The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2120 The Ye family can't move

Chapter 2120 The Ye family can't move

He Hongjin looked over indifferently, and the old lady suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

In a blink of an eye, that bloody brocade box flashed in her mind, and she was so horrified that the hairs all over her body were about to stand on end.

Seeing his old lady's face pale instantly, He Hongjin remained silent.

His mother has always been strong, if she hadn't been frightened at that time, she would never have told him to deal with the aftermath.

Now that some time has passed, no matter how frightened he is, it will be limited, and he will recover soon, without any comfort from him.

He is not the second child, he can coax the old lady to be happy with his eloquence.

If he asked him to speak, he might offend the old lady even more.

For a while, both mother and son were silent, and the room was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

After the old lady's mood eased, she put her attention on the Ye family, and left the matter in the family to Jiuxiao Yun.

Suppressing the discomfort in her heart, the old lady spoke slowly, and said in a deep voice, "It is said that Dabai has been with Si Yatou for two or three years..."

When Dabai was mentioned, her heart beat wildly uncontrollably.

Trying to suppress the chaotic heartbeat, he continued, "Now that I think about it, it's really not easy for the Ye family to raise such a big dog."

"There is also the parent of the leaf, Sun Wenwu, who has both talents."

The old lady frowned, and narrowed her eyes slightly, "It's rare for a country child to be able to study, and it's even more rare for a child to practice martial arts. If you don't have a family, you can't afford it, and it can't be cultivated in a year or two... "

From the bottom of her heart, she didn't like the Ye family, so she didn't care.

Thinking about it now, she took it for granted.

With just one understanding, one should know that the Ye family is not simple.

Not to mention that he has also cultivated a great talent with good martial arts, and his future is limitless.

In the future, the Ye family will follow him to become an official, and the tide will rise and become a famous family in Lin'an County.

The old lady clenched her fists violently.

How could this be!

A trace of cruelty flashed across her eyes, she stared at He Hongjin firmly, and said in a deep voice, "The Ye family must never go past our He family!"

He Hongjin was expressionless.

How could he want the Ye family to be excited.

"Nowadays, Ye's parents and grandchildren are not well-off, so it is easier to deal with it. If not, things will be difficult after he enters the imperial examination..."

As soon as the old lady thought of that brocade box, her teeth itch with hatred, especially after guessing that it was made by Ye Xusheng, she began to think about how to teach him a lesson.

Originally, she didn't intend to let her son know about it. After all, the murder was not revealed at the beginning, but she was frightened instead, which is already embarrassing enough.

Even if only the eldest son knew about it, she felt ashamed.

When it comes to plotting against people, subconsciously, he doesn't want to be known by him.

Didn't this talk about the topic of the Ye family? Knowing that the eldest son wanted to take Jiaming back, he naturally didn't want the Ye family to prosper, so she didn't have any scruples.

He Hongjin was still expressionless, but the depths of his eyes were dark, as if suppressing the huge waves and violent storms.

Some things can be done but cannot be said.

Even his own mother, he wouldn't tell.

"The Ye family can't move."

The old lady was astonished.


"The Ye family has a big backer."

"Backer? Who is it?"

"The master of the grandson of Ye's parents is a great general with a heavy army in his hands."

The old lady's eyes widened suddenly, her body froze as if she was still, she just stared at her eldest son intently, as if she wanted to see some flaws in his face.

But she also knew that the eldest son was unsmiling and never joked with her, let alone talking about such things casually.

But, how could a country boy be so lucky?

The old lady's face was extremely ugly, she stared into He Hongjin's eyes, and asked with a trace of uncertainty, "What did you just say?"

He Hongjin's complexion was not good. The Ye family had a big general with a large army as their backer, so why did they send back the fourth girl who was so dear to him?
If it is for his own flesh and blood, why doesn't he take Jiaming to heart?
(End of this chapter)

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