Chapter 2168 You Can't Go
His face was calm and his tone was low, inexplicably making people feel heavy and solemn.

Guan Mingwei's heart tightened suddenly.

Subconsciously sat up straight, her pitch-black eyes became deeper and deeper.

But Ye Shitian, Ye Laijin, and Ye Laiyin brothers were a little confused.

But none of them were stupid, and they realized something was wrong when they turned their thoughts.

Ye Laiyin was the first to react, and immediately said haha, "Haha, I also happen to have something to discuss with Brother Guan."

His speed was so fast that Guan Xiuyuan was taken aback, and asked subconsciously, "What's the matter?"

As soon as he blurted out the words, he understood, and his heart immediately warmed up.

"I appreciate Brother Laiyin's kindness, but this matter..."

He was interrupted by Ye Laiyin before he finished speaking, "Brother Guan, why did you get out of bed? Neither of you can cook, and you eat at my house on weekdays. How can I ask you to go back because of the big festival today?" Toss around?"

He waved his hand, very proudly: "That's it, let's spend the New Year together. In the evening, brother, I will accompany you and your father to have a good drink or two."

Because we had to discuss things, we didn't drink at noon.

Now Ye Laiyin took this as an argument, saying that he must have a drink to his heart's content. His attitude was unprecedentedly tough, making Guan Xiuyuan dumbfounded.

And Ye Shitian gave his son a look, Ye Mancang understood.

He turned his head and put his hands on Guan Mingwei's shoulders naturally, and said with a good brother-in-law look, "Mingwei, I have something to discuss with you."

His voice was very soft, his dark face was slightly flushed, and he was a little shy, "Why don't we go to my house and talk..."

It's too cold outside, I can't just stand on the street chatting stupidly, so I can only invite him to his house.

Guan Mingwei knew very well that he wanted to take himself away.

Clenching his hands under the table, he looked at his father, feeling his eye sockets sore.

He also thought about his mother and younger sister who were far away at the border, and thought about putting aside the things in front of him and going to be by their side.

But it just can't.

It's useless for him to say it.

Therefore, he couldn't wait to become stronger, and therefore he dared not miss next year's scientific examination.

He felt guilty and contradictory, his whole body tensed into a string, and he never felt relaxed for a while.

"Father, you can't go."

Rejecting Ye Mancang's kindness, he opened his mouth softly, his eyes flushed.

If he wants to go, he should go.

Even if he is useless, he will not just watch his father take risks.

Yes, adventure.

The northern border is thousands of miles away, and the journey to the mountains is high and the road is long, not to mention the danger of encountering bandits and thugs, but it is extremely tormenting to travel thousands of miles and cross mountains and rivers.

Coupled with the severe cold and harsh climate in the north, people who have traveled all the way can't bear it, and it's no wonder they don't get sick.

They are a family of four, no one can fall down anymore.

Guan Xiuyuan never mentioned his plan to his son, because he was afraid that he would stop him. He thought that while everyone was off guard, he would simply entrust his son to the Ye family brothers, and then go to accompany his wife and daughter without any worries.

In the end, he was blocked by Ye Laiyin, and he didn't have a chance to speak.

The son's eyes were even redder, and he was firmly not allowed to leave.

He is relieved.

But he couldn't help it.

Ever since he knew that there was a constant war on the border, his heart has been tugging, and he has never felt at ease.

Without seeing his wife and daughter, he couldn't even sleep well.

These days are just holding on.

The father and son met each other's eyes, concentrating on speaking for a while.

Seeing this, Ye Laiyin said, "Don't worry, Mingwei, your father won't go anywhere. In the next year, he will accompany you to the county town, the prefectural city, and the provincial capital for scientific research. How can you go away?"

Both father and son were amused by him.

They didn't say anything, and they were arranged clearly.

After this interruption, the previous heavy atmosphere dissipated invisible, Guan Xiuyuan and his son felt a little relieved.

However, Guan Xiuyuan didn't change his mind, and said straightly, "Brother Zhang's righteousness not only saved Zhi'er's mother and daughter, but also took care of her mother and daughter's life, and even searched for a miracle doctor to save Zhi'er's mother. Our father and son are very grateful..."

He spoke word by word very slowly, but he didn't allow Ye Laiyin to interrupt again, and his tone was unprecedentedly dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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