Chapter 2118 Really Cunning
While Ye Xusheng and He Xiner were enjoying their sweet time together, in the main hall of Songhe Hall in He Mansion, the old lady and He Hongjin all had sullen faces, and the atmosphere was heavy.

At this time in the past, it was the time for the old lady to worship the Buddha.

He Hongjin didn't believe that at all, and he was so depressed that his chest felt like a lump of cotton, and he was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe, so he couldn't discuss it with others, so he could only come to the old lady.

He alone has the final say on business affairs, but the mother and son decide on matters in the mansion.

It is natural to talk to the old lady about the family affairs.

In fact, I'm not in a hurry, I just want to talk to someone.

"Do you mean that when you worship your ancestors at the end of the year, or do you follow the rules of previous years?"

The old lady was twisting a string of Buddhist beads in her hands, her complexion was gloomy, her tone was heavy, her cloudy eyes sparkled, she was a little less dignified and more snobbish than usual.

"Well, let's do it as in previous years. Mr. Zuxue's Shu Xiu silver will also be sent back."

He Hongjin picked up the teacup on the table and drank it in a few sips, then put down the teacup again, thinking of something, he narrowed his eyes slightly, his face was unpredictable.

"Shu Xiu, who is said to be the master, but cheapened those greedy things, it's really frustrating."

The old lady sneered again and again.

There were no outsiders around, she drove out all the maids and mothers-in-law, and Nanny Ji was guarding the door in the corridor, so she was not afraid of being overheard.

Therefore, the always dignified and elegant old lady couldn't hold back a heavy snort for a moment. She looked down on the old Han family and the old Dong family. The old lady from the country who was obviously nothing, insisted on standing in front of her. Nacho, I really don't know what to say.

The vulgar things are not even comparable to the woman in charge of the mansion, so I have the nerve to pretend to be a big tailed wolf with her.

Thinking of the troublesome He Yuru, the old lady felt even more contemptuous in her heart.

"Those people are greedy, making up all kinds of reasons to keep the money away, and even want to send their children to our house to raise them, huh..."

The old lady was full of sarcasm.

He Hongjin was a little distracted.

He was thinking about He Xiner.

If he is not mistaken, it seems that the fourth girl is in charge of the Ye family's affairs, whether it is business or other things.

It's not that the masters of the Ye family have no ideas and no responsibility.

On the contrary, they are all bloody men, and none of them are timid.

He really appreciates this kind of person.

But having said that, a group of elders willingly obeyed Si Yatou's arrangement, which really explained the problem.

That kid is really smart...

The old lady hated He Yuru to the core, but usually she had to maintain an elegant and dignified persona, so she couldn't complain in front of the maidservant or the second lady, it was really frustrating.

She scolded Mother Ji in private, but she didn't vent much. Now that He Hongjin started the conversation and mentioned the family affairs, she couldn't help talking about it.

"A vulgar and superficial girl is not as good-looking as the rough maid in the mansion. She dares to say that she is going to be a rich lady, and she doesn't even look at her virtue..."

After holding it in for too long, she was finally able to vomit quickly, and the old lady couldn't stop the car.

He also stopped holding it in front of his own son, so he didn't have to hide any dissatisfaction.

But seeing that He Hongjin didn't respond, she was a little bored.

Knowing that he doesn't care about these things, she won't be angry with him.

After a while, she started to talk about the business, "Didn't you just let them know beforehand? Especially in the field of ethnology, they put all the foreign surnames in their pockets, and they still have to take it from us." It’s really cunning to make another fortune.”

The old lady gritted her teeth secretly.

A little money is nothing, but the annoying thing is that those people took advantage of it for nothing, and they might even laugh at them for being stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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