The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2152 Do you want to go outside for a walk

Chapter 2152 Do you want to go outside for a walk
He Xiner nodded again.

Of course she was willing, just thinking that they would be separated by thousands of miles and unable to see each other in the future, her heart was so heavy that she couldn't breathe.

But going to the capital with the eldest brother means leaving home.

She also wants to help the mother to take care of the baby.

Seeing her nodding, Ye Xusheng was happy in his heart, but her face was calm and joyless, and she also frowned with a preoccupied look, which made his heart pound.

He is observant and meticulous, and knows her very well, so he has already guessed a lot in a blink of an eye.

The little girl is reluctant to part with her second uncle and aunt~
For someone who is always considerate and thoughtful, it was the first time that he didn't comfort He Xiner in the first place.

He was afraid that if he said too much, he would spoil the atmosphere at this time.

Caressing her cheek lightly, he pressed against her forehead lightly, facing her face to face, blending breaths, intimate and ambiguous~
He spoke slowly, with tenderness like water, "Miss Xin'er, would you like to marry me?"


He Xiner...


She couldn't help laughing~
"Big Brother, my little sister can't afford to call yourself like that!"

The person who was still struggling was suddenly teased by him, giggling non-stop, his body trembling, if it wasn't for Ye Xusheng's support, he might have collapsed, so he simply pushed in His arms trembled.

It made Ye Xusheng dumbfounded.

He mentioned this twice, and the little girl didn't give him a happy word, but he was going to be anxious to death.

Even though he was thinking so, he hugged him tightly, his eyebrows and eyes were gentle, and the corners of his lips were raised, obviously he was in a very good mood.

Just when he was thinking about whether to continue to ask, there was a knock on the door, and Ding said outside that the meal was ready, so he had no choice but to let go of the person in his arms.

Let's talk after dinner.

Watching a steaming pot, smelling the strong smell of mutton soup, is it inappropriate to talk about marriage?

So, he put aside his thoughts for the time being, and took care of He Xiner's meal meticulously and considerately.

A meal ends in a warm and sweet atmosphere.

"I ate too much and I was a little full."

He Xiner's brows and eyes were stretched, she was full of smiles, she relaxed and leaned against the pillow, comfortable and at ease, like a lazy and noble cat.

"Do you want to go outside for a walk?"

"No, I'm too lazy to move."

"Have a cup of tea to digest food."

"Thank you big brother."

Ye Xusheng boiled water and brewed a pot of Pu'er tea. The tea soup was orange-yellow and thick, exuding a unique aroma. He Xiner sat up straight and took a small sip from the teacup.

After a cup of hot tea was used up, it was so hot that a thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.

She couldn't bear the heat, so she casually picked up the book that was put aside and fanned it. After fanning twice, Ye Xusheng grabbed her wrist, "Be careful of catching a cold."

"No, I'm hot!"

He Xiner was sticking out her tongue and wheezing, like a puppy that was overheated.

Sitting on the warm couch, she ate the pot and drank hot tea. Her little face was flushed from the heat, and her white jade-like skin was pink. She was already soft and cute, but now she is sticking out her pink tongue , adding a sense of fragrance for no reason, which made Ye Xusheng's blood boil.

His throat was rolling, and he coaxed softly, "Xin'er, good boy, you can't fan the wind when you sweat in this weather, you will easily get sick."

"Oh, all right then."

He Xiner put down the book in her hands helplessly, but she couldn't help tugging at her neckline.

At this time, she was only wearing an ivory white dress, and the slanted collar was pulled loose by her, revealing a small piece of snow-white skin, which stimulated Ye Xusheng's eyeballs and made his mind flutter.

"Sitting on the warm couch is a bit hot, why don't you go to bed?"

The house has a fire wall, and the interior is as warm as spring, but the canopy bed made of huanghuali wood is not as warm as the fire kang in the hometown. Usually, the two of them sleep on the warm couch for lunch break.

"Okay, go to bed and cool off."

He Xiner laughed when she said this.

(End of this chapter)

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