Chapter 2109 Blame Me
Ye Shitian is worthy of being Ye Laiyin's best friend and elder brother, Ye Laiyin's thoughts are his thoughts, and the two have the same views on Guan Mingwei.

Not to mention Ye Mancang, he has always been optimistic about Guan Mingwei.

Sister Xin'er was born so well, she is not worthy of an idle man.

Only a handsome scholar like Mingwei can match him well.

He treats He Xiner as his own sister from the bottom of his heart, and he never sees outsiders, so he can say whatever he thinks in his heart, and he doesn't feel anything.

But he forgot that Chen Xing was there.

Even Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin were only interested in being happy and didn't care about Chen Xing for a while.

The hearty and cheerful laughter of the three fell on Chen Xing's ears, and it was very harsh. His heart was covered with a ball of cotton. Yes, he was so bored that he couldn't breathe. He didn't want to be seen. , found an excuse to leave the room.

Ye Mancang's eyes flickered, he was negligent.

And neither Ye Shitian nor Ye Laiyin were stupid, no matter how plain Chen Xing's performance was, he couldn't hide the disappointment between his brows, so there was nothing else to say.

The two looked at each other, a little embarrassed, how could they forget this little presence.

It's really that he is too low-key, pitiful with a weak sense of existence, and he has long regarded him as one of his own, and when he is happy for a while, he ignores him.

Following Chen Xing's departure, the atmosphere in the room froze immediately.

"It's all my fault, I just talked about it and didn't care about it, and I forgot about Chen Xing..."

Ye Mancang scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

It was because of Aunt Liu's matter that everyone felt a little heavy, but he thought that it was rare for Second Uncle to meet with Sister Xin'er, so he should be happy.

He deliberately mentioned Guan Mingwei, originally to make his second uncle happy, but in the end they were happy, but someone was secretly sad.

no way.

Who told Sister Xin'er to be so outstanding, so many people miss her.

Ye Shitian quietly glared at his son with a warning in his eyes.

Don't say any more, or girl Xin won't be able to sit still.

Therefore, Ye Mancang decisively shut up.

Ye Laiyin quietly looked at He Xiner, seeing that although she kept her head down to avoid their conversation, she was not worried, so she was relieved.

As long as the girl is not unhappy.

As for Chen Xing...

He should have figured it out.

General Ye Shitian's laughing voice is loud, and this meeting is also embarrassing for him, who told him to have a loud voice.

He's a rough guy, so it's not that embarrassing, the main reason is that He Xin'er's thin skin will make her shy

"Cough, cough..."

Ye Shitian coughed twice, trying to change the subject, and finally he racked his brains to think of something, "That, that Xin girl, I have something to discuss with you."

He Xiner raised her eyes, looked at him with clear eyes, and said with a smile, "Why are you being polite, uncle? Just talk about things."

Her candid attitude made Ye Shitian a little speechless.

Ye Mancang guessed what his father was going to say, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

Ye Laiyin, on the other hand, was a little puzzled, "My own child, what's so hard to say? When did you lose sight of yourself like this?"

Ye Mancang hummed softly.

Ye Shitian stared at him immediately.

He Xiner blinked, and looked at her father in a daze.

Ye Laiyin smiled and said, "Father has played with your uncle since he was a child, and I have never seen him being so coy."

This made He Xiner and Ye Mancang laugh.

Ye Shitian didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"It's my father who loves my daughter dearly. Let me discuss it with girl Xin. Can you teach elder sister how to grow garlic?"

After a pause, he said helplessly, "Although she is not a good person, she is still from the Ye family. It is not good to watch her suffer and suffer poorly. However, money cannot be borrowed. If it is not my father, I will come here." Discuss this with girl Xin."

"It's late at night, but the vegetable shed was cleaned up a year ago, and the weather is still cool to plant stubble in the next year, so that she can get some income and life will be easier."

What else is He Xiner doing? It's worthy of her embarrassing appearance like her uncle's.

(End of this chapter)

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