The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2134 Let's see who dares to argue with me

Chapter 2134 Let's see who dares to argue with me
A smile flashed across Ye Xusheng's eyes.

The little girl is shy~
This He Xiner wished she could find a crack in the ground to sneak in, while the other He Jiayu was still chattering, "Because the style of "Green Plum" is quite different from that of Master Wuming, it is said that this book is the most successful one.

However, it is also said that it is the work of an unknown master. Although the storyline is a bit bizarre, the writing is good. The emotional drama is particularly delicately described, such as amnesia and blindness. Backyard girls like to read this book~”

Speaking of this, He Jiayu paused for a moment, and then said, "A few friends and I guessed that the book is most likely written by the unknown master, because the descriptions of the fighting scenes are so wonderful, not at all compared to the previous ones by the unknown master. poor work."

He stared at Ye Xusheng intently, and said with a smile, "Because of this, the brothers even quarreled with others several times, but everyone insisted on their own opinions, no one convinced anyone, and they broke up unhappy every time."

After a short pause, he said with a chuckle, "If you want them to know that I am brothers with Master Wuming, they will be so shocked that their eyeballs will drop to the ground. Let's see who dares to argue with me."

Unable to understand how he looked, He Jiajie curled his lips secretly, He Jiaheng smiled lightly and remained silent, He Jiaxuan stared at Ye Xusheng eagerly, waiting for him to speak.

Ye Xusheng remained calm, with a calm expression on his face, he glanced at the little girl beside him, and saw that she lowered her head slightly and remained silent.

A smile flashed across his clear eyes.

Little girl, this is embarrassing~
Seeing Ye Xusheng's statement for a long time, He Jiayu, who was originally full of confidence, began to waver in his heart, and asked a little uncertainly, "Xusheng, did you write "Green Plum"?"

As he finished speaking, the room fell silent for an instant, and all four brothers of the He family stopped their movements and looked at Ye Xusheng.

Under the scorching eyes of several people, Ye Xusheng denied it with a slight smile.

He didn't show anything on the surface, but in his heart he made a note of He Jiayu.

With the previous words, it is useless to praise them later.

Didn't you see the little girl bowed her head in shame?

He Jiayu on the other end had a look of pity. He also said that "Green Plum" was written by Ye Xusheng trying a new style. Although it is a bit bizarre, it has to be said that this book has a unique charm, which makes people cry and laugh at the same time Yes, I wish I could get into the books.

In order to argue with others, he has studied it very seriously. From the initial suspicion to the later affirmation, it looks more and more like the work of an unknown master.

Today, I still think that after I get the author's positive answer, when I meet those people arguing, I will refute the other party with confidence.

Xu Sheng wants to take the imperial examination, so he can't be disturbed by others. It's inconvenient to tell outsiders about his identity, but it doesn't delay him to talk about it~
As long as it is his work, even if his identity is not mentioned, there is always a way to prove it.

It's a pity that he didn't write it.

Afterwards, He Jiayu said with emotion that those who can write such writing must have real talents.

Ye Xusheng smiled and said nothing, not commenting.

Next, He Jiayu put aside this topic, and continued to talk about the names of martial arts in several martial arts books with great interest, such as Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and Nine Yin White Bone Claws. After reading these books in the year, he will definitely learn martial arts from famous teachers, and then go to the rivers and lakes with a sword.

Seeing his longing expression and unusually bright eyes, he really seemed to be a hot-blooded boy, making everyone laugh, even He Xiner laughed happily.

Seeing that she no longer bowed her head and said nothing, Ye Xusheng was happy, and the corners of her lips curled up involuntarily.

The dinner table is harmonious and harmonious, talking and laughing, and both the host and the guest are happy.

A meal is eaten until the end of the square.

Everyone was not in a hurry to leave, they moved to sit around the desk, He Jiaheng boiled water and made tea by himself, everyone drank tea and chatted for a while, Ye Xusheng offered to leave.

The enthusiastic He Jiayu offered to send him back to the academy, but he declined, saying that he wanted to go shopping with He Xiner.

The He family brothers understood that the brothers and sisters wanted to talk about finding a place to talk about their own opinions, and at the end of the year, the fourth sister also wanted to bring something to the Ye family, so it was inconvenient for them to follow, so it was not annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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