The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2161 When will Xu Sheng come?

Chapter 2161 When will Xu Sheng come back
Dabai couldn't help shaking his body.

When did the brat become so kind?

And He Xiner's gaze followed Ye Xusheng involuntarily, and then moved to Dabai. Seeing that it was funny, she couldn't help being amused.

"Ah, it's been another year, Dabai is already a young man, it's time to marry a wife and have a baby, haha—"

great white...

The prince is still a baby!

It turned its head silently, showing its gorgeous back to the two on the warm couch.

It's been a long time since I haven't seen it, and it made me lose my temper. He Xiner couldn't stop laughing when she saw it.

Ye Xusheng looked at her dotingly, and there seemed to be a hot spring flowing in his heart, nourishing his life and warming his soul.

Full of happiness is almost overflowing.

She is his everything.

He Xiner, who was in a better mood, talked with him about the New Year's arrangements with great interest, "I will have a surprise with my father and mother at that time, please keep it a secret~"


"Hey, they definitely didn't expect me to go back in the first day of junior high school."

She proudly raised her chin, and even gave him a wink. That eccentric look was so cute, Ye Xusheng couldn't help but raised her hand and patted her on the head, "Second Sister said so."

He Xiner squinted her lively eyes, looked at him and then at Dabai, and muttered softly, "It's the same as touching Dabai~"

Ye Xusheng couldn't laugh or cry.

But Dabai moved his ears and continued to eat silently.


At this time, the second bedroom of the Ye family was extremely lively.

Ye Shitian's family of four, Guan Xiuyuan, Guan Mingwei, father and son, and Ye Laijin, Ye Xuyang, father and son were all there, accompanying Ye Laiyin and the Wang couple to celebrate the festival.

Little Wang Jinling had already been taken home by Uncle Wang, so Ye Yuanyuan was the only girl.

It wouldn't be boring to have Xiao Xuyang around.

The spicy hotpot seasoning business is booming, so Ye's workshop is naturally very busy, even in heavy snow days, there is no rest once.

And the large and small restaurants that cooperate with them have also more than doubled their turnover throughout the winter compared to previous years because of the spicy hot pot.

Even into the twelfth lunar month, passenger flow is still increasing.

As a supplier, Yejia Workshop naturally has to do its best to supply the needs of all parties and increase its efforts to fry sauces.

People in the village are used to the horse-drawn carts for purchasing raw materials and transporting sauces that go in and out of Yejia Village every day.

At the beginning, some people were jealous of Ye Laiyin's family and those who went to work. After Ye's workshop purchased a large amount of firewood, everyone could go to the mountains to chop firewood in exchange for money, and the number of sarcastic remarks gradually decreased.

It's better to go up the mountain to chop firewood for silver if you have the time to spend on teeth.

A solid load of firewood costs five cents, and a capable man can cut seven or eight loads a day, which is better than going to the town to work.

Besides, during the slack season, the most indispensable thing is people, and it is not easy to find a job.

The Ye family workshop uses a lot of firewood, and they never refuse anyone who comes, and they never find fault with embezzling money, as long as they work hard, they can make money.

Those who go to work are paid even more generously. It can be said that with the existence of the Ye Family Workshop, the entire Ye Family Village will benefit accordingly.

Now no one is jealous of Ye Laiyin's family anymore, at least there is no acid talk on the surface.

Earning other people's money, it's not easy to offend the master, isn't it?

The people who have tasted the sweetness can be said to be full of energy and enthusiasm, and they will not stop at the end of the year. They go to the mountains together to cut firewood to make money every day, and they wish they could not rest at the end of the year.

It was Ye Laiyin who said that the workshop had an annual holiday in the new year, and the collection of firewood was temporarily suspended, so everyone gave up.

After careful calculation, I made a lot of money in the winter, and I can live a fat year, so I am happy in my heart.

The workers in the workshop were even more happy from ear to ear after receiving an extra reward of one month's wages.

All of a sudden, every household was beaming with joy.

And the four major shareholders finally had time to sit down and straighten out the accounts.

The wages of the workers have never been less, but they themselves have not paid any money.

It's not short of money, and the other thing is that I'm too busy and don't have time to pay attention to Bala's accounts, so I don't move.

Everyone is not fussy.

It's not that today's holiday has time, and the four families get together to calculate the accounts and pay dividends.

I don't know, I was taken aback.

In less than four months, a total profit of more than 9000 taels of silver was made!
Nearly 5 taels!

Each family distributed 1 taels of dividends, and the rest was put on the account as the principal.

Once the exact figures came out, Ye Shitian, Ye Laiyin and Guan Xiuyuan were okay with talking, but they surprised Ye Laijin.

He didn't participate in the doll business of the previous three companies, and he didn't know how profitable it was. In the workshop, he was also a master who didn't touch money, so he had little idea of ​​how big his business was.

Oh, he also boldly guessed that a total of 1 taels would be a big deal, but he didn't know there were so many, so it's no surprise.

With a huge sum of 1 taels in his pocket, he has been in a trance all morning, always feeling like he is dreaming, and walking is as soft as walking on cotton. .

"Uncle Ye, when will Xu Sheng come back?"

Guan Mingwei has been helping out in workshops during the day since the holidays, and at night he lights up the lamp to read and goes to bed until midnight. After suffering like this every day, he has lost a lot of energy.

The already slender person is more tall and straight, like a bamboo like a pine; the exquisite facial features are also more three-dimensional and profound, compared with the gentle and elegant scholar image in the past, he is more tenacious and more handsome.

The end is majestic and imposing, showing talent.

(End of this chapter)

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