The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2119 Do they have many ways

Chapter 2119 Do they have many ways
He Hongjin took a deep look at the old lady.

He is familiar with his own mother's temperament. She has been married to the He family for decades, and she still puts on the airs of an official lady and looks down on Jia Jia's family.

He even looked down on those clansmen in his hometown.

Even the patriarch is nothing more than an old country man in her eyes, let alone the old Han family and others.

Before, I could bear it for a while, but now, I'm so angry with those few unknown things, I'm afraid I won't hold it anymore.


He guessed right.

As if to confirm his thoughts, the old lady thought about it and said, "It has been decades since your grandfather settled in the county, and there is not even an old house in the countryside, let alone a field. and other industries."

She said cryptically, "Our lineage has nothing to do with the several lines in the clan, and we don't even have any relatives in the fifth server."

After a short pause, the old lady's eyes were dark and difficult to read. She lowered her voice and said in a deep voice, "The so-called clan members are just the same surname..."

She looked up at her eldest son.

Instead of letting those so-called clansmen eagerly suck blood, it is better to divide into clans and form a clan of their own.

Naturally, the words were not spoken.

The thought is getting stronger and stronger.

The old lady looked at He Hongjin with burning eyes, she believed that he understood what she meant.

He Hongjin has no expression on his face, "The He family is prosperous and there are many people in the family. There are more than 100 males in Jiaheng's generation. If you train well, you will have a few prospects. Maybe you can help each other with us in the future. ..."

The old lady's eyes flashed lightly, with Uncle Yongchang's mansion here, how can I use some bumpkins to help.

As for his mother's opinion, He Hongjin was well aware of it, and simply pointed out that "Jiaming always has to take the imperial examination to become an official. Only with the help of his own people can he be successful in his official career."

The old lady paused while twisting the prayer beads, and looked at him in surprise, "Have you found a miracle doctor?"

People with disabilities cannot take the imperial examination.

If He Jiaming's legs hadn't been seen by all the doctors in the county, they all said that the medicine stone was difficult to cure, and no matter how difficult it was to recover, she would not let He Hongzhang toss and let him go.

After all, it is the grandson she has loved for many years, and he was raised by the He family with real gold and silver, so it can't be for nothing, the Ye family is not.

He Hongjin's eyes were filled with coldness.

Not only was he angry with He Hongzhang, but also the Ye family.

They kept looking for a miracle doctor to save people, but they didn't mention Jiaming's leg injury at all.

That is the blood of their Ye family. They don't care at all, but they take good care of an outsider.

It can be seen how he is treated in the Ye family.

Thinking of the deep love between Ye Laiyin and He Xiner's father and daughter, his mood was extremely complicated.

That child is related to him, and Jiaming is in Ye's family.

Blame the bastard on the second child!

If it's not him, the two children don't have to feel embarrassed.

Just as He Hongjin was calculating how to create trouble for He Hongzhang, the old lady couldn't wait to ask, "Are you sure you can invite a genius doctor to treat Jiaming?"

His thoughts were interrupted, but He Hongjin's expression remained the same, and he said solemnly, "Someone is also trying their best to find a miracle doctor, so we just have to wait."

There are priorities, how to deal with the second child can be put aside first, and Jiaming's matter is the most important.

No matter what you say, let the Ye family invite a genius doctor to treat him.

"Is there anyone else? Who are they? Do they have many ways?"

"The Ye family."

The old lady was just asking casually, but was startled by He Hongjin's reflexive answer.

"They even know about divine doctors?"

Her face was full of distrust, and then she continued, "Even if you know, it's useless. For a real farmer, who can find out the whereabouts of the genius doctor?"

The tone was light and fluffy, with a hint of disdain.

He Hongjin raised his eyes and looked over, "The Ye family cannot be underestimated."

The old lady was silent.

Obviously don't believe it.

They're just vulgar mud legs, there's nothing to belittle, and there's no other great backer.

(End of this chapter)

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