The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2110 Make everyone want to collect interest

Chapter 2110 Make everyone want to collect interest

Although she didn't like Wei Yeshi, and even hated Wei Qiufang who pestered her eldest brother repeatedly, she would not embarrass her uncle on such a trivial matter.

What's more, it was Grandpa who opened the mouth.

He Xiner's eyes flashed lightly. Before, Wei Qiufang wanted to rely on the big brother regardless of his reputation, but he didn't get any benefits. He was almost sued by the big brother in court. He thought he didn't dare to make trouble anymore.

"Don't tell me, uncle, I haven't thought of this..."

She smiled at Ye Shitian, and smiled again to look at Ye Laiyin, "Father, uncle, our workshop business is on the right track, and we are so busy all day long that we can't take care of the work in the field. Don't count on that interest rate either.

I think it is better to teach the villagers how to grow garlic and leeks, so that everyone can get more income. "

Hearing this, Ye Mancang grinned so hard that he couldn't get behind his ears.

Why is the daughter of the Ye family not the daughter of the Ye family? That person is already from the Wei family. After so many years, she wished she could evacuate her mother's house.

Up to now, I still want to take advantage of it.

It's just that his grandma couldn't stand that person's pestering, and ran back crying every now and then, saying that she couldn't live on, and her family couldn't just watch her die.

It's not that he grinds his grandfather when he's soft-hearted, and grinds his grandfather until he loses his temper.

So he finally threw the problem to his father.

I also knew that if his father opened his mouth, sister Xin'er would not refuse.

But he felt uncomfortable.

Now it's all right, everyone in the village has learned it, whether it's garlic yellow or leek moss, it's not the only thing, but it's nothing rare.

It is impossible to sell at a high price.

Why is he so happy in his heart, it's more comfortable than taking two sips of wine.

Well, Sister Xin'er has more ways to do it.

When Ye Mancang was happy, his voice became louder, "I think Sister Xin'er has a good idea, haha—"

Loud and excited laughter suddenly sounded, interrupting He Xiner's next words, and she became a little amused.

Brother Mancang's thoughts are too obvious.

Sure enough, Ye Shitian gave his son a hard look, "If you laugh again, go out."

Ye Mancang stopped talking instantly.

It made Ye Laiyin laugh, he patted Ye Mancang on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Since I said Xin'er's idea is good, let's listen to her."

"Hey, listen to sister Xin'er."

Ye Mancang had a simple and honest face.

He Xiner couldn't help grinning.

"Before, we made dolls and picked wild fruits and made a fortune quietly. No one in the village knew about it. There were vegetable sheds on the left and right to block other people's eyes. Even if our lives were better, the gap would not be too big."

"I think the things grown in the field are rarer, and they can be more expensive than meat? It's just that they earn more than ordinary vegetables."

Ye Mancang smiled, "Our garlic and chives are really more expensive than meat."

"Don't interrupt!"

Ye Shitian stared again.

He Xiner's eyes were clear and unaffected, she said, "But since the workshop was built, it's different from the small fights before."

"In the past few months, how our business is doing, people in the village are watching coldly. The workshop was expanded not long after it was built, and workers have been recruited again and again. If it is said that it does not make money, even a fool would not believe it. "

Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin looked at each other and nodded frequently.

"Sister Xin'er means, is she afraid that someone will be jealous of our good business and make trouble secretly?"

Before the two of them could say anything, Ye Mancang spoke first.

What He Xiner said has reached this point, there is still something that they don't understand.

"Exactly, someone plotted against us behind our backs before, and we haven't found out who did it until now."

He Hongjin next door frowned with complicated eyes.

On this end, He Xiner continued, "In the future, our business will grow bigger and bigger, and I'm afraid it will be even more hated by people. Especially because the wages in our workshop are high, people who work are naturally happy, but those who are not If you get benefits, you will definitely feel dissatisfied."

"The person who plotted against us before, although I don't know who it is, but one thing, since he has already moved his mind, it is hard to say that he will not make another move in the future."

Ye Mancang looked angry, "Let me know who is behind the scenes, and I must break his leg."

The veins on He Hongjin's forehead throbbing across the wall.

Originally, he was going to leave, but he heard Chen Xing go out, so he didn't move to avoid suspicion, but...

The corners of his lips were tight, and his eyes were dim.

(End of this chapter)

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