Chapter 2155 Naturally True

Years of long-cherished wish finally came true, Ye Xusheng couldn't help but be overjoyed, his fire-like enthusiasm almost melted He Xiner.

If it was possible, he really wanted to just hug the lovely little girl like this forever.

Ding's voice teasing Dabai came from the yard, and at the same time, the glowing red light was reflected into the room through the snow-white window paper, making it hazy and special.

He Xiner's face was blushing, she gently pushed his arm, and said in a low voice, "It's getting late..."

"Well, brother, go to light the lamp, you wait obediently."

He was very reluctant to rub his chin on the top of her head, then lowered his head and lightly pecked at her forehead, before he got out of bed to light the lamp, and went to the outside room after lighting up the inside.

He Xiner looked at his back, pursed her lips and smiled, and got out of bed, and followed him casually with her shoes on.

Hearing the movement, Ye Xusheng turned around and smiled at her, took her hand and walked out, "Go and sit on the warm couch."

Then he said, "Drink a cup of warm water first, and then make tea after elder brother boils the water."

The two of them went to the outer room, first sent He Xiner to the warm couch, then he took a fire pocket to light the lamp, and took a kettle from the smoker cage to pour water for He Xiner.

Watching her drink, he took the teacup and drank the water in the cup.

Moved to the front of the low table, took out the small red clay stove and lit a fire, raised her eyes and smiled, "What would Xin'er want to eat? Ask Mu Laowu to go to Chengfeng Building to order some dishes and bring them back."

He Xiner leaned lazily on the soft pillow. Hearing this, she pinched her face and sighed, "There is nothing wrong in winter. I have gained weight after eating and sleeping."

Hearing this, Ye Xusheng blinked and said, "Second sister is light, slender and beautiful, where is she fat?"

Her frame is well-proportioned, her waist is slender, it can be said that her waist is not enough to hold, she is still too fat like this, how can others live?
He wanted to raise some meat from her, but unfortunately he never succeeded.

"It's obvious that I'm fat, and I can feel the flesh on my face."

He Xiner pouted and acted like a baby, but Ye Xusheng couldn't help laughing, "Brother, why didn't you find out?"


He Xiner was not sure and touched her face again, "I still feel fat..."

Then he sat up straight and touched his waist, "The waist has grown flesh..."

Ye Xusheng looked cute, held back a smile and didn't open his mouth, just listened to her continue, "If this goes on like this, I'll be fat like a pig, no, I want to lose weight..."

Hearing this, he couldn't bear it anymore, and hurriedly said, "You are still growing up now, how can you not eat well..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw He Xiner jumping off the warm couch. Without saying a word, he rushed over, put his hands on her shoulders, and said hurriedly, "Be careful!"

"Brother Hall, stand still and don't move."

Ye Xusheng blinked, not knowing why.

"Stand straighter."

Well, he obediently retracted his hands and put them to his sides, standing up straight, unexpectedly He Xiner would stand up straight when she was in front of him.

It's hard for a normally stable person to be overjoyed when he's happy, but he's still happy even now after he made a successful marriage proposal, and his heart is like a fire.

I wish I could stick to her all the time.

How can I let go of any chance of getting close.

Didn't she see the little girl suddenly sticking to her, she was happy and at the same time raised her arms reflexively to hug her, but was pulled down by He Xiner, "Brother don't move."

Ye Xusheng...

He Xiner raised her hand to the top of her head and gestured, her eyes widened when she reached Ye Xusheng's chest, and then she turned her face away, "Qi'er Luohua even said that I grew taller, so she was trying to make me happy..."

Ye Xusheng couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed her on the face.

Why is the little girl so cute~
Suppressing a smile, he said in a warm voice, "Second sister has indeed had a seizure, she looks like a big girl."

He Xiner rubbed her eyes and they became brighter, "Really?"

"Of course it's true."

"But I still only reach the big brother's chest."

"Brother has grown up too."

"Oh, yes."

The little girl hung her head and was unhappy.

Obviously hit.

A smile flashed across Ye Xusheng's eyes, and he said warmly, "You are still young, and you can grow a few more years. So you have to eat well to grow taller."


He Xiner raised her hand again and gestured, "It's good that I can reach the shoulder height of the big brother next year."

With her current size, she is just a child standing next to the eldest brother, how can she be a bride!
Ye Xusheng laughed, "Definitely."

"Then ask Mu Laowu to go to Fenghelou to order some of your favorite dishes..."

"No need, it's so troublesome to run around in this cold weather. Besides, Ding should have almost prepared at this time. If there are ready-made ones that are still warm, don't bother."

Ye Xusheng gently rubbed the top of her hair, "Listen to you."

Then he said, "Go to Fenghe Building tomorrow."

He Xiner smiled sweetly, "Okay, let's go listen to the book first and then eat."

(End of this chapter)

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