The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2166 I will pay attention

Chapter 2166 I will pay attention

Several people made a detailed calculation and made a collective decision after smoothing out the ins and outs of the matter.

You can find the village head to draw a place after the new year, and you don't have to wait until the first month to start construction, and you don't have to pay so much attention if you don't build a house.

The money comes from the public account of the workshop, and a total of 30 taels for bricks, tiles, wood, and labor is enough.

This little money is really nothing to them, not to mention taking the public account, it is trivial to pay for it themselves, so they didn't bother about it.

What really needs to be thought about is hiring a teacher.

But the school hasn't been built yet, so there's no rush.

What He Xiner meant was to take advantage of the opportunity of hiring a wife to cultivate her network, hoping to be a help to them in the future.

Even so, the choice of Master cannot be arbitrary.

At that time, a careful investigation is required.

Ye Laiyin said, "It is most appropriate to leave this matter to Mingwei. He is studying in the academy in the town, and he associates with scholars. It is easier to inquire about news."

Guan Mingwei was slightly distracted, and when he heard his name, he immediately came back to his senses, and hurriedly said, "I will pay attention."

It is thanks to the blessing of Lao Ye's family that the Guan family can have today, and he is extremely happy to be able to do something for everyone.

Even Guan Xiuyuan felt gratified that his son could help.

The matter was settled, and the business of the workshop was discussed again.

When the spring is warm and the weather is warmer, the business of spicy hot pot will gradually become deserted, which they all know very well.

In the past, I thought about leaving some workers temporarily in order to save costs, but now I don’t need it.

People in the village are not well-off, and most of them cherish being able to work in workshops. After all, the wages are there, and they feel guilty if they don't do well.

Besides, how many people are staring at this job covetously, they are clear in their hearts, how dare they do things perfunctorily?
They can count on doing it for a long time to support their families.

If he kicked people out suddenly, it would definitely cause a lot of dissatisfaction, and maybe there would be trouble.

Although Ye Laiyin and the others are not afraid of trouble, it is better to have one thing than one thing after all.

It is said that harmony makes money, and now they are also businessmen, and they are more or less particular about this kind of thing.

Therefore, they all strongly supported He Xiner's proposal.

"According to Xinya's arrangement, we will be busy in the future."

Ye Shitian's face was full of red, and he laughed heartily. As long as he thought of something to do, he would be happy from the bottom of his heart.

Everyone else is about the same.

Earn money, who doesn't like it.

"Then what kind of seafood sauce, bean paste, soy sauce, vinegar, etc., put them away first, and arrange too many at once, I'm afraid it won't be beneficial..."

Ye Laiyin looked around and said in a deep voice, "My idea is to focus on the chili sauce and fermented bean curd first."

As the saying goes, you can't eat a big fat man with one bite, and the same is true for business, you have to take it step by step.

If you arrange a big booth all at once, it will be easy to get too big, and the opposite will happen.

As the founder of the workshop, Ye Laiyin has the greatest say in the invisible, and he is serious in doing things, he is extremely safe, and people are very convincing.

Although he is the youngest of the four, he speaks the most effectively.

Of course, he has always discussed with the big guys, and he still has a high awareness of being a younger brother.

It was Ye Shitian and the others who subconsciously centered on him, and it gradually became a habit.

Besides, what he said makes sense, it's all for everyone's benefit, why don't you listen?

Just like now, Guan Xiuyuan and the others didn't have any objection to his proposal, so they settled down happily.

"Tomorrow, I'll go to the town to buy two boards of tofu and come back. I'll try to make it according to the method Xiner provided. If it goes well, I can start working directly after the year."

"Okay, let Mancang accompany you."

"it is good."

After discussing for a long time, everything that can be thought of has been arranged, and everyone feels relaxed and in a good mood.

Ye Mancang re-brewed a new pot of tea, this time it was Xinyang Maojian, which was bought by Ye Xusheng, and he also brought back the previous Pu'er tea.

Between the hot air floating, the refreshing tea fragrance permeates, the room is elegant and quiet, calming the mind and nourishing the heart~
Ye Shitian suddenly felt refreshed, and couldn't help but praise, "The tea smells so good!"

(End of this chapter)

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