The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2142 I'm Tired and Thin

Chapter 2142 I'm Tired and Thin
On March [-]th, it is very cold, and the dripping water turns into ice.

The snow fell for several days in a row, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere. Even though there were many people in He's mansion, and they cleaned it from time to time, it was inevitable that there would be icy places on the road. It was normal for someone to accidentally fall to the ground.

But it is really rare to see someone as serious as He Hongzhang.

The doctor said that it was because of the delay in waking up that there might be blood clots in the brain, and the structure of the brain is the most complicated, and it cannot be cut open to see clearly. Or whether he can wake up, he can't make a conclusion.

The second lady almost pouted in shock.

The old lady was quite calm, and ordered people to invite famous doctors in the county one by one, but everyone's conclusions were similar, and they were all not optimistic.

Don't look at He Hongzhang as an unreliable master. He can't run a business or run a family. He doesn't even care about the education of his children. He only spends money.

He also raised a bunch of concubines and aunts, soaked the second wife in a vinegar jar every day, and then thought of ways to train people. The fight between wives and concubines made the whole second room smoky, all thanks to him.

And the reason why He Jiajie often contradicts him is also because of his lack of self-cultivation.

How could such a father be truly respected by him?

But no matter how unreliable He Hongzhang is, he is also the head of Erfang's family.

He suddenly fell down, the second wife suddenly felt the sky collapsed, He Chuer and He Qier were also covered by dark clouds, and the eldest son He Jiayu was so anxious that the corners of his mouth were blistered.

At the critical moment, he had to stand up, his mother was already in a panic and didn't know what to do, if he didn't stand up, the second room would be completely messed up.

Not to mention that He Jiayu became calmer and more mature in a day, even He Jiajie put down his thoughts of taking Dabai out to play, and stayed at home obediently to concentrate on his sickness.

The weather was cold, and He Hongzhang was sick in bed and couldn't leave him for a while. The old lady forbade the greetings from the family members so that the second lady could take care of him with their children.

At the end of the year, there were already many affairs in the mansion, and the second wife was already extremely busy dealing with common affairs every day, and now she had to take care of the sick second master, which was even more overwhelming.

The old lady decided to separate the affairs of the mansion, and each of the three young wives received one item, and they were in charge of it full-time, which could be regarded as sharing the worries of the second lady.

The second wife, who always strives to be strong, doesn't care about the power in her hands being divided up, she just devotes herself to the second master, takes good care of him, and hopes that he will get better soon.

He Jiayu, He Jiajie, He Chuer, and He Qier were also by his side.

The old lady ate fast and recited Buddha's name every day, praying to the Buddha to bless her son to wake up early.

Everyone has something to do, only He Xiner is the most leisurely.

Although she didn't want to see the second master, the scene was not ugly, and she sent Xinghua to give some expensive medicinal materials, so she didn't pay any more attention.

However, when I go out every day, I am a little more low-key than usual.

After all, there are elders in the mansion who are sick, so she can't be too ostentatious.

But it is impossible to not go out because of his illness.

It is rare for her and her cousin to have time, so they will not give up the sweet time of the two for an irrelevant person.

When Ye Xusheng heard about He Hongzhang from her mouth, he felt very strange, but if the little girl was not involved, he didn't bother to think about it.

He wished he could stay by the little girl's side day and night, so he couldn't care less about other people's lives.

It's not hard to get free time, and he can get tired of being together every day. When he was happy, he was worried that the little girl would be bored at home, so he played with her everywhere.

Listening to books today, watching a theater tomorrow, or taking Dabai to the nearby hills to hunt, and then shopping, even leading her to eat in restaurants all over the streets and alleys.

Ever since He Jiajie lost his leg and was kicked out of the He family, and was no longer a threat to He Xiner, he subconsciously relaxed He Xiner's training.

I also feel sorry for her, afraid of her hard work.

Isn't there too much time now, take half an hour to exercise every day, don't let her run hard, but teach her how to whip.

Before Ye Mancang sent soft whips, He Xiner didn't practice much.

Now that I have plenty of time, I just need to practice more, so it's time to exercise my body.

Every day after breakfast, He Xiner took Dabai to Ye's house, and returned to He's mansion only after nightfall, living a fulfilling and warm life.

"The second master is awake?"

This day, she came back from having dinner outside and took a comfortable soak in a hot bath. She lay lazily on the imperial concubine's couch, her hair was all tied behind her head, and she wrung it dry with a cotton towel due to light rain and falling flowers.

He was sleepy in a daze, but he was stunned for a moment when he suddenly found out about the news, and when he turned his head to look at Xiao Yu, he still had a dazed look on his face.

"Well, the second master is really lucky. The doctor said yesterday that he has been in a coma for seven or eight days. If he doesn't wake up, he may never wake up again."

He Xiner threw her nominal second uncle into the sky, and almost forgot about it, so she couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

"So the second brother and the fourth brother have been ill for a long time?"

"Well, I heard that the second young master and the fourth young master are tired and thin after waiting around in their clothes every day."

He Xiner suddenly felt distressed.

Do you want to give condolences to the two of you?
(End of this chapter)

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