The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2106 Take Chapters to Play Later

Chapter 2106 Take it back and play later
He Hongjin was in a trance for a moment.

So the fourth girl was so lively in front of the Ye family?

It seems... She has never called herself daddy.

After all, it was raised by the Ye family, so the feelings are different.

This... this is also understandable.

Just like his Jiaming.

Ye Laiyin's dark and resolute face appeared in front of his eyes.

Jia Ming's appearance followed that of his biological father, but the man's complexion was darker and he was much older than his son.

Yes, Jiaming is his son.

There is no doubt about that.

As for the fourth girl...

He Hongjin forced himself to suppress the discomfort in his heart, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Ye family!


When shopkeeper Jin came back from the backyard with a brazier in hand, he happened to walk across from He Hongjin.

"Master, are you going to the backyard?"

"I'm going upstairs to rest, don't worry about me."

"Then this brazier?"

"You use it."

There was a wall of fire in the restaurant, so it wasn't too cold, and He Hongjin was dressed thickly, and he was strong and angry, so he was not afraid of the cold.

The shopkeeper Jin didn't insist.

He walked to the counter and put down the brazier, thinking that it would be good if the owner wasn't here.

Miss Si came to see her adoptive father, what would she think if she was met by her boss.

All in all, I feel uncomfortable.

And the temper of the boss...

The lesser owner is very enthusiastic about the Ye family, alas~
Shaking his head, the treasurer Jin shook off those messy thoughts, took the account books, and recalculated.

Today, the accountant has something to do at home and he will come later, he has to check it himself.

He Jiaheng came down from downstairs and glanced at the counter. Seeing that shopkeeper Jin was concentrating on his work, he didn't bother him and went to the back kitchen to make arrangements.

Second Uncle Ye rarely came to the county seat, so he wanted to show his friendship as a landlord.


In the room at the end of the corridor on the third floor, everyone was talking and laughing happily.

This time, Ye Shitian, Ye Mancang and his son, Chen Xing, and Ye Laiyin went to Fucheng to send the Pink Panther doll.

Daha and Erha followed.

The two little guys have not grown taller, but they are also very energetic when they are strong.

At this time, they all surrounded Dabai obediently, their dark eyes were bright, and they looked very happy.

Dabai was also very happy, interacting with them intimately.

He Xiner sat beside Ye Laiyin with a smile on her face, chatting with the big guys about their trip to Fucheng.

It was supposed to be delivered earlier, but because there were too many things to do in the workshop, it was delayed again and again until it was the twelfth lunar month.

Thanks to the good weather, there was no heavy snowfall, otherwise I was afraid that things would be delayed.

"Your mother specially made a smaller pink panther for you, and I will take it back to play with later."

The well-behaved and lovely daughter is by her side, she can be seen and touched, but Ye Laiyin still feels that she can't see enough, and always looks at her with a smile.

He Xiner smiled with eyebrows and eyes crooked, and nodded happily, "Okay, I just need a pink panther."

The young girl in the cardamom age has a beautiful appearance and a dusty temperament, a pair of black and white eyes, full of autumn water, smart and clear, the eyes are flowing, and they are so beautiful.

Chen Xing lowered his eyes slightly, so that no one could see the surprise in his eyes.

A heart can't help beating wildly.

He Xiner took out a small and exquisite brocade box, and said with a smile, "I saw a beautiful bracelet when I was shopping, and I thought my cousin would like it, so I bought it, and it happened to be for my cousin to bring it home."

She came here in a hurry and didn't have time to bring gifts for everyone, but she didn't forget to buy a tourmaline bracelet for Wang Jinling.

Thinking of her cousin's happy smiling face made her happy.

However, parents still have Yuanyuan, Cuizhi and the others, so of course they also have them, and they will bring them back when they return home another day.

"Father, did Uncle Zhang send a letter back?"

Ye Laiyin frowned slightly.

He Xiner's smile faltered, "What's the matter? Is there no news from Uncle Zhang?"

Ye Mancang, who had been grinning cheerfully, also restrained his smile, "Sister Xin'er, you are in the county town, have you heard that there is a war going on at the border?"

(End of this chapter)

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