The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2113 Do not stop repairing

Chapter 2113 Do not stop repairing
He Xiner pursed her lips and smiled.

Father and uncle are so stubborn, but they misinterpreted her meaning.

Although she was a little worried about what happened a few days ago, she would not give up eating because of choking.

Giving some benefits to others does not mean that there is no bottom line.

And she is worried about the uneven interests, which will only increase the resentment, so naturally it cannot be balanced with greater interests.

That's stupid.

And there are no fools in their Ye Family.

As for winning people's hearts, there is not only one way.

"Shall we spend money to build a school for the village?"

Ye Shitian, Ye Laiyin and Ye Mancang all stared wide-eyed.

He Xiner's proposal was really unexpected.

The reason why He Xiner came up with this idea was inspired by the fact that the He family funded the establishment of the ethnology.

"It doesn't cost much money to build a school. It's just that there are few children studying in our village, and there is no slap in the face. It's not worth asking for a teacher."

Ye Shitian frowned, very embarrassed.

"Even if I want to invite you, I can't invite you. Who would come to our village for three or four children?

To put it bluntly, relying on that little money to live on, even eating muddled porridge every day is not enough. "

Even Ye Mancang felt that the school could not be run.

He Xiner looked at Ye Laiyin with a smile, "What did Dad say?"

Naturally, Ye Laiyin fully supported the precious girl. He waved his hand and said with arrogance, "The school should be built as soon as it should be built. At worst, we will pay for the repair money of the gentleman!"

He smiled heartily, "There is a school in the village, not only for the children in the village, but also for our own children to study, isn't it?
Xuyang is the first one, and the children who are full of warehouses will study in the county in the future, but it doesn't matter whether they build a school or not..."

Ye Shitian gave his son a hard look, and the latter bowed his head and remained silent.

"However, Mantun and Manliang are about to get married. In two or three years, the children will be able to run around.

Send them all to the school, and if you get enlightened earlier, you can study for two years more than others, how wonderful! "

Ye Shitian liked to hear this, and slapped his thigh happily, "Isn't this what people say that the stupid bird flies first! I think this is a good idea!"

Ye Mancang was speechless, while He Xiner grinned happily.

Uncle is so talented.

"Father and uncle don't have to worry about having no students. As long as we spread the news that the school is not closed, no one will be tempted."

"Do not restrain the repair?"

"Yes, children in Ye Family Village go to school for free."

That is to say, people from other villages have to pay money to study in the school.

Ye Mancang automatically ignored this point, and said, "Sister Xin'er means that we not only build a school for the village for free, but also spend money to hire a teacher?

But the children in the village can read without spending a copper coin? "

"We pay the money, the school is naturally ours."

He Xiner smiled and said, "Even if it's our school, we are the ones who invite the teacher.

Children in the village can go to school for free, so it is our workshop doing good deeds for the village.

However, tuition fees are waived.

But pens, inks, papers and inkstones need to be prepared by themselves. How can it be possible to study without spending a single copper coin?

It is impossible for us to cover all expenses. "

After a short pause, she said again, "However, such a condition is already rare, and there should be many people who are tempted."

It is difficult for rural people to get ahead, and taking the imperial examination to enter the official career is the only chance to change their destiny.

Learning is valuable than anything else.

However, it is difficult for a poor family to produce a noble son, and studying is extremely costly. If you don't have a strong family background, how can you afford scholars.

And now that there is such an opportunity to study for free, who can be tempted?

"You can study without having to study. If you are not stupid, you will not miss such a good thing. Those who like to take advantage of it will not care whether the children at home are studying or not. I guarantee that all of them will be sent to school."

(End of this chapter)

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