The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2132 Brother Ye, Don't See Others

Chapter 2132 Brother Ye, Don't See Others

When he learned that his favorite novel author was Ye Xusheng, he couldn't wait to ask He Xiner this question, and after hearing her answer, Ye Xusheng would not be writing any new books for the time being.

He Jiayu was rather disappointed.

Now that I saw him in person, I couldn't help asking again, hoping for a different answer from Ye Xusheng.

It's not that he doesn't trust He Xiner, but he likes Ye Xusheng's book too much.

Yet he was about to be disappointed.

"I'm focusing on my studies right now, and I have no plans to open a new book for the time being."

Ye Xusheng smiled lightly, he was gentle and elegant, calm and free-spirited, which made the He family brothers praise him from the bottom of his heart.

Next year is the year of autumn, which is held every three years, so his energy will naturally be focused on the imperial examination.

The Ye family is now considered to be a big family with a lot of assets, so it is very easy to be coveted by others. If he doesn't want to be calculated by others, he must get a good reputation in order to be able to protect the family.

More importantly, he must have sufficient status to propose marriage to the He family and marry his little girl back home.

There are still a few months to go before the exam, and time is tight, so naturally he won't focus on other matters.

Knowing that he was going to take a scientific examination, He Jiayu couldn't urge him no matter how itchy he was, so he endured the disappointment in his heart and said a word of encouragement, saying that because of this he would definitely be on the list.

"Thank you, Brother He, for your good words."

Ye Xusheng's attitude is modest.

"What do you call Second Brother He who sees strangers so much? If you don't mind, you and Fourth Sister can call him Second Brother."

After He Jiayu finished speaking, He Jiaxuan on the side nodded again and again, "What the second brother said is that we are all on our own, Brother Ye, please don't see outsiders."

Hearing this, Ye Xusheng glanced at He Xin'er beside him, then smiled, "Then you're welcome, big brother, second brother, third brother—fourth brother."

All the brothers of the He family admired him, and saw that he was straightforward and generous, except for He Jiajie, who was called the fourth brother, who was a little upset, they were all happy.

Ye Xusheng said again that he can just call him Xusheng in the future, so that he can show his closeness.

He Jiaheng hurriedly responded with a smile.

Being close to the Ye family is something he would like to see, so he is naturally happy.

While talking, shopkeeper Jin personally brought hot pot, side dishes, drinks, snacks, etc. Ye Xusheng invited him to the table, and he graciously accepted, but he didn't sit for long, only had two drinks with Ye Xusheng, and then left busy.

The weather was cold, so He Jiayu decided to eat hot pot. He also knew that He Xiner made this delicious but appetizing spicy hot pot. She thought that she could eat spicy food, so she made up her own mind.

However, when the red hot pot boiled and gurgled up and down, he was still worried that He Xiner would not be able to eat it, so he ordered another table of hot dishes before giving up.

He Jiaheng prepared a good Qiulubai, and carefully prepared two kinds of sweet-scented osmanthus and wine for He Xiner, letting her choose by herself.

He Xiner chose sweet-scented osmanthus wine, she likes the fragrance and sweet taste very much.

Seeing her squinting happily while sipping the wine, a smile flashed across Ye Xusheng's eyes.

"Second sister, try this dish."

He Xiner, who was savoring the wine, almost spit out the wine from her mouth.

This man is really...

Ye Xusheng immediately raised the corners of his lips.

When he received the little girl's coquettish look, he gave her an innocent look.

The He family brother is called Fourth Sister, and he is called Second Sister, that's right~
He Xiner...

The point is, you never call me Second Sister at home, okay?

"Second sister eats fish, be careful of thorns."

Ye Xusheng used the serving chopsticks to pick up the fish for her without changing his face, and picked out the fishbone by the way.

With a sultry voice, He Xiner blushed uncontrollably, her porcelain white skin was as pink as a fresh and juicy peach, and one couldn't help but want to take a bite.

Ye Xusheng's eyes were deep, his heart fluttered slightly.

He Jiaxuan who was opposite happened to raise his eyes to look over, the feeling resurfaced again, and he was suppressed by him in an instant, cursing himself as dirty.

"Xu Sheng is really meticulous and considerate, no wonder he can write emotional dramas so delicately and touchingly."

Seeing Ye Xusheng's demeanor of a heart-warming and good brother, He Jiayu couldn't help feeling emotional, causing He Jiaxuan to nod repeatedly.

Naturally, the topic of the two of them revolved around a few novels.

He Jiajie also liked Ye Xusheng's books, but he was more seldom interested in Dabai. He was busy feeding Dabai, so he didn't talk much, but his ears were pricked up, and he didn't say anything.

On the other hand, He Jiaheng chatted with great interest from time to time, obviously he had seen it too.

The three brothers were full of enthusiasm and asked all kinds of questions. Ye Xusheng calmly prepared dishes for He Xiner, and at the same time answered questions for a few curious babies.

In fact, in his mind, he wanted to tell them openly that "Ome" was also written by him.

However, the plot of the story is easily reminiscent, so from the beginning, neither he nor He Xiner mentioned it to others.

(End of this chapter)

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