The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2127 The distance is too close

Chapter 2127 The distance is too close

After making up her mind, He Xiner had the urge to run away the moment the little maid opened the cotton curtain.

Following the thoughts in her heart, she paused, subconsciously turned her head and glanced back, just in time to see the smile in Wei Yu's eyes, her face became hot.

He quickly looked away, but met a pair of dark eyes.

Dabai looked full of doubts, like an ignorant child, but He Xiner couldn't help laughing, and reached out to pat his fluffy head, and all the worries disappeared in an instant.

Don't just get two needles, it's like being bitten by a mosquito.

He Xiner did a good job of psychological preparation, so she stopped being entangled, and greeted the old lady as usual, and then did not waste time, and asked Mother Ji to help her ear piercing.

You can't suffer in vain, no.

As Wei Yu said, Nanny Ji is indeed very experienced, she was still tense and closed her eyes tightly, nervously waiting for the pain to come, and then Nanny Ji said, "Okay. "

He Xiner was a little confused.

"So fast?"

There was a numbness in the ear, but it was not unbearable.

It just feels a little unreal.

"Miss Si can see by herself in the mirror."

Nanny Ji responded respectfully, and ordered the second-class maid Lianqiao to get the old lady's bronze mirror, but she couldn't help but glance at Dabai.

It's too close!
She has weak legs.

Xiao Yu had already handed He Xiner a gilded silver mirror smaller than a palm that she carried with her.

When Lian Qiao fetched the bronze mirror on the dressing table, He Xiner had already stared at it with eyes full of surprise.

She didn't let Lian Qiao make a trip in vain, she asked the other party to stand behind her holding the bronze mirror, and then used the mirror in her hand to look at the image in the bronze mirror.

The picture is not very clear, but it can be seen.

What she feared would bleed didn't happen, well, fine.

He Xiner was completely relieved, the corners of her lips were raised high, and she bowed her knees to Nanny Ji and said, "Thank you, Nanny Ji."

Mother Ji would not accept her gift, she repeatedly turned sideways to avoid it, with a humble attitude, "Miss Si, you are being polite."

The girl's faint smile is like the elegant and quiet blooming of magnolias standing on branches in early spring, pure and innocent, fresh and natural, and Mother Ji is a little dazed.

The thank you gift that He Xiner had prepared was not brought, so Xu had to send someone to make another trip alone to show her sincerity, now the thank you is over.

It snowed for a few days, and it finally cleared up. It was Laba again, and it was a festival of all sizes. All the female family members in the mansion were coming to pay their respects to the old lady. She was not in a hurry to leave. Watching the old lady chatting some gossip, she just left after drinking two cups of tea.

The sun is shining brightly after the snow has passed, the sky is clear and blue, and the clouds are not stained, which is as beautiful as a picture scroll.

The trees in the garden seem to be wrapped in a coat of ice crystals, and the eucalyptus and chirping branches are crystal clear, radiant and beautiful under the sunshine.

He Xiner, who was trapped in the yard by the heavy snow for a few days, was in a good mood walking in the sun, and she stopped and watched the scenery of the silver-covered garden. An ice skate was held in his hand, as if he had won some incredible treasure, and his brows were beaming with joy.

Seeing that she was having fun, and she was wearing gloves so that her hands wouldn't be damaged by the cold, Xiao Yu didn't stop her.

It was really interesting for her to look at it, and she couldn't help breaking a few crystal clear ice skates to play with.

The two played for a long time before taking Dabai back to Qingxin's secluded residence.

After the general washed up and drank a cup of hot almond tea, He Jiajie sent someone over, saying that He Jiayu was entertaining guests at Dingfuju at noon, and told her to go there.

Since the guest invited was Ye Xusheng, she naturally wanted to accompany her.

Qingyun Academy will be on holiday from today, and the He family brothers feared that Ye Xusheng would return to Yejia Village immediately, so He Jiajie sent an invitation to Ye Xusheng early.

Therefore, He Jiajie, who was in Class D, went to Class [-] for an unprecedented time.

Under the disdainful gazes of a group of top students, he approached Ye Xusheng, briefly explained the purpose of coming, and then left as quickly as possible. It was quite an air of running away, and Ye Xusheng couldn't help but laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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