The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2162 They are all sensible and good children

Chapter 2162 They are all sensible and good children
After receiving the huge dividend, Ye Laijin was secretly excited all the time, but he didn't want to show too excited in front of the younger generation.

After all, he was happy, drank two more glasses of wine, and felt that his whole body was light and light, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

The person who was secretly excited for a while, when his eyes fell on Xiao Xuyang who was being fed by Ye Yuanyuan, Fang gradually calmed down.

The eldest son has a bright future, so he doesn't need to worry about anything.

He is most worried about his half-crazed daughter and autistic young son.

Originally, he wanted to buy more dowry for his daughter, and he could always find a good family. If he had a son and a half daughter by then, he would be able to gain a foothold with his parents-in-law.

It's better to live in peace and stability than to ask for her kindness.

When the youngest son grows up and buys him a daughter-in-law to carry on the family line, he, as a father, has completed his task.

But now~
Thinking of that mysterious doctor, his heart was burning.

He couldn't think of it before, and he didn't dare to think about it, but now he dares to think about it.

It wasn't that he was thinking secretly, since he was revered as a miracle doctor, his medical skills must be extremely high, and the consultation fee is naturally extremely high, but he doesn't know how much it is.

It is said that a thousand gold is hard to find, even if it is exaggerated, it will never be too little.

His family has two children~
Well, I have to discuss with the second child how to get in touch with Brother Zhang, first find a genius doctor.

If it doesn't work, just borrow it from the second child.

As a result, the person who was completely immersed in his own thoughts just lowered his head and thought about his thoughts, and didn't pay attention to what Guan Mingwei said at all.

But Ye Laiyin, who was drinking with Ye Shitian, looked over. At this time, he was all red and beaming, and smiled very warmly at Guan Mingwei, "Xu Sheng wrote earlier that he wanted to spend more time with Xiner. return."

Guan Mingwei nodded, and said in a warm voice, "Xu Sheng is a caring person."

He couldn't tell what it was like in his heart. After all, Xu Sheng was occupying the status of a cousin, so he could accompany her in an upright manner.

But he has no reason to meet people.

He is a foreigner.

Ye Laijin finally came back to his senses, and said with a bright smile, "Who told him to be a brother, it's not right for him to accompany his sister."

Mrs. Bai smiled at Mrs. Wang, "All the boys in our family are good brothers who love my sister."

Mrs. Wang was full of smiles, and gently stroked her swollen abdomen with her hands under the table, her soft face glowed with the brilliance of motherhood, "They are all sensible and good children."

Several old men will smile heartily.

Ye Yuanyuan gently pinched Xu Yang's little nose, and teased him, "Is Xu Yang a good and sensible boy?"

The little guy lowered his head slightly, looked at the big bad wolf doll in his arms seriously, and turned a deaf ear to her words, Ye Yuanyuan was not discouraged, and continued to tease him softly, "Is the big bad wolf a sensible and good boy?" ah?"

Ye Laijin looked at this scene with tender eyes, and his thoughts became more firm.

As for Guan Mingwei, he was thinking of He Xiner and his younger sister and mother at the same time, feeling disappointed.

According to his original intention, he wanted to go to the border to accompany his mother and younger sister.

But next year is the year of the township examination, and if he misses it once, it will be three years. For the future and for her, he has to work hard.

If not, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

In the second month of the new year, there will be the county examination, followed by the government examination, hospital examination, and rural examination. If it goes well, you will have to go to Beijing to catch the examination...

Guan Mingwei clenched his fists hard and exhaled secretly.

Can't be anxious...

After lunch, Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Ye Yuanyuan and Mrs. Cao who rushed over quickly cleared the table without touching Mrs. Wang's hands.

Everyone did not go to the room, but still sat around the dining table, discussing the next thing.

There is a stove for boiling water and a brazier in the restaurant. It is warm and comfortable, and it is convenient to drink water. Everyone likes to talk and chat here.

Ye Mancang brewed a pot of Pu'er, he was responsible for pouring the tea, and Guan Mingwei served one by one in front of everyone.

Mrs. Cao cooked two cups of milk for Mrs. Wang and Xiao Xuyang.

This was bought by Ye Laiyin from a wealthy family in the town, and it was specially for Wang's health.

Of course, he followed He Xiner's suggestion.

If it wasn't for fear of being too eye-catching, he would have wanted to buy a cow and raise it at home.

But after thinking about it, I decided to go to the county to buy a house in the new year, and then buy a few houses for servants to serve Wang, and buy two cows and ewes, so I can be prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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