Chapter 2126 It's Today
It's getting late.

Looking up at the gray sky, as if it was about to snow, He Xiner couldn't help frowning.

The snow is deep and the road is difficult to walk. I am afraid that Brother Datang will have to walk home.

In winter, the sky is short and the sun is obscured by dark clouds. Before Youshi, the yard is already lit.

On several bustling streets in the county town, there are shops with lanterns hanging on the porches, while other places are completely dark.

But in today's weather, no one would go shopping, and the store would close early and go home to rest.

The sky was dim, the stars and the moon were dark, but fortunately the light from the snow was weak, so there was nothing wrong with the big brother's eyesight.

I'm afraid that there will be heavy snow again, the wind and snow are so violent that people can't open their eyes, and the snow is deep and the road is slippery, it is really difficult to walk.

Mu Laowu should go to pick up the big hall brother, but I don't know when he will go, so don't miss it with the big hall brother.

After thinking about it, He Xiner was really worried, so she wrote a letter and hung it around Dabai's neck, and tied an umbrella on his back, telling him to look for Ye Xusheng.

One was afraid that he would be trapped in the snowstorm, and the other was to tell him not to come here at night because of the bad weather.

And she would not brave the wind and snow to go to Ye's house, let Dabai pass on a message, so as not to worry the big hall brother.

Dabai lived up to his trust, and brought back Ye Xusheng's letter half an hour later, He Xiner couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

Unexpectedly, it snowed heavily for three or four days, the sky was always overcast, day and night were almost indistinguishable, and the weather was so bad that she didn't go out and was trapped in the mansion.

Fortunately, Dabai sent a letter, knowing that it is very hard for the big hall brother to walk to the academy every day, so he told him to go to bed early at night and not stay up late.

Ye Xusheng also sent a letter, telling her not to catch a cold from playing too much, and to stay in the yard and not run around.

And someone from Songhe Hall came over to deliver a message, saying that the weather was abnormally cold, in order to prevent everyone from getting cold, the old lady did not ask everyone to pay their respects.

So, He Xiner spent every day writing fairy tales in her room, without even stepping out of the courtyard door.

Unexpectedly, the business of Dingfuju was not affected by such a terrible weather, and the demand for spicy hot pot was even greater than usual.

Therefore, in this weather where a drop of water turns into ice, the small kitchen in Qingxin's secluded residence is bustling with activity every day.

It wasn't until the eighth day of the eighth day that the sky cleared up.

He Xiner got up early in the morning, and after freshening up, she took Li Yu and Dabai out of the courtyard.

As the saying goes, Laqi Laba freezes to death beggars, which shows that the weather is extremely cold and it is the coldest time of the year.

The reason why she chose to have her ears pierced on Laba was because of the customs in Lin'an County.

Early in the morning, without a hood, I walked half a garden with my head bare, and my ears were so cold that I almost lost consciousness, just to numb the blood vessels and nerves in my ears at low temperature.

Then the elders take two soybeans and grind them on the earlobe to make the ear flesh thinner, then burn the sterilized silver needle through the earlobe, and leave the red thread on the needle in the ear until the bleeding stops Plug in the tea stems and you're done.

Well, she already understood the whole process.

But when he stepped into the threshold of Songhe Hall, he couldn't help hesitating.

Wei Yu looked over wonderingly, seeing her young lady's pretty little face was about to wrinkle into a ball, amused and worried at the same time, "If Miss doesn't think about it, just wait."

Two red clouds flew over He Xiner's fair cheeks.

She asked a little embarrassedly, "Does it really hurt?"

Wei Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

From yesterday to now, I don't know how many times I have asked this question.

The usually calm and calm girl is about to get tangled up just because of piercing her ears.

"Miss, don't worry, Mother Ji has experience, so it won't hurt very much."

He Xiner nodded, as if she had made up her mind, she said in a deep voice, "Sooner or later, this will happen, don't wait, it will be today."

After speaking, he walked in with firm steps.

Wei Yu took a step behind, quietly covering her mouth and laughing.

Even the woman who guarded the door had two smiles. The fourth young lady is really a child, and she is afraid of being like this even if her ears are pierced.

(End of this chapter)

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