Chapter 2116

He Hongjin didn't pay much attention to the conversation next door.

Because his emotions haven't recovered yet.

At some point, the next door was already talking about business matters.

It turned out that Ye Shitian, Ye Laiyin, and Ye Mancang were all worried that after the new year, when the weather got warmer, the business of spicy base ingredients would plummet.

The sales of monosodium glutamate and monosodium glutamate are not very high, and there is no need to hire people for that amount.

And now there are more than 60 people working in the workshop

When the business slumps, only some people can be dismissed.

After all, you can't support idlers.

He Xiner said, "The business of spicy hot pot ingredients is deserted. We can also make chili sauce, fermented bean curd, soy sauce, vinegar, sweet noodle sauce, bean paste, mushroom sauce, etc. There will be more places to employ people in the future."

Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin looked at each other, full of surprise.

And Ye Mancang slapped his thigh happily, "It turns out that Sister Xin'er has a plan!"

He Xiner smiled and said, "I've really thought about business matters a lot, but we're just starting out, so we can only take things step by step."

"This winter's spicy hot pot base business is booming, and the demand is high. It's our first time doing business, so it's inevitable that we'll be a little hectic.

Most of the energy is spent on this, and other things are somewhat neglected.

But when you are not too busy, you can try to do it slowly. . "

"In short, our seasoning will become more and more abundant.

We have what others don't have; we are good at what others have.

Just do your best!
Promote our brand and let more people know that Ye's seasoning is the most complete, richest and best.

With a good reputation and high-quality products, the business will naturally flourish and get better and better! "

Ye Shitian, Ye Laiyin and Ye Mancang were pleasantly surprised and delighted.

All three of them are gearing up and eager to try, wishing they could fly home immediately to work.

I don't even feel like eating.

He Xiner couldn't laugh or cry, she was all in a hurry.

She said that it was almost noon, and it was already time to eat, so she couldn't hurry on the road hungry.

Besides, it is rare to get together in the county, how can we go back without eating.

Ye Laiyin was originally reluctant to part with his daughter, and after listening to her persuasion, he immediately agreed with kindness.

Of course, Ye Shitian and his son did not object.

They also cared about He Xiner, she was just a little too excited, and it could be said that she was hot-blooded.

Now I'm not in a hurry to leave, just discuss the business enthusiastically, every word you say is so lively.

He Hongjin was not interested in continuing to listen, and when it was lunch time, there would be guests in the private room at any time, so it would be bad if someone saw him here.

He stood behind the door, listening.

It was very quiet in the corridor.

The door opened gently, with almost no sound.

Chen Xing, who was standing at the end of the corridor, had been silently staring out of the window for a long while.

The blue sky is as clean and clear as washed with water, dotted with white clouds, stretching with the wind, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Such a beautiful weather, really refreshing.

But he felt a heavy heart and couldn't breathe.

Suddenly he leapt and jumped out of the window at the end of the corridor.

Just being seen by He Hongjin who just walked out of the room, he was shocked by the suddenness.

This is the third floor, jumping down so stupidly, I'm afraid it will kill someone.

At this time, He Hongjin couldn't care less about avoiding suspicion. He walked quickly to the end of the corridor, stretched his neck to look at the situation below.

I thought it was a bloody scene, but unexpectedly saw Chen Xing intact.

He Hongjin's mood was too complicated to express.

Does everyone in the Ye family know kung fu?
That Ye Xusheng is capable of both literature and martial arts, and this kid is also extraordinary in martial arts.

It's really impressive.

His heart sank, he was the one who despised the Ye family earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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