The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2150 Beautiful Misunderstanding

Chapter 2150 Beautiful Misunderstanding

Going to the capital, I will hurry after Qiu Wei, and I will come back after Chun Wei releases the rankings. It will take more than half a year to come and go. How can she leave home for so long as a woman in the back house?

Not to mention, with the knowledge of the eldest brother, he will definitely be able to succeed in Jinke. At that time, the imperial court will automatically appoint him to enter the Imperial Academy and directly become an official.

It is also possible that he will study as a regular official as a concubine. After the three-year period expires, the official position will be appointed by the Ministry of Officials according to the performance of the assessment.

In short, he will not return home immediately.

He Xiner's smile froze slightly. Thinking of the future parting, if she lost something, a trace of melancholy surged up in her heart, as if they were going to part soon.

"what happened?"

Seeing her bright eyes dim instantly, Ye Xusheng became impatient, stretched out his hand to caress her forehead, and asked warmly, "But what's wrong?"

He Xiner, who let her thoughts drift away, came back to her senses in seconds, and smiled at him with a little embarrassment, "I'm fine."

The girl's innocent smile is a bit shy, and her soft and well-behaved appearance shows the tenderness of her little daughter, which makes Ye Xusheng's heart tremble~
The hand with a thin layer of calluses slid from her forehead to her face, stroking her gently, it was extremely gentle.

And his person has already stuck close to her, and lightly touched her forehead, "Hey, if you feel uncomfortable, tell big brother..."

After a short pause, his voice became deeper and deeper, "Did the day come earlier? Don't worry..."

When He Xiner realized it later, she felt that her face was hot, as if on fire, and she was ashamed and anxious to gag him.

I don't know if it's because of my brain cramps, or if the hands placed beside me are too far away, fearing that it would be too late to stop him from continuing, she suddenly raised her chin under an impulse, and sealed his mouth with her delicate cherry lips. thin lips.

Ye Xusheng, who was trying to comfort her, felt his lips soften, and the breath that belonged to her suddenly made him fall. Responding honestly, deepening the kiss without the slightest hesitation.

He Xiner...

This is really a beautiful misunderstanding~
After all, thinking about her body, Ye Xusheng tried his best to suppress the throbbing in his heart, he tasted it lightly, reluctant to leave her lips, he slowed down slightly, and when his breath calmed down, he said, "Wait here, I'll call Ding Shi ..."

Ye Xusheng's mind was running extremely fast. There were fine cotton and cotton at home, which were all prepared for her, and they were never used, but Ding's hands and feet were quick, and she could make them quickly.

Women's lives are unusual during their childhood, so they must be taken care of carefully.

It was freezing outside, and the little girl walked all the way against the cold wind, and the cold wind that drank her stomach must be uncomfortable, and she should not make tea in the future.

"Brother, go to boil brown sugar water first, and ask Mu Lao Wu to buy donkey-hide gelatin by the way..."

Due to his anxiety, he spoke twice as fast as usual, afraid of delaying things, he was about to leave as he spoke, but the red-faced He Xiner grabbed his sleeve tightly, "Don't, don't go, I'm not... "



Ye Xusheng was a little embarrassed, and then he didn't care much.

There is no need to see outsiders between him and Xin'er.

"Why was Xin'er unhappy before?"

There was an oolong in danger, and it was because he wanted to go wrong, so he no longer guessed randomly, but asked questions directly to avoid further mistakes.

After realizing that He Xiner had taken on the worry of parting in advance, his heart couldn't help trembling slightly. Xiner's heart for him was the same as his heart for Xiner.

Just thinking about being separated in the future makes it hard to accept.

Why is he not?

"Brother will be with you wherever you go, and will never be apart, okay?"

He Xiner was puzzled, and frowned slightly, "Big Brother's future is important, I understand..."

Ye Xusheng's deep black eyes contained infinite affection, and he looked at her fixedly, extremely gentle, but He Xiner felt that his emotions seemed a little nervous, so she asked instinctively, "Brother Datang, what's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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