Chapter 2143 is not easy

He Jiajie was very protective of her on weekdays, but although He Jiayu had less contact with her, he treated her well.

The two big white geese were still given by him.

Speaking of which, the brothers were very kind to her.

Before Zhou Zu'an came to make trouble, after the brothers heard the change in Qingxin Youju, they ran to help in the dark regardless of the cold weather, which can be described as a deep friendship.

Human hearts are made of flesh, and He Xiner is no exception, this friendship is naturally kept in her heart.

She is a grateful person, if others treat her kindly, she will return the kindness.

When she was in trouble, she stood up like a big brother.

Now that they have something to do, she, as a younger sister, should do her part.

It's not her turn to serve the second master, and she won't come forward, one is unfamiliar, and the other is inconvenient.

She can't share the hard work of the two of them, but she can make some food for them to nourish their bodies, which can be regarded as doing her part.

As He Xiner thought about it, she felt more and more that this was a good idea. Luo Hua and Wei Yu would certainly not spoil her interest, so they said it straight.

The three masters and servants agreed to rest early if they had nothing to do.

In the early morning of the next day, the people in Qingxin Youju bought a lot of fresh ingredients from the kitchen in the public house, and Luohua took people outside to buy some nourishing medicinal herbs and came back. Tan's mother and the others were busy with work in full swing.

In fact, this Bazhen Nourishing Soup has exquisite ingredients, complex cooking procedures, and strict processing skills of medicinal materials and ingredients. It takes half an hour to prepare only the work. After everything is put into the pot, it needs to be simmered for an hour and a half to complete , if they don't move more quickly, they will miss lunch time.

It's not that He Xiner thought about the hard work of He Jiayu and He Jiajie brothers, so she decided to make a medicinal meal to nourish them. After much deliberation, she decided on Bazhen Nourishing Soup.

This soup nourishes the vital energy, nourishes yin and blood, and is very suitable for nourishing in winter.

The soup is naturally good soup, but cooking is a bit troublesome, and it is not easy for a family like He Fu to cook.

At noon, the courtyards have not had lunch yet.

He Xiner led Wei Yu and Dabai to the front, while Tan Mama and Chai Mama carried a big blue and white porcelain altar together and followed behind, and entered the second master's yard mightily.

At this time, except for the second young lady, everyone else in the second room was there.

Knowing this situation, He Xiner ordered someone to prepare a huge portion.

You can't just show concern for He Jiayu and He Jiajie brothers, and leave the rest alone.

As early as when the group of them appeared at the gate of the courtyard, a little maid reported to the people inside. When the second lady heard that He Xiner had arrived, she snorted coldly, "She also knows that a second uncle is ill, so it's not easy."

He Chuer and He Qier looked at each other, but they were silent.

They couldn't understand what kind of temperament the aunt had, and they didn't have to go forward to find it uncomfortable.

Originally, their relationship with He Xiner was not very good, so why offend their aunt because of her.

But the brothers He Jiayu and He Jiajie frowned, especially He Jiajie, who has always defended He Xiner. He didn't want anyone to say that she was wrong. of?"

The second wife choked, glared at He Jiajie angrily, and cursed in a low voice, "Little bastard! Which house are you from? You know how to bend your elbows!"

He Jiajie rolled his eyes speechlessly, he was too lazy to talk nonsense, got up and straightened his robes, and strode out.

The fourth sister came to the second room as a guest, so he had to follow suit.

Seeing him ignoring herself so much, the second wife was so angry that her head was smoking, she pointed at his back, turned her head and said angrily to He Hongzhang who was on the bed, "Look at his attitude?"

He Jiayu was afraid that He Xiner would be embarrassed if he ran into her, so he hurriedly said, "Isn't it rare for the fourth brother to understand, I don't see you for a few days and I panic, so when I heard the fourth sister came, I hurriedly greeted her.

It's hard for him to be able to stay at home every day with his temperament, it will be rare for him to be happy, so mother should not bother with him. "

When Dabai was mentioned, the second lady restrained herself subconsciously, snorted softly and stopped making trouble.

But the second master did not speak from the beginning to the end.

He hadn't recovered from the blow of his broken leg, and he was depressed and depressed a lot.

She didn't want to see the old-fashioned wife, but she didn't realize it, and she didn't allow his concubine to serve her, so she naturally felt even worse.

I can't be bothered to talk to her.

(End of this chapter)

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