Chapter 2125 stop her
Dabai flew up into the air with a stride, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Luohua, picked up the umbrella in her hand, turned around and ran away.

The speed is astonishingly fast.

Luo Hua was confused.

It wasn't until Dabai's figure was hidden in the white and snowy sky that she realized later, "Miss must be on the way, otherwise Dabai wouldn't be in a hurry to grab the umbrella."

"Well, the wind is really strong. If there is no umbrella to cover it, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my eyes open."

"Let's hurry up."


"Be careful with your feet."


They ran out of the warm room in a hurry, their hot bodies were suddenly blown by the cold wind, and they froze to the core.

But thinking of their young lady being trapped on the road, the two of them ignored the cold and stepped up their steps to meet her.

After a while, He Xiner and Wei Yu, who were holding an umbrella together, met head to head.

Xiao Xing hurriedly handed the umbrella to Wei Yu, and the few of them didn't care about talking, they nodded at each other, and braved the strong cold wind, they returned to Qingxin Youju.

"It's a day when you say you're going to change your face. At first the room was very bright, but it became dark in the blink of an eye. The servant girl said that it was going to snow, but it didn't just fall. When Xiao Xing found the umbrella, the people in the yard The snow is an inch thick."

Luo Hua waited on He Xiner to shake the snow off her body on the porch before raising the cotton curtain and entering the hall.

He quickly helped her untie the cloak, and carefully rolled up a small part of the sleeves of the jacket. Then, after the little maid waited for He Xiner to wash up, she quickly poured hot almond tea for He Xiner, and by the way, gave it to Wei Wei. A glass of rain.

I'm afraid that the two of them will catch a cold.

Oh, and I didn't pull Dabai either.

It has always had a sweet tooth, and it also likes this sweet and moist almond tea very much.

Luohua does things neatly, her small mouth is also sharp, her voice is crisp and cheerful, like a lark that can sing, yes, it can't stop talking.

He Xiner smiled and sipped Mimi, her bright eyes shone brightly, her aura was compelling.

Evidently, she was in a great mood.

Unaffected by the bad weather.

"Let's make a snowman when the snow stops."

"Okay, okay, build a few big snowmen, make them noses and eyes, haha, it must be fun."

The cold wind blows outside the window, and the snow falls heavily.

The interior is warm and full of fragrance.

He Mansion has a warm shed specially for raising flowers, and they have cultivated many beautiful flowers, and there are also many rare varieties, and most of them were sent to Songhe Hall except for keeping them as gifts.

He Xiner likes flowers, but she doesn't like to have the hall full, and she doesn't care whether it is expensive or not. She only chose two pots of verdant green plants to put in the room.

This refreshing and sweet aroma is the breath of green smoke in the incense burner.

The house was quiet.

With nothing else to do, He Xiner picked up the pen to write fairy tales again, Luo Hua was grinding for her, and Xiao Yu sat on the brocade bench and sewed.

The big white and the little milk cat lie on the thick blanket and sleep late.

It snowed heavily for a day, and it stopped at Shenshi Zhengfang. The snow in the courtyard was nearly three feet deep, and several Luohua called out to the courtyard door to be blocked by snow.

He Xiner still sent a message to invite a few rough maids to sweep the snow. The original intention was to avoid freezing the cute little maids, but they didn't think it was too cold. They all went outside to roll snowmen, having a great time Almost.

Laughter came from the yard from time to time, which made He Xiner unable to sit still, so she ran outside to see the scene, directed a few people to make noses and eyes for the snowman, and asked Xiao Xing to fetch the woven gold silk for the snowman As a scarf, let Xiaoyu make a simple hat for the snowman to wear.

The chubby snowman instantly turned into a charming woman, and He Xiner couldn't help but laugh when she saw it.

"Oh, I will see how this snowman is still a bald monk, how he turned into a pretty girl in the blink of an eye!"

Luo Hua was busy making an arm for a little snowman, so she didn't pay attention to the movement here, now she looked at the gorgeously dressed big snowman, glared with joy, screamed and wanted to pounce on it, and He Xiner yelled out anxiously, " Stop her quickly!"

Xiao Xing and the others immediately surrounded them, and they made a mess of laughing and joking.

(End of this chapter)

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