Chapter 2117 is not a big deal

Of course, even if everyone in the Ye family has kung fu, there is no threat to him.

However, I was a little surprised that they knew kung fu, but it was not to the point of fear.

What made him afraid was Zhang Tieniu, the backer of the Ye family.

Even if it is thousands of miles away, its power should not be underestimated.

If not, the Ye family would have already been taken over by him.

This explains what happened before.

Compared to his several strikes, which were easily resolved by the Ye family, Ye Xusheng's behavior of sending a brocade box to his mother is not a big deal.

Thinking about it, too, there is a master of a great general with a strong backing, even if he acts a little arrogantly, it is nothing, it cannot be called arrogant.

He Hongjin was full of worries, avoided the crowd, and left Dingfuju through a special passage.

Knowing so many things by accident, his heart was very heavy.

Need to be quiet.

With the arrival of Ye Laiyin and his party, He Xiner couldn't help but be overjoyed. Even He Jiaheng was also very happy. He enthusiastically ordered people to prepare a table full of dishes, and warmly entertained Ye's family.

If it wasn't for Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin's repeated refusals, saying that he had to go on his way and it was not suitable for drinking, he would have brought all the decades-old wines in the wine cellar.

But the wine was not spared either.

In the end, he found an excuse and brought two jars to each family before giving up.

When Ye Laiyin saw him acting like this, he just thought it was because he felt sorry for He Xiner and was trying to save face for her, so he couldn't help feeling very relieved.

Even Ye Shitian saw that he was sincerely treating He Xiner well, and pulled him into his own camp from the bottom of his heart.

It was completely unexpected that He Jiaheng's enthusiasm was mostly due to his daughter.

Not to mention Ye Mancang, he has a carefree personality, and he never pays attention to the affairs of men and women. As long as the other party doesn't write his thoughts on his face, he can't see it.

However, He Jiaheng is a calm and prudent person, no matter what he thinks in his heart, he will not show it on his face, and no one will know what is on his mind.

The Ye family, who were already harmonious, were even happier under He Jiaheng's warm and considerate hospitality, talking and laughing very happily.

Even Chen Xing, who was originally in a gloomy mood, subconsciously raised the corners of his lips when he heard He Xiner's clear and bright laughter.

After the meal ended in a relaxed atmosphere, he drank another pot of tea and chatted some gossips. Ye Shitian said that it was getting late and he had to go home before dark and it was time to start.

He Xiner was reluctant to part with her.

"Father, tell Mother that I miss her."

She tugged on Ye Laiyin's sleeve and did not let go.

The younger daughter's demeanor is fully displayed.

The delicate and pretty appearance is really a rare person.

Ye Laiyin couldn't help the redness in his eyes, he put on a big smile, "Father will tell your mother."

Then he continued, "Your mother is fine, don't worry. The world will be chaotic at the end of the year, and it will be freezing cold, so don't go back. It's not good if you catch a cold or something."

He Xiner hummed lightly, feeling depressed.

Ye Mancang said, "Sister Xin'er, bear with it for now, and when we buy a house in the county and settle down, we can see Second Aunt every day."

Thinking of something, he laughed again, "Yuanyuan is looking forward to going shopping with you, she mutters every day when we will visit the house."

Hearing this, He Jiaheng's eyes flashed lightly.

But Chen Xing felt lost.

When Second Aunt Ye moved to the county, she wouldn't go back to Ye Family Village.

The two had different thoughts, but no one noticed.

He Xiner was coaxed by Ye Mancang to smile, and happily waved goodbye to her father and his entourage, then bounced to Ye's house with the pink panther and Dabai in her arms.

She wants to share her good mood with her big cousin.

Therefore, when Ye Xusheng returned home, he was dazzled by her bright smile, his heart pounded, and he was inexplicably teased.

"Oh, it won't be long. Mother, Yuanyuan, cousin and aunt will be able to move to the county town. We can see each other every day. I'm so happy just thinking about it..."

He Xiner was chirping like a happy bird.

Ye Xusheng waited until the chill on his body dissipated, he couldn't wait to hold her in his arms, feeling her joyful mood, he was also very happy.

He Xiner, who was forcibly drawn into the warm embrace, had a pretty face flushed slightly, and the clear fragrance of Su He came from the tip of her nose. Her heart was extremely at ease, as sweet as drinking honey, even the air around her was sweet. .

"Big brother, it's great to have you..., um..."

Ye Xusheng lowered his head and kissed it, as gentle as water, lingering to the bone.

(End of this chapter)

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