The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2111 She wants to be an adult

Chapter 2111 She wants to be an adult

From He Xiner's point of view, the lives of the people in the village are pretty much the same, even if their families are a little better off, it's not too out of the ordinary.

No matter how well the house is repaired, it is still an out-and-out farmer's family.

Still relying on the income from the ground to live.

But after the workshop was built, the nature changed.

It is no longer a simple farmer's family.

In addition, this winter's business is good, there are horse-drawn carriages going in and out of the village every day to deliver goods, and I don't know how many people's eyes are attracted.

It is inevitable that there will be those jealous and hot-hearted, secretly jealous.

And because the business is going well, it has also attracted the attention of people with ulterior motives outside, which has already been proved by people's calculations before.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there are internal and external troubles.

It's not easy to do anything these days.

"After building the workshop, it's too eye-catching, so it's easy to be targeted. If someone bribes the people in the village to do bad things, it's hard to guard against."

"So I thought, teach everyone how to grow garlic and leeks, oh, and how to grow bean sprouts, so that everyone is busy making money, and there is no time to think about harming others. "

Ye Shitian, Ye Laiyin, and Ye Mancang all listened to her with heavy faces, and she laughed slyly and smartly, "I'm just kidding, if I say that I'm just idle thinking about harming others, it's hard to avoid it." Think badly."

"However, they are all from the same village. Those who look up and look down are all from our own family. They work together to earn money. It is better to live a good life in unity than to gossip about nothing."

She said it cleverly, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

If the whole village can be twisted into one rope, there is no fear of outsiders coming to the village to make trouble.

Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin looked at each other, and understood each other's meaning without discussing.

"Xin'er is right, so let's do it."

The two have no objection.

Instead, Ye Mancang said, "Although this idea is good, I'm afraid that the garlic yellow and leek moss will be worthless if there are too many. Isn't it just a joy?"

"Don't talk about anything else, just talk about the yellow garlic, because it is the only thing, the price of fifty yuan a catty has not changed in the past few years.

Naturally because it is rare.

But everyone in the village grows it, and if they harvest hundreds or thousands of catties a day, they may not be able to sell it, let alone the price. "

He frowned, with a serious face, "If this is a busy time, if it can't be sold at that time, and it falls into the hands, those people will not be crazy?"

Ye Shitian felt for the first time that his son was smart.

As soon as girl Xin finished speaking, he could think of so many things, which is not clever.

Faster than his brain.

He glanced at Ye Mancang in relief, then turned his head and said to Ye Laiyin, "What do you think of the second child?"

Ye Laiyin smiled and said, "I will listen to my daughter."

He Xiner also laughed, how could it be so comfortable to be with her father.

Oops, she misses her mother.

The happiness of being together as a family will be doubled.

Thinking of Mrs. Wang, her smile deepened a little.

"Brother Datang is right. The whole village grows garlic yellow. If the output increases, things will become less rare, and the price will naturally not increase."

She smiled at Ye Mancang, and continued, "But it can be sold to other places, there are no such vegetables outside of Pingning Town, but they are still rare.

Our goods are meant to be delivered outside, and by the way, it is not too difficult to sell this unique fresh vegetable to a cooperative restaurant. "

This time it was Ye Shitian's turn to laugh, "I still think that this kid has a good brain for a while, and he can spin much faster than me. In the end, compared with Xin girl, he is still far behind."

Ye Mancang chuckled, "Uncle Guan always said that sister Xin'er has a delicate heart, how dare I compare with her."

This made Ye Laiyin smile, his daughter is not the best.

He Xiner also laughed, it's really immodest for her own people to boast.

Next, several people discussed this matter.

Although it is something that everyone benefits from, it may not necessarily be a good thing.

It's really hard to say what everyone says, there are too many people with all kinds of temperaments, and most of them are narrow-minded and calculating. If they get benefits from you, they may not speak well of you.

They don't want to complain kindly.

After the matter was settled, He Xiner said, "It's because we are too excited, and we don't have any big backing, so we are easy to attract people's attention, so we are afraid of this and that. When the big brother has fame, we will wait for you." The elders can't move us."

"Hey, next year will be the provincial examination every three years. With Xu Sheng's talent and learning, it's not a problem to get a good name."

Ye Shitian was full of confidence in Ye Xusheng.

Ye Laiyin also said, "Even if you fail in the exam, you can be a scholar."

Although a scholar is exempt from corvee and does not kneel when he sees an official, he cannot be compared with a scholar.

But He Xiner didn't bother about it.

She knows the level of the eldest brother.

To him, a successful career is still within his grasp.

"Hey, we still have a big general as our backer. Whoever dares to cause trouble is tied up and thrown to the border to fight."

These words sound confident.

But everyone knew it was a joke, the border was too far away, and there were people making troubles, so they couldn't look up to Zhang Tieniu, who was thousands of miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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