The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2153 1 Everything Has a Big Brother

Chapter 2153 Everything Has a Big Brother

He Xiner, who was full of food and drink, was lying in the soft and comfortable bed, feeling so comfortable that she was in a trance.

Ye Xusheng looked at the person in his arms, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

There will be people talking and laughing, and they will be so sleepy that they can't keep their eyes open as soon as they lie down in bed.

It's too fast to say sleep.

At this moment, He Xiner covered her mouth and yawned, she looked like a squeamish little kitten, so cute.

Ye Xusheng's eyebrows and eyes are becoming more and more gentle, his little girl is so cute~
"Lord Brother~"

The raving whisper, soft and soft, with a bit of coquettish taste, more and more like a squeamish cat, so cute and cute, it's almost cute to death.

Ye Xusheng's heart was about to melt.

"Sleep if you're sleepy, brother will be with you."

"Well, big brother is the best."

The drowsy little milk cat closed its eyes and arched in his arms, finding the most comfortable position, ready to take a nap.

But Ye Xusheng's heart skipped a beat.

He looked down at the girl's flowery face, and straightened the corners of his lips.

After hesitating for two breaths, he said softly, "Xin'er?"


no respond.

He let out a breath.


The very light, very light sound is humming with the nose.

Ye Xusheng's heart beat violently, as if he had been caught doing something bad.




He suspected that the little girl was dreaming.

Thinking of this, the corners of his lips curled up in a beautiful arc.

Gently stroking her cheek, his heart was peaceful.

After watching in silence for a while, he lowered his head and lightly pecked between her brows. He rested contentedly and fell asleep after a while.

When He Xiner woke up, she saw that the light in the tent was dim, which showed that it was getting late.

She was too lazy to yawn, and when she inadvertently raised her eyes, she bumped into a pair of black eyes as deep as the sea.

"Big brother woke up early?"

She was full of smiles, and her ignorant eyes that had just woken up were moist, like a pool of autumn water, clear and pure, against her beautiful appearance, she was so beautiful, like an elf in the world who is not stained with dust.

Ye Xusheng couldn't bear the temptation, he lowered his head and lightly pecked her pink lips, "Xin'er is so beautiful~"

"The hall brother is also very handsome!"

Hearing this, he chuckled, "Would the second younger sister be willing to marry the handsome lobby brother?"

"Well, yes."

After the question and answer was over, He Xiner came to her senses belatedly, and immediately felt bad.

Naturally, she wanted to marry the eldest brother, otherwise, she was a girl from the He family, so she was trying to make things difficult for her?

She had long been looking forward to going home, to be with her parents every day, and to live happily.

It's just that she hasn't reached the stage yet, and her body hasn't grown up yet...

Just when He Xiner was struggling, Ye Xusheng was so happy that he couldn't find Bei, so happy that he couldn't express it in words, he hugged her tightly in his arms, as if he wanted to rub her into his bones.

"I'm so happy! Xin'er, I'm so happy!"

He was so excited, he kept talking about being happy over and over again, he was so happy, he succeeded in infecting He Xiner's emotions, and he was so happy that he laughed.

"I'm happy too."

She is going home!
Of course happy.

As for getting married before reaching Ji...

She believes in the eldest brother.

Ye Xusheng felt that his whole body was going to float, he was so excited that he wanted to yell at Tianchang, but he couldn't at this time, so he could only hug her tightly, laughing happily, his excitement was beyond words.

"Xin'er, big brother will never let you down!"

He Xin'er's face was red, her black and white almond eyes were bright, and she smiled a bit shyly, "Well, I trust the big brother."

Holding the hand of the son, we will grow old with the son, and spend the rest of our lives in love with each other.

They want to be together forever.

The two were excited for a while, until the light in the tent became dimmer, and then gradually calmed down.

Suddenly thinking of the He family, He Xiner frowned slightly, "Now that I am a daughter of the He family, marriage must be approved by them..."

"Xin'er, don't worry, everything depends on your elder brother."

During this period of time, Ye Xusheng checked the He family a lot, especially He Hongjin.

(End of this chapter)

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