The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2108 I'm looking forward to that day

Chapter 2108 I'm looking forward to that day

"Father, Uncle, I think it's better not to tell Uncle Guan and Big Brother Guan about the news of the war on the northern border, lest they worry."

He Xiner frowned slightly, her face was serious.

Ye Laiyin and Ye Shitian looked at each other, and both nodded.

"Your uncle and I think the same way, let's hide this matter first."

But Ye Mancang said, "I'm afraid that the news of the war will spread, and then we won't be able to hide it."

He Xiner was also worried about this, she said, "Brother Guan was going to pick up people back then, it was Brother Guan who persuaded him, but if he knew that the border crossing was dangerous, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to persuade him anymore."

Ye Shitian said in a deep voice, "Let's hide it first. If the day comes when we can't hide it, we can't let his temper go."

After a short pause, he continued, "Not to mention how chaotic the border is, but to say that there are so many risks on this road. It's not a joke."

"Well, what Uncle said is that brother Guan must never go to the border."

He Xiner said, "Then tell Uncle Guan about it, so that he can be mentally prepared, so that he won't hear something outside and instead think wildly and lose his sense of control."

"Only Uncle Guan knows what's in his heart, so he can take good care of Big Brother Guan."

Ye Shitian, Ye Laiyin, and Ye Mancang discussed briefly, and they all agreed that this was a good idea.

It is not easy to hide them from father and son, but it is much easier to hide it from Guan Mingwei.

So, the matter was settled.

After finally being reunited with his daughter, Ye Laiyin naturally hoped to be happy, he likes her daughter's smile the most, she is well-behaved and cute, and she is really rare.

The matter of Liu's mother and daughter can't be resolved in a short while. He didn't want his daughter to frown all day long, so he said, "Mingwei's child is not impulsive. I became more stable and studied hard.”

Ye Shitian nodded frequently, "I can also see that the Guan family boy is holding his breath and studying vigorously. He just wants to get a good name as soon as possible so that he can become an official and support his mother and sister."

Thinking of something, Ye Mancang took a deep look at He Xiner, grinned and said, "With Uncle Zhang's ability, it's only a matter of time to find a miracle doctor. Maybe Aunt Liu will be able to come back when Ming Wei gets the honor. Now, the family can be reunited then."

"I'm looking forward to that day."

Ye Shitian's deep frown finally relaxed.

And Ye Mancang's smile deepened, "Mingwei is a good man, he is filial to his parents, loves his sister, studies hard, has a gentle temper, and looks even better, and after he has achieved fame, the family threshold will be closed at that time." I'm afraid I will be flattened by the matchmaker."

He Xiner...

Don't make the meaning of Mancang Datang brother too obvious.

But it is impossible for her and Brother Guan.

But obviously, Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin didn't think so.

"Haha, I think the Guan family boy has a plan in mind, and it's useless to talk about matchmaking."

He Xiner silently picked up the teacup and lowered her head to sip.

"Ha ha--"

Seeing this, Ye Shitian laughed loudly, and Ye Laiyin also laughed heartily.

In his opinion, the two children were a natural pair, and it was the He family who suddenly appeared and disrupted their plans.

The good girl suddenly changed her name to He, and besides being sad, he felt deeply powerless.

At that time, the Guan family suffered a sudden change, and the planned marriage was ruined again, making it even more sad.

A good couple of beauties were torn apart abruptly, the two families were not in love with each other, and Mingwei's child was hurt even more.

It's just that there is no chance.

Unexpectedly, within half a year, their family has earned a lot of money. Although the current Guan family can't compare with the He family, it won't be shabby either.

It is no problem to buy a decent house in the county.

After Mingwei got the honor in the examination, his status would rise, coupled with his outstanding appearance, he was a talented person, it would not be difficult to ask for a daughter from the He family.

The two children can finally have a lover and get married.

(End of this chapter)

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