The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2131 When will I open a new book

Chapter 2131 When will I open a new book
He Jiayu and He Jiaxuan were Ye Xusheng's senior book fans, and they admired his talent very much. Now that he was able to meet him, he was even better than they imagined, and they all felt a little close to him.

"Brother Ye is really a good-looking talent."

He Jiayu greeted Ye Xusheng heartily, his eyes turned around the other person's face a few times, and somehow felt that the person opposite was somewhat familiar.

But he can be sure that he has never seen this person before, and he doesn't know where this sense of familiarity comes from.

Could it be because of He Jiaming's cousin?

While thinking about it, he looked at Ye Xusheng calmly again.

Although that kid He Jiaming had a good skin and grew up among the brocades, his demeanor was not comparable to the person in front of him.

Just when He Jiayu was slightly distracted, He Jiaxuan was already chatting enthusiastically with Ye Xusheng, while He Jiajie was busy feeding Dabai.

He Jiaheng smiled and said, "Don't stand still, sit down and drink tea."

So, everyone sat down, and He Xiner was next to Ye Xusheng.

He Jiaxuan, who was sitting opposite, glanced at them and admired them secretly.

There are two brothers and sisters, one is clear and elegant, the other is a fairy with no appearance, they are both like exiled immortals~
The third young lady Chai's appearance is mediocre, but He Jiaxuan is a face-controlling person, and he doesn't have the final say on the marriage matters. After marrying a woman he doesn't like, he will inevitably feel a little bit aggrieved.

However, he still respected his married wife and didn't treat her lightly, but he was not very affectionate.

The third youngest of the He family, who was depressed in marriage, was quite happy outside, and all the friends he made were handsome young men with dignified appearance and imposing manner.

No way, who told him to be a senior face controler.

He likes pretty ones, not seductive ones.

It wasn't that when he looked at Ye Xusheng and He Xiner, who were outstanding in appearance, he couldn't move his eyes away, and felt that the two were very suitable for each other.

It should be a man with a talent and a woman with a beautiful appearance, a perfect match, really a match made in heaven.

This idea came out of nowhere, which made him laugh endlessly.

The fourth younger sister and the Ye family brothers are not brothers and sisters who are better than brothers and sisters, and are as close as a family, do they have other thoughts?
Shaking his head violently, throwing away those messy thoughts, he settled down to participate in the conversation of several people.

It turned out that He Jiayu couldn't wait to start the topic, and when he asked about Ye Xusheng's book writing, He Jiaxuan was also very interested, and immediately started chatting.

"How did Brother Ye come up with those superb martial arts names in the book?"

"I like the Depressed Ecstasy Palm the most. The name is too appropriate. It really captures the image of a frustrated person..."

Don't look at He Jiayu's reading of the Four Books and Five Classics was not good when he was serious in school, but he loved reading, such as funny stories about unofficial history, stories about operas, and miscellaneous books.

I especially like stories about wit and beauty.

However, when Legend of the Condor Heroes was born, it immediately caught his heart and aroused his unprecedented interest.

The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, the Dog Beating Cudgel, and the Nine Yin Manual are really addictive.

Ah, ah, when he read this book a few years ago, he wanted to be a chivalrous knight-errant who is willing to fight for revenge!
Just think about it, a person whose heart is full of Jianghu, how can he still value those stories of talented scholars and beautiful ladies?

Compared with the love between children and children against the background of family and country righteousness and grievances and grievances, that little emotional drama is really too childish.

In short, the second young master of the He family was completely fascinated. He watched it countless times and almost knew it by heart.

There is no way, he is not interested in other books, so he can only read back and forth according to the book.

At that time, I didn't know who the author was, otherwise he would definitely have visited, and by the way, please ask him to write more books of this kind.

Then, when the Condor Heroes came out after a year, one can imagine his joy.

Then came "Sword Gate", which also fascinated him so much.

Now that his wish has finally been fulfilled, and seeing the author himself, whom he has been fascinated for a long time, don't be too excited, even if he tries to maintain his image, it is difficult to hide the enthusiasm in his eyes.

If the general was still holding it when he met Ye Xusheng, and if he regarded himself as the second brother He, he has now turned into a fanboy.

"When will Brother Ye start a new book?"

(End of this chapter)

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