The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2156 You are about to become fine

Chapter 2156 You are about to become fine
The two were originally in love with each other, admiring each other, and now they agreed for a lifetime, and became even closer, it was really honey, and they wished they could stick together for twelve hours.

Especially Ye Xusheng, ever since his proposal was successful, he has been in a state of excitement, and has the urge to tell the world, or run to the top of the mountain and roar for three days and three nights.

He urgently needs to share this joy with others.

But due to their identities, they couldn't do anything, and they were inevitably depressed, so that they lost sleep at night.

A lot of thoughts are in a mess in my mind. For a while, I am thinking about where to buy a house, for a while, I am thinking about ordering wedding clothes earlier, and for a while, I am thinking about designing a whole set of hairstyles for the little girl...

It's strange to be able to sleep like this.

Since he couldn't fall asleep, he simply got up and went to the study.

After lighting the candle lamp, I mixed water and rubbed the ink, and then picked up a pen to write down all the thoughts in my mind bit by bit, and waited to smooth them out slowly.

Anyway, it's still a long time, so don't worry.

He wanted to give the little girl a perfect wedding, and there was no room for any mistakes.

It's always good to be careful.


At this time, the fresh and secluded residence was silent, everyone fell asleep, and even the most alert two big white geese fell into a dream.

The bright moon like a silver plate hangs high in the sky, exuding a cool brilliance, casting a layer of cold light on everything in the world, making this winter night extraordinarily cold.

The glazed lamps under the corridor sway gently with the wind, casting a glowing red halo, reflecting the bright moonlight, quiet and quiet, and the years are peaceful.

He Xin'er lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, and tried to cover her head with the quilt. After being stuffy for a long time, she was sweating profusely, but she became more and more awake.

"Phew, I'm so hot!"

Throwing off the quilt so suddenly that she sat up, she stuck out her tongue and wheezed.

Dabai, who was lying on the thick woolen blanket with his eyes closed, had heard that her breathing was unsteady, and knew that she was not asleep, so he kept his ears closed, but now he jumped up when he heard the movement, staring at the bed curtain with burning eyes and whimpering softly .

"Da darling was woken up by sister?"

Her slender hands raised the corner of the bed curtain, revealing He Xiner's delicate face, looking at it with a smile.

His big white and black eyes became brighter immediately, and he leaned forward to rub her hand with his big head affectionately, as if silently comforting her.

He Xiner stretched her arms to hug its neck, and said with a smile, "My dear boy, we will be going home soon, are you happy?"

Dabai happily wagged his tail.

"Haha, I'm happy too!"

Patting it on the head, she continued, "Did you miss my cousin? I miss her so much, and I don't know if the little girl has grown taller again."

Dabai gave her a look of understanding, which amused her, "You're about to become a genius!"

All of a sudden, he became interested, holding Dabai's head and rubbing it for a while, forcibly making a chicken coop, it was a horrible sight.

Dabai was not annoyed, he let her toss around, and when she had had enough fun, he shook his head lightly, and turned back into a handsome Dabai prince in an instant.

"Haha, smelly!"

He Xiner smiled cheerfully, and continued to read to it, "Our family is going to have a baby soon, do you like a younger brother or a younger sister?"

Thinking that she would be able to go home soon, she was so excited that she couldn't fall asleep, so she hugged Dabai and chattered, dancing with her hands and feet when she was happy.

Before I knew it, it was already late at night, and there was a sound of clappers in the distance, which turned out to be the third watch.

He Xiner half-closed her eyes and yawned, her voice was a bit vague, "I'm really happy to be able to marry the eldest brother and return to Ye's family, but I have suddenly become the grandson-in-law of Ye's parents, and I have to face the people in the village." People are really not ordinary embarrassment..."

The sound became smaller and smaller, and finally it was almost inaudible. The person who had been excited all night finally became quiet, and fell asleep lying on the bedside.

(End of this chapter)

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