The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2169 We Can't Let You Go

Chapter 2169 We Can't Let You Go

Guan Xiuyuan's meaning was very simple, they accepted the Zhang family's father and son's love, but they couldn't let him spend money.

Just think about it, Liu's injury is so serious, if it weren't for the large amount of medicines, he might have lost his life long ago.

After such a long period of time, this medicinal material alone is not a small sum of money.

And looking around for a miracle doctor will also cost money.

Although Zhang Tieniu holds a high position, there is no reason why people should do things for nothing.

What's more, walking outside, food, housing and transportation all cost money, at least you have to pay enough money.

Calculated in this way, the genius doctor has not yet been invited, and it has already cost a lot.

And the doctor's consultation fee is a large amount.

The Guan family already owed the Zhang family a huge debt, so they couldn't even ask the Zhang family to pay for the money.

So he is going to give money.

He has prepared 2 taels of banknotes for the family property he saved before, plus the dividends this time.

He estimated that he might not be able to, but right now he only has so much.

Take it for emergency first, and then think of a solution later.

Mainly because he was anxious to see his wife and daughter.

Not seeing them with his own eyes, his heart is really uneasy.

After Guan Xiuyuan finished speaking, everyone felt heavy and were speechless for a moment.

Ye Shitian and the others could understand his mood, but they couldn't let him go.

Farmers like them really can't imagine the scene of bloody war, but they also know that people will die in war.

How dare to agree with him to go on an adventure?
Ye Laiyin's eyes fell on Guan Mingwei's face, and seeing his red eyes and frowning, he couldn't help but sigh secretly.

After a little thought, he said slowly, "Brother Guan's mood, we can all understand."

He looked up and met Ye Shitian's eyes, and continued, "But we can't let you go."

Ye Shitian nodded again and again, "You have also read Brother Zhang's letter, knowing that their mother and daughter are well, you should relax."

"Yes, brother Zhang is careful, and he will definitely take good care of their mother and daughter."

"Besides, how can he be short of money as a general, you don't have to rush to send it. The mountains are high and the road is far away, so it's not safe to travel with so much money. If something good or bad happens on the way, won't Brother Zhang feel sorry for it?"

"That's what you said, they are all from your own people, so don't see outsiders."

The three brothers of the Ye family could be said to be earnest, chattering around Guan Xiuyuan to persuade him.

Ye Mancang on the side also pulled Guan Mingwei and whispered something.

Guan Xiuyuan secretly glanced at his son, not to mention the war.

He said in a deep voice, "I've already made up my mind, you don't need to persuade me anymore."

Ye Shitian became anxious, "You know..."

He is so anxious!

Guan Xiu is far less rough than them.

People in their thirties still have thin skin and tender flesh, good health, exquisite facial features, and a slender figure. Their whole body looks like the young master of a wealthy family.

Standing with Guan Mingwei, they are not father and son, but more like elder brothers.

Such a delicate person, in Ye Shitian's eyes, is not weak, but definitely has nothing to do with physical strength.

With his body, how can he travel thousands of miles?

Not to mention that the border is full of chaos, and there may be some dangers. This trip is simply bad luck!

Seeing that Ye Shitian was about to blurt out in a hurry, Ye Laiyin patted his hand and said loudly, "Boss, don't worry! Brother Guan didn't leave immediately, didn't he discuss it with us?"

At this time, Ye Shitian also reacted belatedly, the Guan family boy is still there, so why couldn't he hold back and almost let it go, it really shouldn't be.

Young boys are more impulsive, if you let him know, it will be a disaster.

So he hurriedly made an excuse, and said with a laugh, "I'm afraid that Brother Guan will not find anyone if he goes there, isn't it a waste of trouble?"

An idea flashed in Ye Laiyin's mind, and he immediately had an idea.

He pointed to Guan Xiuyuan and said, "Boss really hit the point. The military camp is not a place where you can enter at will. Besides, we ordinary people may not know where the military camp is. How easy is it to find someone?"

Fighting, who knows where the barracks are.

His mind was running fast, racking his brains to think of excuses, which could be regarded as embarrassing him to death.

"I wondered if Big Brother Zhang is not called Zhang Tieniu outside, but he is a general. How can he be called such a rustic name again?"

(End of this chapter)

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