The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2163 is a person who will not enjoy happiness

Chapter 2163 is a person who will not enjoy happiness
Ye Shitian picked up the delicate and elegant blue and white porcelain teacup and sniffed it lightly, then grinned and said, "Everyone says this tea is good, but I can't get used to it..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Shi choked, "I should pour you a bowl of raw water!"

"Ha ha--"

In front of everyone, Ye Shitian was not annoyed at being slapped on the face by his daughter-in-law quite mercilessly, but laughed heartily instead.

"We are a rough man from a farmer, and we drink raw water for lunch, and when we are tired and thirsty from working in the fields, we lie down by the river and drink it, and we are used to it.

It's not all of a sudden, it's really uncomfortable. "

Bai Shi glared at him angrily, "I think you just don't know how to enjoy life!"

"Who said not to come..."

Ye Shitian slapped his thigh fiercely and said with a grin, "We were born to work, and it's such a pleasure to have something to do every day! I really can't bear to be idle and drink big tea every day."

This made everyone laugh.

Ye Yuanyuan covered her mouth and sniggered, Ye Mancang also grinned and giggled, his father actually told the truth, no one wants to be idle if they have money to earn.

But Bai Shi didn't bother to talk to him anymore, and turned to chat with Wang Shi.

After all the previous Pink Panthers were sold, she and Ye Yuanyuan had been helping in the workshop, during which she declined Ye Laiyin's proposal and insisted on not receiving wages.

It's not right to contribute to one's own business.

Guan Xiaojiazi helped out in the workshop when he was free, and he didn't get a penny.

They are all their own people, so it would seem petty to care too much.

Their mother and daughter are not lazy, and it is nothing to make an effort.

But compared to the workshop, they prefer to accompany Mrs. Wang to do needlework in Erfang.

One is cleanliness, so you don't have to endure all kinds of stereotypes and temptations from the second, third, fourth, and fifth families.

The other is that I really like those cute plush dolls. I can't get enough of them. Every time I make a finished product, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

Can use them to earn money, the sense of accomplishment is even more bursting.

Therefore, she discussed with Wang that when He Xiner came back, she had to design a fun doll for them so that they could continue their 'business'.

Naturally, Wang did not refuse.

Don't look at her being pregnant, but she can't stay idle. After the Pink Panther's career came to an end, she felt that it was boring to stay at home every day, so she took out the clothes and made a coat for He Xiner, and prepared to give it to the baby in her stomach. Children make small clothes.

In short, I haven't been idle.

She is also thinking about making a new doll again.

It doesn't feel good to make money by yourself.

On this side, the two had a happy chat, and the gentlemen on the other side also chatted enthusiastically.

"What girl Xin said earlier, because the workshop is busy, I haven't found time to discuss it carefully. This time I will be free. Let's just add up."

Speaking of serious matters, Ye Shitian put away his previous silly smile, and took a slightly serious look, calm and airy, full of airs.

Looking around slowly, Guan Xiuyuan, brothers Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin all nodded in agreement, expressing that it was time to straighten things out.

Guan Mingwei and Ye Mancang sat up straight with serious faces.

After they came back from Fucheng and met He Xiner in Dingfuju, he knew that his father could give Ye Wei the method of planting garlic yellow, and he didn't ask any more questions after that.

He has taught her the left and right methods, and it has nothing to do with him whether he grows or not.

If the speed is faster, it can be harvested in the first month, which is when there is a shortage of green vegetables, and it can be sold at a good price then.

Later, when the weather is warmer, it is not suitable to plant this garlic yellow.

Therefore, whether they can make a small fortune depends on whether they are doing business.

As for the people in the village, they didn't mention it.

One is that business is good, and everyone is so busy that they don't have time to be distracted.

The other is that the big guy is chopping firewood happily, earning money every day, the life at home is not too difficult, and there is no urgent need to earn money.

So, no rush on these things.

(End of this chapter)

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