyin's arm, walking upstairs, talking non-stop, the joyful voice filled every corner, and fell into He Hongjin's ears .

In his eyes, He Xin'er has a cold demeanor, calm and indifferent, no matter what happens, she is not impatient, even if she is bullied, she is very calm, and she argues clearly, never losing her composure .

Very ladylike demeanor.

And the girl who is about to walk past him has another face. Her eyes are bright and bright, her smile is bright and bright, and her brows are full of vigor and hope. different.

Innocent and brilliant, charming and cute, clever and well-behaved, with a compelling aura...

She is an elf who fell into the world.

(End of this chapter)

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