The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2160 Don't Get Drunk

Chapter 2160 Don't Get Drunk
During the holidays, the He Mansion would hold family banquets, and the Spring Festival was also indispensable. As a member of the family, He Xiner would definitely go back at night.

Therefore, I can only spend the holiday with Ye Xusheng at noon.

Thinking that he was the only one eating at night, she felt a little bit sorry, she thought about it seriously and said, "It's a big festival, brother Datang is too deserted here..."

Ye Xusheng started peeling shrimps again. Hearing this, he raised his eyes to look at her, with a slight smile on the corner of his lips. He was a little naughty and naughty. It was quite different from his previous image, and his heroic eyebrows and eyes seemed to be stained with evil charm~
He Xiner...

She secretly glanced at the wine glass in front of him. It's just two glasses of wine, so she won't be drunk, right?
"Is the second sister worried that the eldest brother is too lonely?"

His voice was deep and magnetic, with an indescribable bewitchment, which made He Xiner's ears turn red.

She said dryly, "After the meal, the hall brother should go home, but it will be up in an hour, don't delay the reunion dinner at night."

If she could, of course she would not want to go back to the He Mansion.

But now that she bears the title of daughter of the He family, she can't be too out of line.

Fortunately, she will be able to return to Ye's house in a short time, and she can spend every holiday with her family in the future.

Ye Xusheng slowly approached her, looking at her with hooked eyes, just when He Xiner was about to be unable to bear it and wanted to move back, he said softly, "Second sister is right, a person who is having a big festival is here It's really quiet here..."

This frivolous tone made people's heart beat faster, it didn't seem like they were talking about serious things.

He Xiner's mouth felt dry, "Hmm..."

"In order to save the second sister from worrying, can Brother Xu accompany you tonight?"

"it is good."

The person who was being teased, Xiao Lu bumped into it, his mind was a little knotted, and he responded subconsciously.

When she realized it later, she couldn't help but blush.

Since both of them had their annual leave, she had been spending time with him in Ye's house every day, and Ye Xusheng hadn't gone to Qingxin secluded residence for some days.

Now it is mentioned suddenly, with a kind of inexplicable ambiguity, which really makes her overwhelmed.

"That, that..."

She murmured that she was going to persuade him to go home again, but suddenly she couldn't speak, so she simply shut up.

At the beginning, she was the one who asked the eldest brother to stay with her, but now she is here to persuade others, it seems a little, a little...

Uh, forget it, don't want to.

Maybe it was because of the wedding date, she felt very at ease now.

When she thought that she would spend the New Year alone, she felt sad.

But now she no longer looks for trouble, or is sentimental.

Chinese New Year, you should be happy.

I can't play with Brother Datang and Yuanyuan Cuizhi, but I can play with Fourth Brother and the others, accompanied by six beautiful maids. It would be fun to set off fireworks and light firecrackers together.

She had already made up her mind that on the first day of the new year, she would bring Dabai home to pay New Year's greetings to her parents, and then the family would happily eat dumplings before coming back.

Just spend New Years with them. .

The person who was still red-faced was now completely distracted, Ye Xusheng couldn't help laughing, and asked softly, "What is the second sister thinking?"

He Xiner came back to her senses in seconds, and saw that his eyes were clear and his smile was gentle.

Huh, is it normal?
His nimble eyes flickered lightly, this man didn't drink too much, he was just teasing her on purpose.

With a soft snort, she turned her head away to ignore him.

Ye Xusheng chuckled, the little girl's coquettish appearance was too cute.

"Hey, open your mouth~"

A peeled shrimp was brought to her mouth, and He Xiner subconsciously bit it into her mouth, only then did she remember that she was angry with him now, how could it be broken in a second?

But she was just playing around with him, so if you break the merits, you can break the merits.

So she was not coquettish, and told him her plan, "I'll go back earlier on the first day of the new year, and I'll ask Yuanyuan to go skating..."

Speaking of Ye Yuanyuan, her bright eyes dimmed, "It's a pity that Cuizhi is not here, otherwise it would be more lively."

Seeing that she was in a low mood, Ye Xusheng rolled his eyes wide, and said that the reason why he teased the little girl was to draw her attention.

Now, the little girl is upset, if you don't comfort her, he will feel distressed, if you comfort her, she is afraid that if she continues to talk about this topic, it will not be beautiful.

"Dabai's draft is broken."

The weather is cold, and the food gets cold quickly. Ding even puts soup and dumplings in a casserole. Cover it tightly to keep warm, so it won't be cold for a while.

Ye Xusheng opened the lid of the casserole, stooped to take the big white special sea bowl from the short case, filled it with a bamboo colander for more than half of the bowl, bent down to put it away again, and patted it on the head in a very friendly way. How gentle, how gentle.


(End of this chapter)

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