Chapter 2133 Unknown Master
Just when Ye Xusheng was secretly planning to wait for the autumn to pass, he announced to everyone that the book "Green Plum" was co-written by him and Xin'er.

The pair of childhood sweethearts, hero and heroine, have gone through thousands of sails, and finally have lovers who finally get married, isn't it just him and Xin'er.

Of course, in order to make the story more interesting, too many tribulations were set for them.

But that's the story.

Everything will go smoothly for him and Xin'er...

On this end, Ye Xusheng's thoughts had drifted away, and he heard He Jiayu say, "Since Xusheng's martial arts books became popular, there have been many silly books, such as The Legend of the Tiger Fighter, the Legend of the Cheetah Hero, and so on. There are Condor Heroes, Juggernauts, Sword Immortals, etc., so many people are dazzled."

Hearing this, He Xiner raised her eyes and asked, "Do those books have the author's name?"

"No, they just saw that Xu Sheng's book didn't indicate the author, so they deliberately confuse the public, and used some ambiguous titles to make people misunderstand that it was the author of the previous book, which was written by Xu Sheng. People and money."

"Second brother, have you seen it?"

"I haven't seen it."

He Jiayu had a depressed expression on his face. Things that have passed for a long time, and now they are brought up, still can't let go, "Those books were deliberately misunderstood, and they thought they were made by the previous masters. Only after reading it will I know I was fooled.”

He Xiner asked curiously, "How did you get fooled?"

When this matter was brought up, He Jiayu became furious, "The bookstore sells dog meat, intentionally misleads us in order to make money, and then refuses to admit it afterwards. Are we being fooled?"

"That's right."

He Xiner nodded in deep agreement.

It seems that many people fish in troubled waters~
Just like their dolls, once they are on the market, they will soon be imitated with similar styles, and some are even identical.

Going shopping a few days ago, I saw many girls buying dead rabbits.

This fact is hard to get rid of.

Just when He Jiayu was filled with righteous indignation and condemned the followers, Ye Xusheng took care of He Xiner as always, pouring tea, serving soup, and serving dishes seemed to have nothing to do with him.

It was also his calm and breezy attitude that attracted He Jiayu's admiration even more.

He was a few years younger than him, but much calmer than him.

As a result, He Jiayu, who was full of resentment, also let go of his anger, and stopped worrying about that trivial matter.

"Xu Sheng is indifferent to fame and fortune, and doesn't care about the little fame, so he hides his identity, but it allows those greedy people to take advantage of the loopholes and make money by taking advantage of the nameless master's fame."

Unknown Master?

He Xiner was immediately delighted to hear this title, and looked at Ye Xusheng with a teasing face, his autumn water-like eyes were smiling, shimmering, and his appearance was indescribably playful, as agile as a fox, and cute and cute.

Ye Xusheng's heart was pounding like a deer.

His little girl is so cute...

"However, those who hide in the dark and secretly imitate others will never be able to appear on the stage.

The books of the real unknown master are still deeply loved by scholars, and bookstores often sell out of stock, while those books that follow the trend are poorly written and shallow in knowledge. Anyone who has read it will know that it has nothing to do with the unknown master, so naturally they will not continue to be fooled. And those who pass it on to the second, and then to the third, have long since lost their reputation, and piles of books are still gathering dust in the corner of the bookstore. "

Brothers of the He family praised Ye Xusheng from the bottom of his heart for his pen and ink, every word was perfect, and Ye Xusheng couldn't help but be humble.

"By the way, there is a book called "Green Plum", the writing is excellent, but the storyline is too, too..."

He Jiayu mentioned "Green Plum" abruptly, and Ye Xusheng, who was picking up vegetables for He Xiner, paused, then continued calmly, none of the He family brothers paid attention.

He Xiner raised her eyebrows and looked over, just in time to meet his gaze. At this moment, the emotion in his heart could not be restrained, and the tenderness in his eyes almost gushed out.

At this moment, He Jiayu finally thought of an appropriate Ci Hui, "The writing style is excellent, but the content of that book is so nonsense..."


He Xiner...

"Sometimes the man loses his memory, another moment the woman loses her eyesight, and there are countless nympho entangled with that man, and there are even bad-bellied flirtatious men plotting against women. In short, you can talk as much as you can."

He Xiner silently covered her face.

(End of this chapter)

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