The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2151 Let's go to the capital together

Chapter 2151 Let's go to the capital together
Xu Shi didn't think about how to speak, Ye Xusheng looked at her deeply, pursed his thin lips lightly and remained silent.

He Xiner frowned slightly, and subconsciously lowered her voice, "Big Brother..."


Ye Xusheng finally spoke with a serious expression on his face.

The thing that I had been waiting for for a long time was something that I knew in my chest, but now that it came to my lips, I was a little nervous, and my heart was raised in the air.

Suppressing the discomfort in his heart, he gently held her small face, his dark eyes became deeper and deeper, and he just looked at her steadily, the emotion in his eyes was surging like a surging wave, but the expression on his face became more and more calm.

Perhaps his expression was too solemn, and the breath around him became cold and hard. Under such an atmosphere, He Xiner also became nervous inexplicably, and felt that her heart was hanging in midair, with nowhere to go.

Biting her bright red lips lightly with her white teeth, this was her subconscious action, but it was extremely seductive to Ye Xusheng. The slightly tense person suddenly relaxed, leaving only her full of charming thoughts.

His fingertips gently stroked her lips, and he was so gentle that he said, "Hey, don't bite~"

The voice is slightly hoarse, magnetic and low, with an indescribable charm, which makes people addicted.

And his hot fingertips seemed to be carrying an electric current, which made He Xiner's heart beat wildly.

The man who was still full of seriousness and seriousness suddenly changed his face and teased her so tenderly...

He Xiner felt as if she was going to be blown away by the wind, and she felt lighter.

The youthful Qingjun's face is close at hand, the sculpted and angular facial features are extremely soft, the deep black eyes are as soft as spring water at this moment, he looks into her eyes fixedly, and opens his thin lips softly, "Xin'er , after the Big Brother Court has tried it, we will get married, okay?"

He Xiner's eyes widened in disbelief, "After the hospital exam?"

"Well, after the courtyard test."

Yes, he couldn't wait.

He couldn't wait for her to reach Ji, couldn't wait for Qiu Wei's test, and couldn't wait for her status as a son, he couldn't wait to marry her.

Previously, she had been planning to go to the He family to propose marriage after Qiu Wei had passed.

But today he suddenly changed his mind.

As long as you can enter the top three in the college examination, even if you are only a scholar, you won't embarrass the little girl.

Since the beginning of the year, more than one person has plotted against her, even with the intention of taking advantage, but who can deny that it's not because of her good birth?
Now that she looks more and more beautiful, she may attract someone's eyes, just thinking about someone's idea of ​​her, his heart has always been uneasy.

Only by marrying someone back home can you put your heart back in your stomach.

"Only when we are married can we be together every day and never separate..."

He was discussing with her in a gentle voice, his clear voice was like frail flowing water, soft and soft, like the wind blowing Yang Jian, making people feel like a spring breeze, and at the same time, with a hint of inadvertent temptation, sultry, "Let's go to the capital together, shall we?" it is good?"

"Go to the capital?"

He Xiner was a little confused.

No wonder he said before that he took her to the capital~
Going around in a big circle, it was for, for--a marriage proposal?
"Will Xiner marry me?"

He spoke tenderly and cautiously, a little nervous, more excited, his heart was beating so fast that it almost burst out of his chest.

He Xiner, who was proposed suddenly, felt like she was in a dream, which was so unreal.

She opened her mouth, then opened her mouth again, Fang murmured, "I, I haven't reached Ji yet~"

The very soft sound was like the humming of a mosquito, so small that it could hardly be heard.

However, Ye Xusheng's hearing was amazing, and she could hear every word she said clearly.

There was a moment of inexplicable panic, and when he calmed down, he became more gentle, gently stroking her cheek, and continued to coax, "There are many people who are not married in time, so it's nothing."

Bowing his head and lightly pecking between her brows, he asked softly, "Doesn't Xin'er want to be with Big Brother soon?"

He Xiner fixedly looked into his eyes and nodded.

She naturally wanted it very much.

The girl's pure and clear eyes are as clear as a young animal, and she is also like an ignorant baby, simple and pure.

She is still that innocent little girl.

Ye Xusheng's heart softened.

"Would Xin'er go to the capital with Big Brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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