The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2164 They Are All Shameful

Chapter 2164 They Are All Shameful

"Xin girl is generous and thoughtful..."

Guan Xiuyuan spoke slowly, expressing his approval of He Xiner's idea.

He wasn't there before, but he heard Ye Shitian and the others talk about it. At that time, he said it was He Xiner's scene, and he was very thoughtful. Now that he mentions it again, he still has a lot of feelings.

Guan Mingwei's eyes were full of tenderness, and his heart was also soft.

miss her~
Mrs. Bai looked over and said, "When we first opened the workshop, there were a lot of bad words in the village, especially those who wanted to work but were not selected. They scolded us behind their backs..."

When she mentioned this, she was still a little angry, "They are all shady people. I just let them take advantage of it for nothing. I am really upset."

Ye Mancang took it for granted, according to his thinking, he really didn't want those jealous people to get caught up.

"Our family is booming too fast, it's too eye-catching, and it's inevitable that people will hate it. A few curses behind the scenes won't hurt anything. Thinking about the time when someone tricked me, the whole workshop was almost folded in. It's really a shame. Heart trembling..."

Guan Xiuyuan still has lingering fears when he thinks about it now.

If it wasn't for Sheng Boy, they would have been tricked to death.

Speaking of which, Sheng Zizi still has abilities, good at reading, high in martial arts, and good at tricks.

It's no wonder that in the entire Ye family village, he is the only one who can win the favor of Zhang's father and son, and left a hand to protect him before leaving.

Of course, the reason why Brother Zhang accepted him as his apprentice was also because of his outstanding character and honest temperament.

That kid is a good one.

At the beginning, he liked that kid as his son-in-law, but it's a pity that his daughter's thoughts are on the Zhang family boy.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, how could he forget this.

He only thought about the child's mother's injury, but he didn't think about his daughter's worries.

Guan Xiuyuan's beautiful peach eyes flashed lightly, and his heart, which had been dull for a long time, felt a little looser.

His thoughts drifted away, and Ye Mancang said, "It's all despicable villains behind the scenes! It's best not to let me know who he is, or his mother won't recognize him!"

Ye Laijin said, "I won't mention the past. We have no power or influence. If we can avoid trouble, we can make money safely and securely is better than anything else."

"It's said that a big tree attracts the wind, isn't that the reason?" Ye Shitian took the words, "The carriages for the purchase and delivery of the workshop come in and out every day. I don't know how many people are watching. Naturally, jealousy and jealousy are inevitable. This It's also inevitable."

He gave Ye Mancang a serious look, "Don't mention this again in the future! Aren't you making trouble with your tongue for nothing?"

The corners of Ye Mancang's lips were tense and he remained silent, obviously not convinced in his heart.

Seeing that Ye Shitian was about to scold him again, Ye Laijin hurriedly said, "So it's better for Xin girl to be considerate. Instead of making people jealous and trying to make trouble, it's better to give some benefits to win people over, so as to save people from being troublesome moths." .”

Mrs. Wang listened quietly at the side without opening her mouth.

Cao Shi originally wanted to help her to rest, but she said she was not tired and wanted to talk with the big guys, so Cao Shi had to let her avoid and go to the old house by herself.

Ye Yuanyuan coaxed Xiao Xuyang to play, just listened to these things and never interrupted.

And Guan Mingwei poured tea for everyone from time to time, and he just listened with his ears.

Bai Shi, who took the topic awry at the beginning, has also turned a corner now, patted his legs and said, "Oh, it's all my fault for bringing up those old sesame seeds and rotten millet again. We know about those who talk badly in the village." It's not just a day or two, they are all incompetent, they can only play tricks.

Ever since we started collecting firewood, they all counted on our workshop to make money, but they didn't dare to speak harsh words, and instead they were eager to curry favor, so it can be seen that they are all greedy for money. "

After a short pause, he continued, "However, this kind of person is easy to win over, and he can be bought if you give him some sweetness."

Speaking of this, she turned her head and smiled at Wang, "How about that girl Xin'er is smart, she is not in the village, she sees these things more clearly than anyone else, and she has spent so many tricks to deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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