The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2167 Be careful to wake him up

Chapter 2167 Be careful to wake him up

Bai Shi glared at him angrily, "This is going to pretend to know tea!"

Before the words finished, I couldn't help laughing, and turned to Wang Shi, "It's hard for him to be a rough man, and now he's pretending to be an elegant person."


Ye Shitian laughed out loud.

"How can I know tea? I can't pretend to be an elegant person. It's just that the tea is really fragrant, and I can't even smell it..."

Wang pursed her lips and smiled, "This is the tea Xu Sheng bought, so it's naturally good."

When Ye Xusheng was mentioned, she smiled very gently.

"He also bought the Pu'er tea just now. He said that drinking Pu'er tea after a meal can relieve tiredness and digestion."

Everyone has been busy recently, and there has been no time to get together, let alone drink tea leisurely.

"Scholars know a lot, and they are more particular about drinking tea. That's the real elegant person..."

Bai couldn't help but praised, "I see that kid Xu Sheng has become more and more handsome since he studied in the county, and his demeanor is like the son of a rich family, not like a country boy at all."

Guan Xiuyuan also praised Ye Xusheng a few words.

Not to mention Ye Shitian, he really cares about Ye Xusheng, he looks good everywhere, and he can't stop talking about him.

In this regard, Ye Laiyin accepted all of them unceremoniously, and the pride in his eyes was not too obvious, just like praising his son.

Xu Sheng is naturally good.

On the contrary, Ye Laijin kept a low profile and only sipped tea quietly.

But the high corners of his lips betrayed his good mood.

Xiao Xusheng drank a glass of milk after dinner, which can be said to be a hundred thousand full, and in addition to the warmth in the room, he was particularly prone to sleepiness.

Previously, he held on and played with the big bad wolf in his arms, but in the end he couldn't resist the attack of sleepiness, and gradually fell asleep in Ye Yuanyuan's arms.

Seeing his cute sleeping face, Ye Yuanyuan's heart almost melted.

Stretching out her hand to gently poke his pink and tender little face, the soft and slippery feel made her want to stop.

Just when she couldn't help but make another move, Bai Shi found out, and angrily and funnyly said, "Be careful to wake him up."

As he spoke, he came over and carefully held the little guy in his arms.

Ye Yuanyuan hurriedly got up and took her cloak to cover him.

Mrs. Wang sent her to the kang in her room, so she couldn't sleep comfortably and was so tired.

So, the two women and Ye Yuanyuan, the only three female relatives, all went to the upper room.

Ye Laijin sat calmly.

Giving the child to them is more reassuring than leaving it in the hands of his own mother, so naturally there is no need to tell them anything.

Everyone wentssip again, and it's getting late.

In winter, the nights are long and the days are short, and even the best weather will be gloomy after Shenshi.

The temperature drops accordingly.

Ye Shitian and his son were about to leave.

It's the holidays today, and life is better at home now, so we have to kill chickens and rabbits to clean up two tables of good dishes.

It's not a good job to wash vegetables and cook in this cold day.

The father and son were reluctant to let the Bai mother and daughter be burdened, but they would not throw all the work of Da Fang to Zeng.

Forget about burning torches and spoons, washing and rinsing with cold water has always been Ye Mancang's job.

Although he didn't like Zeng's temperament, he never treated her badly.

After all, she is his wife.

And Ye Shitian went back to chat with his parents.

Both Ye Dayou and old Yuan were worried about how much money he had earned as a shareholder, and they waited for him to go home so they could find out.

Especially the old Yuan Shi, who wished to confiscate all the money of his sons and keep it in her hands.

That is the real master of the house, even thinking about it is enjoyable.

It's a pity that all five sons are disobedient.

And Ye Shitian was the most disobedient one.

He won't even say how much he earned, let alone hand it in.

The hard-earned money their family earned would never give his mother the opportunity to subsidize his daughter.

As for the part of honoring his parents, he didn't care.

The business of the workshop is doing well, they have made a lot of money, and he is not stingy, he wants to give a generous amount of filial money, so that his parents will also be happy.

Just when the father and father drank the tea in their cups and were about to say goodbye, Guan Xiuyuan suddenly said in a deep voice, "I have something to discuss with Brother Shitian, Brother Laijin and Brother Laiyin..."

(End of this chapter)

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