Chapter 2114 Why is this again

Ye Mancang said, "To build a school in the village, the bricks, tiles and wood materials are all well used, and it is only a matter of a few dozen taels of silver. The master's repairs are enough for a year of ten taels of silver."

He looked around, his father and second uncle both nodded, indicating that it was such an account.

And He Xiner looked at him with a smile.

Ye Mancang also smiled at her, but frowned, and said, "This little money is nothing, it's just for those who don't have enough to take advantage of, it's not worth the effort.

We do business in an upright manner, and we don't take advantage of the village. Every copper coin is earned by our ability, so what do we care about other people's business?

What's more, teaching everyone how to earn money is already doing a good deed..."

Ye Shitian slapped him on the back of the head, "Your second uncle and girl Xin will invite you sir, who wants to listen to your nonsense?"

The sudden sound of crisp applause startled He Xiner, and then she couldn't help but look at Ye Mancang, whose face was flushed red.

She covered her mouth and snickered.

Ye Laiyin also smiled and said, "The warehouse is full of married people, so how can we just raise our hands and hit them? In front of Xin'er, where is he going to save his brother's face?"

Ye Shitian didn't care, "Why is there no face? If he wants to know face, he still sings the opposite tune?"

"Where did you talk about contradicting? Aren't we coming together together? Now is not the time to make a decision. After returning home, we have to discuss it with Brother Guan and Brother Guan."

Ye Laiyin's words were about to fall, Ye Shitian waved his hand, "Don't bother, just listen to girl Xin!"

Ye Laiyin didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He Xiner quickly said, "Uncle..."

"Young girl Xin, just say what you think, whoever dares not listen, uncle will cut him off!"

While talking, he did not forget to stare at Ye Mancang, as if ready to strike at any time.

Now it was He Xiner's turn to be dumbfounded.

There is no one else who is so righteous and confident that the uncle is eccentric.

Ye Mancang explained helplessly, "Where did I disagree with Sister Xin'er? I just think some people are not worth our troubles."

He looked at He Xiner seriously and said, "The most important thing is that they didn't intend to study for the imperial examination or change the lintel, but they got the opportunity to study for free, so they just developed ambitions. In the end, they couldn't fulfill their wishes. Don't they want to resent you? we?"

Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin looked at each other at the same time, Ye Laiyin smiled and said, "Mancang is right."

Ye Shitian remained unmoved.

And Ye Mancang said again, "It's no good to spend the money, and there may be complaints. This business is not worth it..."

Ye Shitian was about to strike again, but He Xiner spoke first, "Brother Mancang, what you said is wrong."

She said with a smile, "There are many benefits to building a school. It's not without benefits."

Ye Mancang's eyes lit up, "Sister Xin'er, tell me quickly. What are the benefits?"

He Xiner smiled slightly.

"The hard work of studying is for a future, and it's not really an ambition. After all, who doesn't want to be famous, what about glorifying their ancestors?"

"It's good to be ambitious."

She smiled and talked.

"The status of a scholar is decent, but it is also a kind of bondage.

If you want to become an official through the imperial examination, you must maintain your reputation.

Neither he nor his family can do anything against the law.

Otherwise, it is self-destructive. "

What it means is self-evident.

This time, not only Ye Mancang, but also Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin's eyes lit up.

And He Hongjin next door was shocked.

A girl who hasn't reached Ji can actually see so far.

It really impressed him.

And what He Xiner said later shocked him even more.

"Of course the benefits of building a school are more than that."

"By hiring a teacher, we are looking for those who have real talents but are poor at home. As long as they have good character, we will not only hire a teacher with a high salary, but also subsidize them to continue their scientific examinations."

Ye Mancang was puzzled, "Why is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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