The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2136 I Will Listen To You

Chapter 2136 I Will Listen To You
When He Xiner woke up, it was almost dusk, and the light in the room was dim and hazy.

She was still a little dazed, wondering for a moment when she fell asleep.

"woke up?"

A clear and pleasant voice came from above her head, He Xiner raised her eyes, and smiled slightly at the person who was close at hand.

Ye Xusheng lowered his head and lightly pecked her between the eyebrows, "The couch is so hot, are you thirsty after sleeping for so long? Brother, go pour some water."

"Well, thank you big brother."

She has a sweet smile, pure and innocent, like a child who doesn't know much about the world, simple and pure, one can't help but want to hold her in the palm of her hand and take care of her so that she won't get hurt in the slightest.

Ye Xusheng's heart was so soft that he raised his hand to gently stroke her cheek, and said warmly, "Wait."

He couldn't put it down because of the delicate and soft touch, but he didn't delay any longer. He smiled at her tenderly and got off the bed quickly.

On the short table on one side, there is a teapot barrel that has been prepared. He picked up the blue and white porcelain flower cup and poured a cup, took a small sip, the temperature was just right, and then gave it to the little girl.

He Xiner gave him a sweet smile, took it and drank it slowly.

"Big brother, what time is it?"

Ye Xusheng lit the candle lamp, turned to look at her and said with a smile, "It's still early, but the weather is bad, and it will be dark before you."

He Xiner nodded upon hearing this, "I should go back."

Today is Laba, there is a family banquet in He's residence.

Ye Xusheng was naturally reluctant to part with her, but both of them were on vacation and had plenty of time, so it would be fine if they got tired of being together every day, and it would be a while.

"Brother combs your hair."


He Xiner sat down obediently, looked at the person behind her combing her hair through the bronze mirror, and said, "Brother Hall, more than [-]% of the people in the entire Ye Family Village are named Ye, why aren't they relatives of the same clan?"

The delicate sandalwood comb slowly passed through the long black and lustrous hair, making it softer and smoother, and falling down like a waterfall to the waist.

The jade comb slipped down almost naturally, and combed to the end.

Ye Xusheng's movements in his hands were extremely light, for fear of breaking one of them.

"Although the people in the village all have the surname Ye, they are not close to each other. Many people have three generations, and they may not be relatives."

After a short pause, he continued, "The ancestors of the people in Yejia Village used to plan their food in the earthen nests. When the weather is good and the weather is good, they can fill their stomachs. If there is a natural or man-made disaster, they can only suffer from hunger and starvation. Every family lives. It's tough..."

"The old ancestors didn't build ancestral halls, establish ancestral trees, and set up ancestral property, and the descendants didn't have the courage to do it. The relationship between the generations passed on from generation to generation, and the relationship between each other became farther and farther. Perhaps it was because of this that no one mentioned it. Build the ancestral hall..."

He Xiner nodded thoughtfully, she said that there is no patriarch in Ye Family Village, it turns out that they are poor.

"The villagers are like a mass of scattered sand. They don't even have a clan. If they are bullied outside, no one will stand up for them."

Just as she was speaking, her hair had already been combed, still hung in a bun, and finally she put on the glazed bead flowers carefully. It was the same as the hairstyle when she left the house early in the morning, without any difference.

He Xiner pursed her lips and smiled.

The big brother's craftsmanship is getting better and better.

After a little distraction, Ye Xusheng had already moved in front of her and sat opposite her. He smiled and said, "What is Xin'er going to do?"

He was as careful as a hair and knew He Xiner like the back of his hand, so he had already guessed a little bit about her thoughts.

"Brother Hall, you said that our family will pay the money to build the ancestral hall, and then buy dozens of acres of land as the ancestral property, rebuild the ancestral tree, and gather the entire Ye family together, how about it?"

Rao had already guessed, Ye Xusheng was still shocked, Xin'er has always been courageous and dare to think, and has a far-sighted vision, and ordinary men can't compare to her.

He pondered and said, "This matter is not trivial, it is not something that can be done with a little money."

He Xiner raised her small face and smiled like a little fox. "We donate money to benefit the big guys, but it's a good thing. Anyone who is not stupid will support it."

Ye Xusheng nodded, that's the reason.

Instead of being scattered and irrelevant, it is better to gather together and be protected by the clan.

"When I go back, I will discuss this matter with the elders."

He Xiner's smile deepened, "We have to discuss it carefully, and it's never too late to act after considering everything thoroughly."

She blinked at Ye Xusheng suddenly, and said a little proudly, "From now on, our family will be the direct branch of the Ye clan, and our grandfather is also the first patriarch of the Ye clan."

Ye Xusheng couldn't help smiling, and said softly, "It's all up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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