Chapter 2137 Dress like a bear

While the two were talking, Mu Lao Wu and Ding Shi had already lit the lanterns in the corridor, the glowing light reflected the snow-white window paper red, making the room a bit brighter.

At this time, Ye Xusheng was carefully drawing eyebrows for the little girl, with focused eyes and gentle movements.

He Xin'er, who looked up at her small face, looked at him quietly, her black and white eyes were moist.

The lobby brother looks so focused~
For a while, neither of them spoke, enjoying the quiet time that belonged to them alone.

Warm and sweet~
It was snowing again and again outside, and after a while, the ground was more than an inch thick, and Dabai ran around cheerfully, leaving a series of footprints.

Hearing the movement outside, He Xiner pursed her lips and smiled.

Ye Xusheng put away the rouge and gouache, took her jacket and put it on for her, then took a cloak to surround her, tied a beautiful bow tie, and then put on a hood for her, looking from side to side before she was satisfied.

He Xiner, who was tightly covered, blushed, "It's so hot, I'm going to sweat."

Ye Xusheng chuckled, "Let's go."

He held the hand stove filled with fresh charcoal in one hand, and led the little girl out with the other.

"I'll go on my own. The big hall brother puts on his coat before going out."

The room is as warm as spring, and Ye Xusheng is wearing thin single clothes. With such refreshing attire, he doesn't even need to step out of the room. He just needs to open the door and lift the cotton curtain to let in the cold wind, and he will be completely chilled.

Knowing that she couldn't stand the heat, Ye Xusheng continued walking outside without a single pause.

He Xiner felt a little helpless, so she could only let him go.

Ye Xusheng turned around and went back to the house until he sent the person to the corridor and put the hot stove into her hand.

Dabai happily ran over, and kissed He Xiner affectionately, his black eyes were shining brightly, like a happy child.

"Are you hungry, darling?"

He Xiner stretched out her hand, stroked its furry head, and said with a sweet smile, "Don't worry, there will be delicious food when you go back."

Then he said, "Tomorrow someone will make you a cake, okay?"

Ever since he knew that Dabai liked to eat pastries, He Jiajie contracted Qingxin Youju's pastries. Not to mention He Xiner, even the little maids were all touched by Dabai, and Wuweizhai's exquisite pastries were eaten in different ways every day.

The small kitchen hadn't baked cakes for a while, and He Xiner suddenly felt craving for some, just in time to give everyone a change of taste.

Daguaiguai loves this too~
When mentioning the soft and sweet cake, Dabai became even more joyful, squinting his eyes with joy, his appearance was indescribably cute.

He Xiner bent down and hugged it's neck, and kissed it on the forehead. She didn't dislike the furry feeling at all. She was so intimate and intimate, she really treated it like a child's pet.

Ye Xusheng behind him...

She rolled her eyes wide and said warmly, "It's getting late, let's go."

"Well, darling, let's go and step on our footprints."

The wind and snow will be a little lighter now, and it doesn't matter if you don't need to open an umbrella. Seeing her bouncing ahead with Dabai, Ye Xusheng followed with a light smile.

She is happy.

As soon as He Xiner stepped into the gate of He Mansion, Wei Yu and Luo Hua greeted her with umbrellas and a big white goose, "Is Miss cold?"

The two rushed forward to cover her from the falling snow, and they were relieved to see that her body was dry.

Today's weather drips into ice, and if you don't pay attention, it is very easy to get sick.

He Xiner smiled and said, "Dress like a bear, it won't freeze through easily."

Luo Hua took out her handkerchief, gently stroked the scattered snowflakes on her shoulders, grinned and said, "Miss is slender and beautiful, with a light body, no matter how much she wears, she will not get fat, she is not a bear."

"Small mouth is so sweet, have you put honey on it?"

"The servant girl is telling the truth."

Wei Yu held up her umbrella and asked with a smile in her eyes, "Miss, do you want to go directly to the flower hall?"

"Well, it's getting late, so it's not good to delay."

The girl with an ethereal temperament is wearing a snow-white fur coat, with a majestic big white, followed by two pretty maids, walking in the world wrapped in silver, the picture is beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

However, the two big white geese, which were dragged to [-] and snarled from time to time, abruptly broke the fairy-tale picture, making people laugh.

It's really that their high-spirited posture is too draggy, yes, it's not easy to mess with two big crabs running rampant.

(End of this chapter)

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